uw dualing?
I havent been playing for a while and cant find anywhere on the forum whats the point of bringing n/me with me (as a 55 m/w) to the uw? Some links will be appreciated
A long long long time ago UW solo farming got nerfed by having "Dying nightmares" in there, they use rend enchantments and remove all your enchantments. Unless you can surive a blow from an Aatxe while having 55hp, you do not want your enchantments to be removed so you have to stake Spellbreaker. But you were killing with Shield of Judgement, so you can't kill them anymore. That's why you take the Necromancer/Mesmer with Spiteful Spirit to kill them, and with Sympathetic Visage to drain the Smites and prevent that they heal themselves.
ok but what am i suposed to do as a monk? just aggro all of them at once and wait for the necro to cast ss? how to set up (u know spells/stats) for this? spell breaker is going to end quick so ill have to kill nightmares somehow... with a cane maybe? id rather prefer denravi sword- without it ill need a blessed aura or something for longer lasting spellbreaker. are these nightmares going to spawn somewhere else in the uw or only in this first area?
if you cant take 100 health off a monster with 0 armour in the 8-30 seconds your spellbreaker lasts.. gl