What armour should my Nuker use?
My female nuker. Which 15k armour set should she use because she's a nuker?
Wrath Of Dragons
i prefer pyromancer, because from my experience the most commony encountered element is fire. do you have factions or prophecies?
procephies only. still looking for more suggestions.
I prefer the aeromancer, although I frequently switch between fire, air, and earth. I just like the looks more, I'm shallow.
fire dmg is most common in pve
air dmg in pvp
but it depends on the region your in.
earth and water are more unique ingame (since most go with the two above)
skins in factions can incl. stats off any of the above and more
air dmg in pvp
but it depends on the region your in.
earth and water are more unique ingame (since most go with the two above)
skins in factions can incl. stats off any of the above and more
demon dantes
for tyria pyromancer armor. if it was canthan id suggest a different armor but you don t have it lucky you lol.