there they are
this auction will end on Sunday 9:00 pm
however, i will close earily if a) the b/o price is met b) I get offered in game with price I like
also accepting Ectoplasms and Shards
i will value Ectoplasms at 7.5k and Shards at 3.5k
Storm bows
#1 b/o = 40k sold
#2 b/o = 10k
#3 b/o = 10k
#4 b/o = 8k
#5 b/o = 8k
#6 b/o = 8k
Eternal Shields
#1 b/o = 4k sold
#2 b/o = 3k sold
#3 b/o = 5k
New storm bow added MAX low req with 12% while enchanted!!!
WTS: 6 x Storm Bow and 3 X eternal sheild
3k on shield nr 3
check out the new bow added!!!