Everyone thinks Gwen caused the Searing,but I have a new theory on it! The Charr sent in a fuzzy bunny behind the wall to give them info on how to get around it. Then later the fuzzy bunny found a scroll that would allow the fuzzy bunny to cause the Searing. This new development gave the fuzzy bunny control over the Charr which is why the Charr attack the humans.
Why? Because the fuzzy bunny told the Charr about how humans kept bugging the fuzzy bunny by poking it,trying to tame it's fury,and stepping on it.
This was not a test to see how many times I could say fuzzy bunny in a post.Also,this is my serious theory on it.
Did the fuzzy bunny in Pre-Searing cause the Searing?
Gmr Leon
Raif Bahlaan
You people make me sick!
You people make me sick!
Gmr Leon
I'm just asking a question..how am I sick?
how much bud you been smokin?
Gmr Leon
None,but it is 4 in the morning here...
Red Locust
Originally Posted by GmrLeon
None,but it is 4 in the morning here...