anyone have an answer for this
demon dantes
well heres the deal everyone has the freedom to say what they would like. but as in real life if you assault me verbally i can either retaliate or take more drastic measures. i have seen latelly that people have been using a word to degragate black people and ethnic or foreign alot more then normall. now being black it does bother me but i change districts and move on. now a couple of days ago i was in cavalon and the people in there were having a large discussion about god lol don t ask me why but thats what they were talking about. now i had written a statement that i was lfg and 3 people two in the local channel and 1 in a pm began to tell me to shutup n@@@@@ we are talking here and noone cares what you are looking for. now 1-i never mentioned that i was black. 2-why would a bunch of people just say that out of the blue? so i did what anyone would do i took ss about 3 and sent them to anet. now here is the problem. i had responded to 1 of them that i ss what he had said and he said do you honestlly think this will be my first ban. he said he had been banned a ton of times for this but it is only a 24hour ban. can anyone tell me why you would only ban someone 24 hrs for such incident? seems to me if you are going to make a racist comment you should be gone ban the whole account for good. everyone has said that anet cannot do anything about it cause they didn t do anything wrong but that is untrue. if this were to happen in real life they can be arrested for this if you have physical proff of some kind. so in gw wouldn t a ss be the proof? just wondering if this has happend to anyone else and is it really a 24hr ban?
I don't know, but I agree with you they deserve a MUCH longer bann.
Racisme can't be tolerated, not in real life not in games...
Racisme can't be tolerated, not in real life not in games...

Yuo Can Do It!
Guild Wars, much like WoW, will do nothing about it - for the following reasons:
Built in chat filter (options)
You can literally ignore them.
You can put them on your ignore list.
You can move to another district.
They've taken some of these steps so that they don't have to bother with stuff like this.
Also - screenshots won't do anything, as they can be edited. But I'm guessing they have logs of all chat records, so maybe a time would help them.
Does it REALLY effect your game experience to have someone calling you names? Grow up, ignore them, don't respond to them, it's what they want.
Built in chat filter (options)
You can literally ignore them.
You can put them on your ignore list.
You can move to another district.
They've taken some of these steps so that they don't have to bother with stuff like this.
Also - screenshots won't do anything, as they can be edited. But I'm guessing they have logs of all chat records, so maybe a time would help them.
Does it REALLY effect your game experience to have someone calling you names? Grow up, ignore them, don't respond to them, it's what they want.
konohamaru heaven
Actually chat filter or not it is a bannable offense since its in the Rules of Conduct
Yuo Can Do It!
Originally Posted by konohamaru heaven
Actually chat filter or not it is a bannable offense since its in the Rules of Conduct
I'm sure it is, but they obviously don't care much about it, or have more important things to be doing.
They should indeed put a perm ban on it. Some people just say "N@@@@" as a word in friendship, but that one definately wasn't. And it was against the rules of conduct so he might actually get one. I think he was just trying to act "cool and tough" but he's probably pissed his pants for getting banned.
Unfortunately, ANet can't monitor everything 100% of the time. If someone does something like this, take a screenshot showing the issue, note your location and district, along with the time and then goto and proceed with the reporting. Having the place and time allows them to verify that what you claim is infact the truth, the screenshot is just icing on the cake so to speak.
Rayne Nightfyre
I think it's difficult for A-Net to justify permanently banning someone for words alone, even if it was a racist comment or worse. Usually it seems that actions are what merit longer ban sentences, such as a scam. Although I wish they'd up the ban length for offensive words to perhaps a week or two, because a day would hardly phase them. But if not, I guess keeping local/trade chat off or just ignoring idiotic comments would help. :/
demon dantes
well i agree with what the one guy said i don t really take to what is said that much as i said most of the time i just change districts or just turn chat of but 1 i was looking for a party and 2 the guy had sent it directlly to me. what people say is what people say but when it is directlly right at a person that is the problem i have. and to have ss of the guy saying he was banned multiple times for this for 24hrs seems like this would be a on going thing with this guy. wouldn t that in fact warrent a longer ban. there has to be a line drawn on what you can say regardless and show people hey play the game and don t be a a@@.
It could be that the guy was bluffing, saying that he'll only get a 24 hour ban to make you think that reporting him would be a waste of time. (That would be my guess of why he said that)
It's my understanding that repeat, persistent, offenders suffer from longer bans for each offense. (But I don't know this as fact, just from a few threads I've read in these forums)
Yes, A-Net keeps chat logs and all of that stuff to verify the accuracy of reports of EULA violations.
It's my understanding that repeat, persistent, offenders suffer from longer bans for each offense. (But I don't know this as fact, just from a few threads I've read in these forums)
Yes, A-Net keeps chat logs and all of that stuff to verify the accuracy of reports of EULA violations.
Originally Posted by Yuo Can Do It!
Does it REALLY effect your game experience to have someone calling you names? Grow up, ignore them, don't respond to them, it's what they want. |
We are dealing with racist comments here. It isn't simple name calling and it as hell isn't a whining statement. People get offended by them and it's something very serious, there is a reason why they're against Anet policy. So why don't YOU change your attitude and stop beating this guy down.
Edit: Sorry if I'm a bit pissed off, but I think I got the message around.
Actually, there is some very nasty laws in the United States that might come into effect. They apply harassment. Technically, if you were not satisfied with ANet's resolution of the situation you could take them to court for it. As you are a customer, it is technically possible for them to condone a hostile environment for you... by not taking appropriate measures. *shivers*
Anyways, I've never heard of that coming about from internet issue, but I do know it can happen in the work place... I'm Italian and there are a couple of choice words that get tossed my way from time to time. I'd just report it, move on, and stay away from them.
As for more racially derogatory slurs bouncing around these days, I'm not sure. I normally filter most of the chats in Guild Wars out anyways, mentally. But you shouldn't have to do this.
I hope, if he truly typed these things, that he is banned permanently. I'd rather have a couple of bots around than a bunch of people attacking others for their beliefs, race, and such.
Anyways, I've never heard of that coming about from internet issue, but I do know it can happen in the work place... I'm Italian and there are a couple of choice words that get tossed my way from time to time. I'd just report it, move on, and stay away from them.
As for more racially derogatory slurs bouncing around these days, I'm not sure. I normally filter most of the chats in Guild Wars out anyways, mentally. But you shouldn't have to do this.
I hope, if he truly typed these things, that he is banned permanently. I'd rather have a couple of bots around than a bunch of people attacking others for their beliefs, race, and such.
demon dantes
i had to edit my post as i was responding to health soldier and now i see his post is missing lol thnx.
Too many people get too offended too easily.
Originally Posted by Demesis
I hate it when someone posts "deal with it" or "quit whining" or "grow up".
We are dealing with racist comments here. It isn't simple name calling and it as hell isn't a whining statement. People get offended by them and it's something very serious, there is a reason why they're against Anet policy. So why don't YOU change your attitude and stop beating this guy down. Edit: Sorry if I'm a bit pissed off, but I think I got the message around. |
Swampgirl Inez
I'm just stepping in here to remind everyone that this is a GuildWars forum. Racism is a touchy subject for lots of people and a thread like this can very easily escalate into a flame war. I've had to delete several posts already.
Keep your posts respectful and informational, please. If flaming starts up again, it will be closed.
Keep your posts respectful and informational, please. If flaming starts up again, it will be closed.
Mister Overhill
Well, the bible stated (allegorically) that the human race began with a very small population group, and spread out from there. And of course, everyone blew that off as a fairy tale.
Now science has proven conclusively, through DNA research, that everyone on the face of the planet is descended from the same small population group in Africa long before the dawn of recorded history. So called racial differences and characteristics are the result of genetic drift over time as the original group expanded and spread to the far reaches of the globe, separating geographically from one another.
In short, there is no such thing as a red race, yellow race, black race, or white race. There is only one race, the human race, and the sooner we accept that fact and deal with it, the sooner we will leave the years of ignorance and prejudice behind.
Now science has proven conclusively, through DNA research, that everyone on the face of the planet is descended from the same small population group in Africa long before the dawn of recorded history. So called racial differences and characteristics are the result of genetic drift over time as the original group expanded and spread to the far reaches of the globe, separating geographically from one another.
In short, there is no such thing as a red race, yellow race, black race, or white race. There is only one race, the human race, and the sooner we accept that fact and deal with it, the sooner we will leave the years of ignorance and prejudice behind.
Sorry if this seems kind of rude, but this is a perfect example for my thesis. I may only be in grade 8, but my teacher wants a good essay, and I'm doing it on Online-gaming stereotypes. Do you mind if I use this as an example?
Get used to it is all i'm going to say, might sound blunt but it's everywhere.
Random Arenas huge spurs of God and ethics and blah blah.
The "n" word as well, many people use it as a deragatory. Many younger people will use the word such as an insult, thinking it's just a word, but it's not.
As to those in the same district with me I simply say Grow some balls and get more mature in all chat.
Also it seems the "n" word is not a RED ENGINE GORED word.
Gah, as the online sterotype, racism is not a streotype and the use of one word is not a streotype.
Try all farmers are chinese people in sweatshops.
All the people playing games are older men preying on people.
Playing games makes your child go suicide or kill him/herself or another.
Just Googled "online streotypes" and got, .
Random Arenas huge spurs of God and ethics and blah blah.
The "n" word as well, many people use it as a deragatory. Many younger people will use the word such as an insult, thinking it's just a word, but it's not.
As to those in the same district with me I simply say Grow some balls and get more mature in all chat.
Also it seems the "n" word is not a RED ENGINE GORED word.
Gah, as the online sterotype, racism is not a streotype and the use of one word is not a streotype.
Try all farmers are chinese people in sweatshops.
All the people playing games are older men preying on people.
Playing games makes your child go suicide or kill him/herself or another.
Just Googled "online streotypes" and got, .
As an addition to the posts regarding the length of time a person is banned for. ANet keeps track of reported / acted upon offenses, and repeat offenders tend to get a bigger punishment for multiple offenses.
ie 24 hours for the 1st one, 48 for the send, 1 week for the 3rd, etc.
ie 24 hours for the 1st one, 48 for the send, 1 week for the 3rd, etc.
Originally Posted by Cador
I agree with you and the OP, Being jewish with a grandparent who survived the holocaust it kills me when someone uses Jew as derrogatory, or starts screaming Heil Hitler (which no is NOT edited)jew is but heil hitler is not. It gets me boiling mad
I therefore conclude that most people just try to piss you off and don't believe what they say at all. Which does not improve the whole thing though...
As for the OP, chalk it up as an asshole moment, report it, move along. No sense in getting all worked up about it, it won't change a thing.
Its a sad fact but for some reason racism is part of human nature, which does not justify it. I mean its human nature to empty your bowels on occasion but people have the decency to go to the toilet and do it. People calling you a Nazi or a N****er just shows their ignorance and lack of self-control. Its a form of harrassment and I'm sure you can take it further than the game's moderators if it were to persist.
I smell a closure any time soon.
Sekkira, so we should ignore the fact that people were enslaved and lynched for there skin color just because this is the internet. You underestimate the power of language. To use that word in this context simply shows that you are either incredibly evil or incredibly ignorant.
I personally get on people about using the word "rape" lightly. I've had friends who were raped and it isn't cool or funny in any sense. Odds are you know someone extremely scarred by rape and you never know who you are telling that you just "raped them". I let people know that I am reporting their comment to Anet. If they say something like "dude take a joke", I tell them that it is just too close to home for me to laugh at. If they continue to flame I enter a report. It doesn't take 10 minutes and if you note the time, place and character they can pull up public chat and pms for that district and time.
It is really easy to expect everyone to understand context, but online you have to expect the opposite. At a bar in my town, a comment like Sekkira's would get him shot (dead serious). People die every day due to ethnic hate, there is no reason to make light of it online.
I personally get on people about using the word "rape" lightly. I've had friends who were raped and it isn't cool or funny in any sense. Odds are you know someone extremely scarred by rape and you never know who you are telling that you just "raped them". I let people know that I am reporting their comment to Anet. If they say something like "dude take a joke", I tell them that it is just too close to home for me to laugh at. If they continue to flame I enter a report. It doesn't take 10 minutes and if you note the time, place and character they can pull up public chat and pms for that district and time.
It is really easy to expect everyone to understand context, but online you have to expect the opposite. At a bar in my town, a comment like Sekkira's would get him shot (dead serious). People die every day due to ethnic hate, there is no reason to make light of it online.
Jew can be used in a derogatory context as well. Considering they were slaves for some time and pursecuted even longer. Yes there's racism, yes it has it's origins. Are/were you a slave? Do you know the hardship personally? No? Shutup.
I am neither Negroid nor Jewish but I still have compassion for those who were enslaved/killed and everything else that happened to them. Hypothetically, If I were to punch your mother, it wouldn't bother you? Just because it isn't directly aimed at someone or it happens in the past doesn't mean its doesn't matter.
Acting tough Sekkira? Insulting people behind your keyboard and going around having no compassion for oppressed people? You'd be banned already if it was up to me, as your ignorance doesn't hurt only you here.
**edit** Most of his posts were erased, rightfully so. Just saying so you don't misunderstand this post and other reactions...
**edit** Most of his posts were erased, rightfully so. Just saying so you don't misunderstand this post and other reactions...
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Are/were you a slave? Do you know the hardship personally? No? Shutup.
Yes, I'm very oppressed. As an Australian, I know all about racial discrimination. I've insulted pretty much everyone possible in my entire life. It's great.
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Yuo Can Do It!
Guild Wars, much like WoW, will do nothing about it - for the following reasons:
Built in chat filter (options) You can literally ignore them. You can put them on your ignore list. You can move to another district. They've taken some of these steps so that they don't have to bother with stuff like this. Also - screenshots won't do anything, as they can be edited. But I'm guessing they have logs of all chat records, so maybe a time would help them. Does it REALLY effect your game experience to have someone calling you names? Grow up, ignore them, don't respond to them, it's what they want. |
Yes, they do ban people for this in short or weekly periods. The person from the quote must do this all the time; maybe hes trying to stop people from reporting him so often.
Sekkira, you are really promoting trivializing ethnic and racial hardship? Do you enjoy it when people mock and trivialize your personal and family issues as some sort of a joke. Using abusive ethnic language is like asking a kid if he cried like a baby when his father left him.
If you enjoy pushing people's buttons to get a reaction, I really hope you grow up. People deal with their hardships every day and they don't need some 17 year-old idiot joking about it. I shoot the bull with my friends and guildies within context, but when I'm in a pub or in local chat I make sure I'm being the adult and not offending anyone.
If you enjoy pushing people's buttons to get a reaction, I really hope you grow up. People deal with their hardships every day and they don't need some 17 year-old idiot joking about it. I shoot the bull with my friends and guildies within context, but when I'm in a pub or in local chat I make sure I'm being the adult and not offending anyone.
And that's the problem with the world today, everyone's so bloody politically correct and SERIOUS BUSINESS about everything. It's horrible. Rape a bitch today, see how it can change your life!
Ignore them and report to Anet with screenshots. There's literally nothing else you can do.
People do this more so online because they can get away with it. I HIGHLY doubt the same people would behave like this in person face to face - because they know they risk physical injury to do so.
Best thing is just to not get involved (report/ignore as above and let it go at that) since all it results in is more bad feeling and doesn't go anywhere... much like this thread.
People do this more so online because they can get away with it. I HIGHLY doubt the same people would behave like this in person face to face - because they know they risk physical injury to do so.
Best thing is just to not get involved (report/ignore as above and let it go at that) since all it results in is more bad feeling and doesn't go anywhere... much like this thread.
Easy solution for the OP:
Get the SS and email them to 30 guild members.
Get a guild member to report him every day of the month.
Problem solved.
Edit: Please close this thread, theres enough hate in RL theres no need to bring them into this gaming forum esp when there are a much younger crowd browsing these forums.
Get the SS and email them to 30 guild members.
Get a guild member to report him every day of the month.
Problem solved.
Edit: Please close this thread, theres enough hate in RL theres no need to bring them into this gaming forum esp when there are a much younger crowd browsing these forums.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
And that's the problem with the world today, everyone's so bloody politically correct and SERIOUS BUSINESS about everything. It's horrible. Rape a bitch today, see how it can change your life!
The political correctness is really overdone sometimes. That much I agree with. I don't care if you want to mouth off all you want in a hypothetical private conversation between us. Not at all. But if other people might see/hear you than you need to respect that, and them. If you know someone is going to be offended by what you say, couldn't you at least for their sake restrain yourself?
Spoiler warning! I'm only playing devil's advocate here:
I could walk up to one of my friends and tell him, "Man, is it ever hard to bury black people. You can't even tell where their bodies are because they blend in with the dirt so well. Later today, I think I'll rape some Jewish children. And I'll drink the blood of aborted babies." He wouldn't take offense, because he knows me and my views and would recognize the comment for satirical intent.
But would I ever say that on a street corner? Or a forum, which basically amounts to the same thing? Um, NO.
Hunter Sharparrow
I've only seen racist comments be thrown around between players never have been involved in it myself. I did go to droks once to see 5 or 6 players from the states bashing canada and the 2 people from canada that had something to say about it. I just stepped up and said "Don't diss canada, Pamala Anderson is Canadian" They stopped.
I saw someone trying to be funny. they said "WTB sex with little boys". I took a screen of it and recorded the time and date. I don't know if anet did anything on it or not.
It's almost like anet need people to monitor the districs (if they don't already) to catch people breaking the rules.
For the op what was said was difinately racist and that person should recieve a perma ban for it. There is one thing though. You said that there was no reason for them to assume you were black? So it sounds to me he was just trying to sound "gangsta". So it could be that that is the way he actually talks in real life (as sad as that is). Not that I'm justifying what he said is not racism just that he may not see it that way. So that would make him more nieve than anything. As the law states however "ignorance is not an excuse". Another thing too. Is it still considered racism if he was black himself? I personally think it is.
I saw someone trying to be funny. they said "WTB sex with little boys". I took a screen of it and recorded the time and date. I don't know if anet did anything on it or not.
It's almost like anet need people to monitor the districs (if they don't already) to catch people breaking the rules.
For the op what was said was difinately racist and that person should recieve a perma ban for it. There is one thing though. You said that there was no reason for them to assume you were black? So it sounds to me he was just trying to sound "gangsta". So it could be that that is the way he actually talks in real life (as sad as that is). Not that I'm justifying what he said is not racism just that he may not see it that way. So that would make him more nieve than anything. As the law states however "ignorance is not an excuse". Another thing too. Is it still considered racism if he was black himself? I personally think it is.
Its time to close this.