What is max damage for a bow?
I would like to know what the max damage is for a bow. I always thought it was 11-22, but I found a bow with 12-22 damage. Was this a glitch or just a normal max damage bow? I hope it wasn't unique, because I salvaged it. I found it right outside of the amnoon oasis on my way to seeker's passage.
Arya Nibelrund
Bow: 15-28
Yes the max damage for a bow is 15-28. 11-22 however is the max damage for staves and wands.
huh? i guess my bow i found was less than unique, thanx.
Fyre Brand
If you need to upgrade your bow you can visit the weapon crafters or weapon collectors in any higher level area (like the desert or south shiverpeaks in prophecies for example) and get a max damage, max damage mod bow fairly cheap. Check out Guild Wars Wiki for the details.
Originally Posted by NJDFan82
Yes the max damage for a bow is 15-28. 11-22 however is the max damage for staves and wands.
Brother Gilburt
Originally Posted by BrotherGilburt
and swords.
Brother Gilburt |