Canthan Battle Lines


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Under World

Eye Of The Serpant


Sorry if this has been asked before but serach is disabled.

Ok I have played since the headstart event and have seen that the line does not move much. The only real movement you see is by the Harvest Temple. I do a lot of Challenge missions like Aspenwood and also do the alliance battles but what makes the thing move? Is it determined by the number of wins in alliance battles or faction gained for your side as a whole?

When I got factions I was under the impression we did things like Aspenwood and winning at certain spots made that piece of the line move. Obviously this isint the case, when you see the prerelease shots the line is everywhere. What is the deal?


Join Date: Dec 2005




I think it's bugged...Everytime I do AB, I win for Kurzick, but still, the line stays on the kurzick side..not good huh :/


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Under World

Eye Of The Serpant


Well it could very well be bugged but don't you think Anet would have addressed/fixed the problem by now? I thought/think the line and fighting for outposts is a huge part of the gameplay and yet there has been little word on exactly what changes the lines up. Watch the final factions vid on guildwars site you will see the map with the kurzicks pushing almost into cavalon


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


well right now the luxons hold the Durheim Archives, so yes, the line does move, but it takes more than a single battle to move it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Blinkie Ponie Armie


Originally Posted by
I think it's bugged...Everytime I do AB, I win for Kurzick, but still, the line stays on the kurzick side..not good huh :/
Hey now, that's excellent! (I'm Luxon.) But it's not just you who's playing those battles, y'know, and it's going to take quite a number of wins for one side to shift the battle line (at the time of writing, the current map is Grentz Frontier. GO LUXONS GO). I've found that mostly, the line shifts back and forth between Saltspray Dragon (neutral) and Etnaran Keys (biased in favor of the Luxons). This is actually the first time that I've personally seen the line move toward Kurzick territory.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Girl Power [GP]


The farthest ive seen it move is to archives, and thats once or twice. not that it means anything except in a few explorable areas.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Santa Rosa, CA

Confusion in The Ranks[tArD]


i really don't know about thi stuff... so confused lol... yesterday i think it went to like genthz frontier or some weird place dunno.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Under World

Eye Of The Serpant


Mine may be bugged cus ive never seen it move around there?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

playing GW

iv seen just the end if it move on my map


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



Well the Alliance battle maps are designed/balanced in such a way that the majority of the time it will be a fight for control of the harvest Temple. If an side makes inroad into enemy territory the staus of Seafearers rest and Durehim Archives might change. Its possible to get deeper into Luxon and Kurzick Territory but the maps are so biased towards the defending team that you dont see them much and if you do the entire defending team has to be really really outplayed for it to get much deeper.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by anubis_master
iv seen just the end if it move on my map
The middle of the line can't move because of fort aspenwood and jade quarry. Those two always have to be right on the line.

I'm still kinda underwhelmed with the battle line... Of course, since the maps are biased to favour the defending side, i didn't really expect the line to move far into one territory. Statistically speaking, there will be a roughly equal amount of good and bad teams on each side, since you can't form a full 12-man good team and keep winning like in HoH.

So, unless the entire GW community decided "hey let's move the line to Cavalon" and luxons start massively ragequitting alliance battles, I don't think we'll see anything other than those 3 arenas. For all we know, there might be only 3 arenas.


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



The lines can move past jade quarry and fort aspenwood it just that those places become a dot in a sea of the oppenents color. It looks kind of funny having this little stronghold of the enemy faction in the middle of the territory.

Also according to the strat guide there are two more maps. Kaanai Canyon (Luxon last line of defense) and Ancestral Lands(Kurzick last line) that I have never seen.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Originally Posted by Alleji
For all we know, there might be only 3 arenas.
I remember seeing somewhere that there are 5 area's in total. However, you'd prolly need to win an awefull lot to see the Kurzick final and Luxon final stronghold.




Join Date: Dec 2005

On the Beach

I'm still hoping that the glowing chest in KC opens when either side has conquered everything.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Under World

Eye Of The Serpant


Yes even the 8 v 8 competitives can be taken. The final vid shows the Luxons getting totally owned. Anyway I think they need to rework the system then so people can form real teams or something because what fun is a battle line if there is really no way to make it move.