Which Hammer you think looks better
Da Cebuano
Wish I had a better pic of the Mursaat & Tetsubo, but its the only one i have online ATM, its dyed black(mursaat). Anyway, my new hammer basically replaces my mursaat as my new main hammer, but I'd like to know what people think of them aesthetic wise. Not alot of people run around w/ that hammer, so i think it stands out abit. The Tetsubo was something I was after till I got the stone crusher, I only wanted to get one or the other. All are basically "The hammers" to get in the GW community so I didn't bother to compare the other hammers unless someone else have a unique skin to show.
Anyway, I'm partial to the Stone Crusher, but the tetsubo does stand out w/ my armor and the Mursaat is just classic. I'm torn, but <3 my new hammer, its the last thing I'll ever buy for my warrior.
The Stone Crusher. I never really like the mursaat hammer
-Old 3FL-
mursaat FTMFW
Tetusbo is awesome. Mursaat hammers never managed to float my boat either.
mursaat hammer is and will always be the best
The undead Mesmer
Give me that Tetsubo zmg that looks awsome o_O the Mursaat hammers are just too detailed
Hmmmm....IMO it's stats vs looks - that musaat vs that vamparic crusher, IMO I would switch between the two
Hella Good
I think the Mursaat is a clear winner. Dyed black?
stone crusher
Tetsubo! That's the skin I thought the Gavel of the Nephilim had.... and boy was I dissapointed.
Tetsubo beats the Stonecrusher, but only just by a little bit.
Mister Muhkuh
mursaat one...
too bad i have a perfect gavel of the nephilim :/
looks crap on male warriors, but might look good one females
too bad i have a perfect gavel of the nephilim :/
looks crap on male warriors, but might look good one females
Elrond Afil
mursaat hands down
Vahn Roi
I'm not a big fan of the Mursaat skin. I say the Stonecrusher
Twin Hammer pwns all. Including the gnarled up Mursaat hammer.
stone crusher
I'd have to say the Mursatt Hammer looks the best of the three, but in my opinion the best skin still goes to the zodiac hammer.
I'm the mod, I said Tetsubo! Now no more posts saying otherwise!
Just kidding...
Just kidding...
The first one, matches the armor
Jiao Yang
Tetsubo.. if only you could find a 15^50 one
Gavel of the Nephilim!
Sorry.. had to say that.. my design ..
I think the first one suite the armour better. But teh Mursatt owns.
Sorry.. had to say that.. my design ..
I think the first one suite the armour better. But teh Mursatt owns.
Kry Onicle
Originally Posted by Jiao Yang
Tetsubo.. if only you could find a 15^50 one
Deffinatly my fave hammer skin
Deffinatly my fave hammer skin
You know, that tetsubo hammer makes it look as if your warrior just ripped the drivetrain out of a car and decided to wield it >_>
Priest Of Sin
give me the one you dont pick :P
!!!Tetsubo FTW!!!
my vote goess to tetsubo. imagine spanking a monster on the behind with that baby
Da Cebuano
Darksun, believe it or not, your hammer was actually my hammer of choice looking at the design coming into factions, that is until I saw the fact that IT IS FREAKIN SMALL JUST LIKE ALL THE DESIGN WEAPON WINNERS -_- honestly, so disappointing, Dragoncrest looks like you're playing badminton, Gavel looks like a crystalline toothpick of doom, The aegis rocks, could've been more detailed or little bigger, but its good, the non warrior stuff are actually pretty good.
Anyway, I knew people were gonna say Tetsubo but my vote goes to the Stonecrusher, its so unique looking and goes w/ every armor in the game ^^; <3 Stonecrusher, sounds too cool. Also i forgot to add another hammer but There is the clouded maul that actually looks very good, maybe other people should post pics of more cool hammers in game.
Anyway, I knew people were gonna say Tetsubo but my vote goes to the Stonecrusher, its so unique looking and goes w/ every armor in the game ^^; <3 Stonecrusher, sounds too cool. Also i forgot to add another hammer but There is the clouded maul that actually looks very good, maybe other people should post pics of more cool hammers in game.
Stonecrusher ftw
Does anyone else agree that Anet forgot a few pixels in the mursaat hammer?
Does anyone else agree that Anet forgot a few pixels in the mursaat hammer?
Jas D
Stone Crusher looks best.
best of all hammers is the Ram's or Giant Slayer's hammer.
Tetsubo looks best Mursaat has always been the ugliest of all Hammers.
The Son Of Morgoth
I would say with that armor Mursaat is the best. O yeah that armor looks hot btw
Tetsubo is sweet
Stone Crusher looks like a Draedel on a Stick. I can just imaging singing that dang song while smuushing my enemies.
Mursaat Hammer looks like the headboard to a bed. It's LIGHTS OUT MUTHA!!$!@#!
As someone else said, the Tsetebo (sp) looks like the crankshaft to a 1967 Mustang GT. Nothing like pounding the snot outta something with auto parts.
Mursaat Hammer looks like the headboard to a bed. It's LIGHTS OUT MUTHA!!$!@#!
As someone else said, the Tsetebo (sp) looks like the crankshaft to a 1967 Mustang GT. Nothing like pounding the snot outta something with auto parts.