Profession: Kamikaze, I am sure this idea has been brought up before.
This is just an idea. I am not going to extend on the idea. I am going to leave that for you forum goers to do. I don't think it is the best idea, but I figure it might give you something to think about.
Where's the idea, exactly? Just the name of Kamikaze? Ye know...that's really not any idea at all, man.
Mandy Memory
Sounds like an assassin in the hands of a noob.
Normally when ther is a concept class, it has attrib points, and skill sugestions. energy lvls and AL. You need all this for a post like this one......................
If you are going to make a thread here, make sure there is a suggestion in the original post. There is no suggestion here, just a name. You cannot simply make a thread and ask everybody else to come up with the detail for you.