The New Expansion
If they were to introduce new professions, they would need to add at least one more character slot. What of the people who have 4 characters and don't want to delete them because they put all the hard work in just to try a new profession out?
I wish I could make more characters now. </whine> 
Really though.. I want to play a mesmer sooooooo bad
I can't wait until the expansion!
Even the summer update, I am really excited for that as well.

Really though.. I want to play a mesmer sooooooo bad
Even the summer update, I am really excited for that as well.
I like the idea of new classes and races, but I think they would have to be relevant to the oncoming story line. A feature I would LOVE to see is a global auction system like in FFXI, so I dont have to see people spamming in capitals about their amazing new sword "WIT FIOR OMG OMG".
Also Mumblyfish said:
"Maybe even add a bit of storyline, good script, and nice voice acting. Aye, I'd gladly fork out some cash for an expansion pack that glossed over/set fire to the existing missions and script."
I don't know if you've played any other MMOs but Guildwars by far has one of the best ways of implementing the story, through the missions. Involving you personally and using your character in cutscenes is lightyears ahead of any other MMOs I've played. Usually its "there is a cliche doom coming to the land of X and it is up to brave adventurers like you to stop it" now go out and level grind. Hell even HAVING half decent cutscenes is a leap forward.
Also Mumblyfish said:
"Maybe even add a bit of storyline, good script, and nice voice acting. Aye, I'd gladly fork out some cash for an expansion pack that glossed over/set fire to the existing missions and script."
I don't know if you've played any other MMOs but Guildwars by far has one of the best ways of implementing the story, through the missions. Involving you personally and using your character in cutscenes is lightyears ahead of any other MMOs I've played. Usually its "there is a cliche doom coming to the land of X and it is up to brave adventurers like you to stop it" now go out and level grind. Hell even HAVING half decent cutscenes is a leap forward.
Drakron, ive finnished the game with 3 characters. And i would do i with another one. Its not grind, its entertainment, playing a game. I only play about 2 hours every other day, maybe 4 on the weekend. Its my entertainment.
made numerous characters ... finished the game with a couple have over 75% of all skills unlocked ... and lovin every minute of it. A persons own perspective can do wonders on things. I just happen to be one that enjoys all aspects of gameplay ... and dont bounce from game to game to game to game within the year/month. still lovin it ... and havin alotta fun meeting some interesting people.
positive outlook ... try it!
I just happen to be one that enjoys all aspects of gameplay ... and dont bounce from game to game to game to game within the year/month. still lovin it ... and havin alotta fun meeting some interesting people. positive outlook ... try it! |
Hrmmm... what about special skills (elite or not) that are only for certain class combos? Then your Warrior/Monk could have his Iron Palm Attack of Dhoom(tm) but not as a regular attack...
-Your character can swim in some places.
-You can have a bigger variety of pets? Like a pet dragon
-You can summon an animal or your pet and you can ride it (I saw this in WoW)
-The characters mouths actully move when they talk
-The weather perhaps? When your character moves about its hair, armor watever moves realisticly
-Defenitly more professions and more spells
-You can design your char's clothes
-More hairstyles, faces more skintones
-Maybe some blood!
-More levels!!!
-More emotes
-Your char can go into pubs, inns etc.
-A bigger map! with new areas.
-More detailed missions, quests etc.
-You can have a bigger variety of pets? Like a pet dragon
-You can summon an animal or your pet and you can ride it (I saw this in WoW)
-The characters mouths actully move when they talk
-The weather perhaps? When your character moves about its hair, armor watever moves realisticly
-Defenitly more professions and more spells
-You can design your char's clothes
-More hairstyles, faces more skintones
-Maybe some blood!
-More levels!!!
-More emotes
-Your char can go into pubs, inns etc.
-A bigger map! with new areas.
-More detailed missions, quests etc.
Gaile Gray
Hmmm, I better share a bit here:
There is no announced release date for Chapter 2. I will bet you a million chocolate chip cookies it will not be 1 February 2006.
There is no announced price for Chapter 2. We'll definitely let you know when that time is upon us, in case you want to preorder from a retailer.
The Summer Update: Sorrow's Furnace isn't offering the laundry list of new content that someone posted. That's Chapter 2, an entirely different item! The Summer Update will offer two large new explorable areas with the Stone Summit Dwarves as a primary inhabitant. It'll have a lot of new quests, new story bits, and more. Any talk about new professions, new races, new regions, new character slots, etc., would be part of a discussion or speculation about the next chapter.
Hope that helps!
There is no announced release date for Chapter 2. I will bet you a million chocolate chip cookies it will not be 1 February 2006.

There is no announced price for Chapter 2. We'll definitely let you know when that time is upon us, in case you want to preorder from a retailer.
The Summer Update: Sorrow's Furnace isn't offering the laundry list of new content that someone posted. That's Chapter 2, an entirely different item! The Summer Update will offer two large new explorable areas with the Stone Summit Dwarves as a primary inhabitant. It'll have a lot of new quests, new story bits, and more. Any talk about new professions, new races, new regions, new character slots, etc., would be part of a discussion or speculation about the next chapter.
Hope that helps!
i personally would love to see new races.. not sure about professions but races would be a nice way to change things up. doing PvP as one species vs another would be fun as hell. Charr vs. Tengu, Human vs. Grawl, Dwarf vs. ..whatever else they could come up with..
I just hope if they do implement races, centaurs are not one of them (that would just be ridiculous).
oh, and they BETTER freaking include new character slots.
I just hope if they do implement races, centaurs are not one of them (that would just be ridiculous).
oh, and they BETTER freaking include new character slots.
wow you got gaile gray in this thread...kick ass
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Lozza
-Maybe some blood!
You could hack off enemies limbs and use those as weapons too.

But I think the gore (is there any) contained in GW is already enough.
But here's a marketing idea: sell gore levels.
The higher the gore level, the more you have to pay for it.
On 2nd thought, it's not that great an idea, is it?
I don't know.

dont think thatd go over well.
I think the game is too fantasy based and whimsical to need blood.
Its just not a gorey game, the graphics more than replace the need for blood
I think the game is too fantasy based and whimsical to need blood.
Its just not a gorey game, the graphics more than replace the need for blood
In reading all this stuff i havent notice but one person complain about the lvles, I mean its not a bad thing that you can only lvl to level 20 and its not hard like it was in diablo 2 where you had to do millions of cow/baal runs before you got where you needed to go to. I do think level restrictions need to be put in certain places to prevent the running through the game so it forces people to play it and lvl and no just go get all the best stuff and come back when it suits them. . . . im tired of working through the game only to see someone whos lvl 2 at droknars after i did all those quests for ascention. I like how the skills work out i really do and i agree with the fact you should have ones that you can only get from your combined skill class.Like mabey add it so when you find the monster with the skill you want it goes to a CS and they talk crap and then you fight him one on one to get the skill. As for the character classes i would like to see new classes for one reason and one reason only. So that you can make a character that can have all the classes together a little of everything like a assasin type would be a little warrior and a little ranger but then you could combine that with someone like a mezmer where they have to trip a trap and get hit with something like backfire or health degen instead of damage and a limp. But this all may just be me. But i think it would be cool. The aution house btw I love and how about more room for gold and a expanded inventory as well as some intrest from day to day as a reward for keeping gold. It might infulence people to spend a little more. Also what they used to do in ultima( i dont know if they do it anymore) but if you play for a year you get a year reward or two year reward. But combine that with the age system so you might get it bassed on hours you play. Past that i cant think of anything else someone else hasnt already worded perfectly.
Well my opinion about this
-More storage space / Guild Storage so u can deposit stuff/gold for ur guild
-Merchant/Storage in Hall
-Training Place in Guild Hall to practice with ppl from ur guild, testing builds or just having fun
-More Weapons like Polearms, Spears, etc
-Shield Upgrades
-NIGHT/DAY/WEATHER (damn it would be great
-More skins or way to customize it (like already suggested) i wish my ele has long hair
and i want real undies for Warrior/Monk babe ^^
-New emotes and why not, a way to design some custom ones
-Friend List editing options (sometimes i got IGNs in list and i dont remember who it is, adding a note/name to ign d help i think)
-New sound effects in battle, especially melee attacks, they suck
-Lvl requirement for stuff or at least armors
what do u think?
But i m against the idea of new races and classes.. additional classes d bring a lot of unbalance in game
But we definitely need more char slots ^^
-More storage space / Guild Storage so u can deposit stuff/gold for ur guild
-Merchant/Storage in Hall
-Training Place in Guild Hall to practice with ppl from ur guild, testing builds or just having fun
-More Weapons like Polearms, Spears, etc
-Shield Upgrades
-NIGHT/DAY/WEATHER (damn it would be great

-More skins or way to customize it (like already suggested) i wish my ele has long hair

-New emotes and why not, a way to design some custom ones

-Friend List editing options (sometimes i got IGNs in list and i dont remember who it is, adding a note/name to ign d help i think)
-New sound effects in battle, especially melee attacks, they suck

-Lvl requirement for stuff or at least armors
what do u think?
But i m against the idea of new races and classes.. additional classes d bring a lot of unbalance in game
But we definitely need more char slots ^^
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Witchblade
-NIGHT/DAY/WEATHER (damn it would be great
Originally Posted by Witchblade
-New emotes and why not, a way to design some custom ones
Some days back I teamed with a guy who seemed to be a good player and made an overall nice impression to me.
At one point, while we were waiting for the team to get complete he said:
There should be a Sieg-Heil emote.

"You've gotta be kidding me." was my reply and he just said "Why not, would be fun"
I don't know if the guy/gal knew what s/he was talking about. Didn't seem to have a racist attitude, but you never know. These people are everywhere.
So my point is: Self designed emotes would be rather complex to be implemented and they would definately be abused.
You already have emote-abuse in GW.
in that case, an addition of alternative moves
cauz, for example, all Male Warrior have the exaclty same /dance emote^^ why not a /dance2 /dance3 etc 
Details of course, but funny ones

Details of course, but funny ones

I would like to see more classes.proffesions everything unlocked for pvp but not for pve and for their to be jobs cause that would be pretty cool having your own business
Bragg Madaxe
Would love to have the ability to go inside every now and then, lol. There's a certain atmosphere about going inside Inns, houses, temples, etc., that I loved in another RPG and would love to see more interiors in Guild Wars.
I'm fairly new to this game (a month or so) and one thing that GW lacks is an area set aside for users to sell their collectables. Maybe an area in each town where you can post in a "for sale or wanted" board because there are so many people wanting to get a decent price for good weapons (cos the merchants give you pittance).
Items could be kept for a week and then drop off the bottom of the list. You could get whispered the next time you enter a town if someone has offered something, maybe a kind of paypal thing like they have on ebay, you hand over the item, they pay the money and you collect the next time you enter the area. It would also solve people getting ripped off.
Any opinions?
Items could be kept for a week and then drop off the bottom of the list. You could get whispered the next time you enter a town if someone has offered something, maybe a kind of paypal thing like they have on ebay, you hand over the item, they pay the money and you collect the next time you enter the area. It would also solve people getting ripped off.
Any opinions?
Originally Posted by Bragg Madaxe
Would love to have the ability to go inside every now and then, lol. There's a certain atmosphere about going inside Inns, houses, temples, etc., that I loved in another RPG and would love to see more interiors in Guild Wars.
Bragg |

That d be fun

More storage space. I would like more space than could possibly be used in a lifetime.
Would it be impossible for ArenaNet to have the storage space on our own local drives and encrypt it really well somehow, so that the bad people can't hack it?
It would then be limited by the space on your drive...not by the allowance provided by Anets servers.
I had to sell over 2000 iron last night so i could make room.
Just a thought.
More solo areas...or gameplay that spawns an appropriate number of enemies based on the numbers in your party.
After going through part one and developing 6 different mental health problems because of PUG's....
More weapons and armour please.
More skills...yay for that. Glad that's coming and glad i'm still saving up my skill points.
More character slots...are we getting any Gaile or do we have to delete our characters?
I would imagine that we would get another 2-4 slots with the expansion. It makes sense IMO for them to supply us with slots, since we're providing the cash.
More big enemies.
Unique items.
Trophy items that can be attached to medals.
Your XP etc visible to other players.
Uber rare quest items. Make a big quest spanning all of the continent and the quest item for this is so rare, only a few people a day would ever complete the quest.
Make it so it stirs up really good discussions on the forums about the quest item being a myth. Unsure of reward (you figure it
Perhaps it could be "slay the golden unicorn". No more details should be provided, therefore leaving the player scratching his head and immediately starts asking the other players for advice.
Stir up the community spirit, stop the WTS WTB, and fill the chat channel with excitment and normal converstaion.
Would it be impossible for ArenaNet to have the storage space on our own local drives and encrypt it really well somehow, so that the bad people can't hack it?
It would then be limited by the space on your drive...not by the allowance provided by Anets servers.
I had to sell over 2000 iron last night so i could make room.

Just a thought.
More solo areas...or gameplay that spawns an appropriate number of enemies based on the numbers in your party.
After going through part one and developing 6 different mental health problems because of PUG's....

More weapons and armour please.
More skills...yay for that. Glad that's coming and glad i'm still saving up my skill points.
More character slots...are we getting any Gaile or do we have to delete our characters?
I would imagine that we would get another 2-4 slots with the expansion. It makes sense IMO for them to supply us with slots, since we're providing the cash.
More big enemies.
Unique items.
Trophy items that can be attached to medals.
Your XP etc visible to other players.
Uber rare quest items. Make a big quest spanning all of the continent and the quest item for this is so rare, only a few people a day would ever complete the quest.
Make it so it stirs up really good discussions on the forums about the quest item being a myth. Unsure of reward (you figure it

Perhaps it could be "slay the golden unicorn". No more details should be provided, therefore leaving the player scratching his head and immediately starts asking the other players for advice.
Stir up the community spirit, stop the WTS WTB, and fill the chat channel with excitment and normal converstaion.
I'd like an amazing fantasy world with all the trimmings please.
Yes I want to go large.
Take away please.
Can I have some extra sauce with that?
Yes I want to go large.
Take away please.
Can I have some extra sauce with that?

I would like some crafters for runes and dyes. Well hidden naturally.
so we can make our black dye out of lots of easy to find stuff, if we explore enough.
While I'm in this chain of thought, why not reduce how much the scroll crafter charges, or up the minimum price the scroll traders will buy them for. 5k for a scroll sold for 800? I think not.
so we can make our black dye out of lots of easy to find stuff, if we explore enough.
While I'm in this chain of thought, why not reduce how much the scroll crafter charges, or up the minimum price the scroll traders will buy them for. 5k for a scroll sold for 800? I think not.
I'd like to see them add the ability to RE-BOTTLE the dye you remove. That way, if you decide on another color for your armor, you can keep the old one in a vial, especially if it was black *grin*
Also, I would love to see runes for weapons, like socketing swords with colored stones that make some sort of boost to its attack or whatever. Also make these immovable, so that it is permanent, so if you swap hilts, you're screwed. This would make weapons more varied and harder to saturate us all in me too.
Also, I would love to see runes for weapons, like socketing swords with colored stones that make some sort of boost to its attack or whatever. Also make these immovable, so that it is permanent, so if you swap hilts, you're screwed. This would make weapons more varied and harder to saturate us all in me too.
Creamy Jade
I'd like to see something like an additional attribute line with related skills, but then not appointed to a class, but rather to a distinct dual class. So an attribute for W/Mo (or otherway around), R/Me (or otherwy around) and such. Of course, chances this ever happening would be almost nihil.
I actually hope they add a new race, six new classes and prohibit the races and classes from grouping together, or sharing the same PvE instance. It would be like a whole new nation to be at war with. People could play either side, and switch sides at will... but their characters could only PvP with characters from the same side. It would really give a "war" feel to the game.
If there are in fact new professions, that'll be enough to sway me to buy the expansion... but the backstory as it stands needs massive amounts of work, things just look like shit without lip synch, the voice acting needs work, the backstory doesn't make much sense- someone posted about that a while back, basically, by the end of the game, you've killed off everyone you've come in contract with except communist Thorin and his Henchmen. And hell, those are the only people I've really had a craving to kill off.
yah... the story line jumps over too quickly... i mean, it expects you to like the white mantle, but u barely even care about them... and then they expect it to be terrifying when u find out how bad they are? and im just sitting there like... YESS!!! I GET TO STEAL THEIR ARMOR WHEN I KILL THEM FOR WHITE! but yah... other than that the story line is farely.. "farely" ok :P
Originally Posted by Witchblade
Well my opinion about this
-More storage space / Guild Storage so u can deposit stuff/gold for ur guild -Merchant/Storage in Hall -Training Place in Guild Hall to practice with ppl from ur guild, testing builds or just having fun -More Weapons like Polearms, Spears, etc -Shield Upgrades -NIGHT/DAY/WEATHER (damn it would be great ![]() -More skins or way to customize it (like already suggested) i wish my ele has long hair ![]() -New emotes and why not, a way to design some custom ones ![]() -Friend List editing options (sometimes i got IGNs in list and i dont remember who it is, adding a note/name to ign d help i think) -New sound effects in battle, especially melee attacks, they suck ![]() -Lvl requirement for stuff or at least armors what do u think? But i m against the idea of new races and classes.. additional classes d bring a lot of unbalance in game But we definitely need more char slots ^^ |
...Wow! You have basically said everything that was in my head. (I wish my ele had long flowing hair.... /pout)
I forgot one thing... I know it has its own petition thread, but I personally would be thrilled to see a Role-Playing district in Chapter 2.
OR! you could upload a picture from your computer onto the face of your gw char
that would be sooo cool!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
There is no announced release date for Chapter 2. I will bet you a million chocolate chip cookies it will not be 1 February 2006.
![]() |

I must say that I've been pleased with what GW has offered so far. I just recently finished the game(3 weeks ago) with my mesmer "ima nixontoo" so Im not tired of what there is now, but I am definitely ready for some more options. Some of the things I would like to see have most likely already been suggested but for the sake of opinions:
~more storage space
~different skins for armor, that way we dont see the same thing everywhere...and maybe a 10k version? or even a higher $$ one for the end of this expansion
~different classes, adds more variety of what you see, not the same warriors dancing behind my ele with her 15k aero.
~what about a different dye color?
think thats all i got for now, any other ideas? rumors even?
~more storage space

~different skins for armor, that way we dont see the same thing everywhere...and maybe a 10k version? or even a higher $$ one for the end of this expansion
~different classes, adds more variety of what you see, not the same warriors dancing behind my ele with her 15k aero.
~what about a different dye color?
think thats all i got for now, any other ideas? rumors even?
For those that have as much logged on time as I have, 1100 hours after release and 75 hours each BWE and WPE (I had spent about 1 month breaks between chars I played). Haveing the expansion come out two months ago would have prevented the enjoyment of the game leaveing entirely. Just a great lacking of content in game. The Summer update they had never arrived til >>fall<< and that only added a few short hours of new stuff.
A time frame of 6 months between expansions is a bit long for a title whos content only lasts like 2-3 months if pushed...maybe longer if your one that rarely logs on.
Another MMO I played I logged 3500 hours on in about 6 months time. Only quit that one because it was turning into too much like work with all the farming it's quests and item upgrades required (kill this mob for a 1% chance drop rate item required to progress farther in the game).
A time frame of 6 months between expansions is a bit long for a title whos content only lasts like 2-3 months if pushed...maybe longer if your one that rarely logs on.
Another MMO I played I logged 3500 hours on in about 6 months time. Only quit that one because it was turning into too much like work with all the farming it's quests and item upgrades required (kill this mob for a 1% chance drop rate item required to progress farther in the game).
Originally Posted by shadowriath
For those that have as much logged on time as I have, 1100 hours after release and 75 hours each BWE and WPE (I had spent about 1 month breaks between chars I played). Haveing the expansion come out two months ago would have prevented the enjoyment of the game leaveing entirely. Just a great lacking of content in game. The Summer update they had never arrived til >>fall<< and that only added a few short hours of new stuff.
A time frame of 6 months between expansions is a bit long for a title whos content only lasts like 2-3 months if pushed...maybe longer if your one that rarely logs on. Another MMO I played I logged 3500 hours on in about 6 months time. Only quit that one because it was turning into too much like work with all the farming it's quests and item upgrades required (kill this mob for a 1% chance drop rate item required to progress farther in the game). |
Did you have a typo there?
Thats equivalent to playing 19.5/24 hours every day for 6 months.
Unless you left it on without playing, I really don't see how is that possible.
I mean it is, but boy, you sure would have some problems if you were there all the 3500 hours.

Originally Posted by huh
Thats equivalent to playing 19.5/24 hours every day for 6 months.
Originally Posted by kg_lildude1
thats how much i time i spend on the computer every day, not just playing games though, if it was only games for that long, then of course it only lasted you a short amount of time.
Back to topic.
- I wanna see unique skills for each combination (w/mo, w/n, w/e, r/n, r/mo, etc.)
- Better storyline
- More warehouse space
- More than 4 characters on 1 account
- More weapon variety
- No new playable races
- Leave the level cap at 20
Hmmm... can't think of anymore at the moment
Oh yea, wouldn't mind having a huge pve map with like 20+ players against a horde of rushing monsters or somethin... something huge like omaha beach style. I think wow included something like that in a recent patch, not sure.
And about the possibility of new professions, i'm not completely against it but no doubt it will have a huge impact on profession balancing at the time... but i'm confident that would be able to nerf what's needed to smooth out the gameplay and keep it an even playing field for all professions
Originally Posted by alwo
Oh yea, wouldn't mind having a huge pve map with like 20+ players against a horde of rushing monsters or somethin... something huge like omaha beach style. I think wow included something like that in a recent patch, not sure.
I've never played WoW so I don't know if its an idea from there.
Regardless I'd love that!
Something like Undead Hordes but on a much larger scale with much less crappy monsters.
I mean, level 1 skeletons there?
C'mon now!
it makes me laff.....
Before Guildwars was released, and I was trying to convince someone to get it... my main argument was that it was free monthly... when question how they would manage this I explained they the "said" you have regular cheap expansions.
The argument put to me then was that you probably dont save that much money because of the frequency they would have to release them in order to make the game financially viable.
so at first there was a worry of too many expansions...
oh how we were all so wrong.
Before Guildwars was released, and I was trying to convince someone to get it... my main argument was that it was free monthly... when question how they would manage this I explained they the "said" you have regular cheap expansions.
The argument put to me then was that you probably dont save that much money because of the frequency they would have to release them in order to make the game financially viable.
so at first there was a worry of too many expansions...
oh how we were all so wrong.