I'm going to commit suicide...
What would you do if this happened to you...?
brute blake
Ahhh thats harsh...
Id restart the level but the next time not use crappy old henchmen
crappy old..?!
Well, you did bring Orion and two warrior henchies... and your skillset isn't the greatest either.
Ya, at least go Warrior/necro and bring fiends.
lolol thats funny
I would go to Hero's(?) and change my prof to monk, redo lvl with rebirth or restore life
EDIT: Do you have to be assended to change prof? If so, go with PuGs
EDIT: Do you have to be assended to change prof? If so, go with PuGs
That happens if you don't take Dunham...
Silvergun Superman
That sucks what happened to you. I just finished Thirsty with henchmen as my mes. So easy with mes. Here's what I brought: empathy, energy burn, power spike, sig of disruption, energy tap, diversion, backfire, and res enchantment. 12 fast cast, 16 dom, 3 insp, and 6 healing. These are the henchmen I took with me: Lina, Alesia, Claude, Orion, and Reyna. I did not take any melee henchmen with me as these idiots aggro everything and kills the team. I find henchmen team all casters is more efficient.
I saved the monk boss for last. I attacked at 7:45. Took out the 2 groups first. Time is now about 9:00. Only priest, monk boss, and enchanted bow left. I first cast backfire on the priest and attack him so that the henchmen do the same. After casting backfire on the priest, I immediately cast diversion on the monk boss. I timed it right and diversion shut down his word of healing. I casted diversion again on him and it got orison. By this time, the priest is dead already since monk boss cannot heal him plus my backfire took out most of his hp with the henchmen attacking him. I was amazed how quickly and easily I took out monk group. Good luck to you next time you tackle Thirsty. My advice, take a interrupt/shut down mes with you next time
I saved the monk boss for last. I attacked at 7:45. Took out the 2 groups first. Time is now about 9:00. Only priest, monk boss, and enchanted bow left. I first cast backfire on the priest and attack him so that the henchmen do the same. After casting backfire on the priest, I immediately cast diversion on the monk boss. I timed it right and diversion shut down his word of healing. I casted diversion again on him and it got orison. By this time, the priest is dead already since monk boss cannot heal him plus my backfire took out most of his hp with the henchmen attacking him. I was amazed how quickly and easily I took out monk group. Good luck to you next time you tackle Thirsty. My advice, take a interrupt/shut down mes with you next time
I recommend getting some superior runes and using Illusion of Weakness. That will end the pain and suffering.
I know I would not commit suicide
Da Cebuano
Take pics
Mr D J
Fds ftw! lol... And I had worse moments with this mission :/ I dont wanna talk about it
i was in similar situation with monk boss.
had full team of players with a rebirth monk.... but we all had 60% dp :-(
had full team of players with a rebirth monk.... but we all had 60% dp :-(
Originally Posted by ateddybear
What would you do if this happened to you...?
http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/2183/gw0067bs.jpg Here, have some salt in your wounds.
http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/2183/gw0067bs.jpg Here, have some salt in your wounds.
Originally Posted by ateddybear
crappy old..?!
Fine crappy middle-aged henchmen...
better than mine, i was die and my lovely henchies keep attacking enemies behind the wall.
After 15 min they still not rez me so i quit and do the mission again -_-
After 15 min they still not rez me so i quit and do the mission again -_-
My build could have easily henchied
Rayne Nightfyre
That definitely sucks, but your thread title is a bit extreme...
Los Hectorlos
worst build ever?
...nah I've seen worse :P
...nah I've seen worse :P
Priest Of Sin
*a gunshot is heard in the distance*
Ok, maybe I wouldn't commit suicide... but I would probably just not play the game a couple days. Anywho, there's nothing wrong with my build.......