I heard there was a video that showed what the next professions might be. One of those "possible" professions was a person weilding a bladed staff and this is just what I'd like the class to be like.
Type: Close frontline support. Or Melee/Caster
4 Attributes:
(Primary Attribute)
Righteous Fervor - (Passive) Killing your enemies in the name of your patron god heals your lost vitality. Each point in righteous fervor boosts the Health recieved from killing your foe by XX points. ( I kinda want this to be like the necromancer's soul reaping but he gets health instead of energy. )
Blade Staff Mastery - Each Point in this attribute increases damnage done by the blade staff, with each point in this attribute there is a slight increase for the blade staff to hit adjacent foes. ( I'd prefer this guy did not have adrenaline skills )
Mirage Skills - Assault the senses of your enemies with desert trickery or increase the awareness of companions. Each point in this attribute increases the effectiveness of mirage skills. ( The majority of skills here will be frontline support skills other than healing. )
Manifest Corporeal Skills - Summon Objects from the next plane of existence into the physical world. Some things in the next world are highly volatile living creatures, while some substances from the next world can be used to temporarily improve weapons and armor. Each point in this attribute increases the effectiveness of manifest corporeal skills. ( The majority of skills here will deal physical type damnage but will be "slashing" "blunt" "piercing" type damnage depending on the object summoned to attack your enemy. )
Blade Staff - Two-Handed Weapon. ( He should definitly not have more DPS than a warrior on a single target )
His armor rating should probly be something in the caster/assassin armor rating. ( This guy isnt meant to be a tank )
30 Base Energy. ( 38 with a full set of energy boosting armor )
I'd like to see this guys health be in the same area as a rangers health area.
The main role I would like this guy to fill is close frontline support. He should probably be as soft or even a softer target than an assassin is right now. Also I figured casting spells that did physical damnage would be pretty cool. I'd kinda like to tie in some of the mirage skills and blade mastery skills close together somehow so that this guy would have a reason for having a melee weapon and still be a close frontline support character. ( If I had good enough ideas for skills I'd post them but hopefully this is enough to give ya an idea on what I'd like a new class to be )
Profession: Myrmidon
Uh all chars have the same base hitpoints at level 20.... (480)
I'm always disturbed when someone describes their class as 'melee-caster' - every time I see it it's usually muscling in on another profession's territory. In this case, it looks like you're after a W/Me/Rt (Mirage is, fundamentally, just a form of illusion, and Manifest Corporeal looks a lot like Ritualist spirits and weapon spells).
If someone wants a melee-caster, they can simply do it with a W/X or an A/X. If the blades aren't just a decoration and we are talking about a melee class here, it would be better to spend the effort making a unique melee fighting style, and let people make their own melee-caster combinations.
If someone wants a melee-caster, they can simply do it with a W/X or an A/X. If the blades aren't just a decoration and we are talking about a melee class here, it would be better to spend the effort making a unique melee fighting style, and let people make their own melee-caster combinations.
yah i guess your right a unique melee class is probaby better
its better than most attempts ive seen at caster/melee, but its very hard to get a good grip on what they should and shouldnt have. I also think there should be a warrior buffer kinda class, melee range AoE buffs as there is none in GW atm. (no i dont count rit spirits as buffs as they can be killed.)
you live up to your name.
Grammar Patrol wins. God knows we need more grammar. Your vs you're is always annoying, but what gets me are the apostrophes. You know, the one's just thrown in because someone think's they make a sentence better, in some rediculous way? Sticking them into plurals, leaving them off possessives, annoying me...
I really wonder whose bright idea it was to remove grammar from the curriculum here in Ontario. The used to teach it, back in the day. But then, six-eight years ago, they decided not to for some reason. Did they decide it was unnecessary? Unproductive? Too expensive? I'll never know. But not a day goes by where my Latin class doesn't complain loudly.
Just because it's the internet doesn't mean you can forget how to speak English.
I really wonder whose bright idea it was to remove grammar from the curriculum here in Ontario. The used to teach it, back in the day. But then, six-eight years ago, they decided not to for some reason. Did they decide it was unnecessary? Unproductive? Too expensive? I'll never know. But not a day goes by where my Latin class doesn't complain loudly.
Just because it's the internet doesn't mean you can forget how to speak English.