Guild Hall Kitty
id love a mascot for my guildhall, but a cat wouldnt look right, a husky yes, a cat no.
This would be awesome, and give me a real reason to go to the guild hall. Please, I would pay *far* out the a$$ for either a kitty-mini or kitty in the guild hall. (preferably "real" pet cats, ie. house-cats)
Cats are great.
Cats are great.
Sophitia Leafblade
/signed , i wants one in our hall too

I'm allergic to cats, I have Asthma. 
Can I have a rabbit or a hamster instead?

Can I have a rabbit or a hamster instead?
The kitty. Let me tell you something ppl, the kitty stands no chance against the pug in Kaineng City or the pigs in the Battle Isles, so those better be there too.
Anyway, this will add life to the guild hall, definately.
Anyway, this will add life to the guild hall, definately.
Sheep anyone?
Sheep are cool
Sheep are cool