Concept Class: SHAPE-SHIFTER



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Class name:
Shape shifter.

Basic Ideas:
The shape shifter basically relys on spells/skills to transform him/herself into a creature to battle, whether it be dragons, kirin or other animals.

Base energy: 40
Base Recharge: 3

for weapons id be thinking along the lines of a staff like weapon. [ changed from claws cuz they wouldnt work to well with armor that low.]

Max armor: 50. in the styles of animals like the ascalon armor, dragon ect.....
ive made it low as not to replace the all other skill classes


Shapeshifting: increases the ability to shapeshift into other creatures
- This Att. controls the shapshifters ability to, well, shapeshift

Animal Powers: increases the potency of your captured animal skills.
- This Att. is kinda like the Blue mages from the final fantasy series in which they capture skills that are used by enemies in the world.

Claw Mastery: increases the amount of damage dealth with claws.
-This Att. is basically like the hammer mastery, dagger mastery atts.

Primal Rage: decreaes the ammount of time it takes to successfully transform/shapeshift.
-This Att. is like the Divine favor and energy storage attributes, the ammount of time it takes to shapeshift is decreased by 1 second

Skill Ideas
R = Recharge time
C = Casting time
E = Energy cost
D = Energy degeneration


These are higher end skills:
and the descriptions are a bit lengthy too
And also may be a bit too over powered.

Flameburst Dragon:
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into Flameburst Dragon for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain: +20 armor, +10 energy and Fire damage is reduced by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with a fire ball that hits a single target for 10-25 fire damage. and your skill bar is replaced with Dragon burst, Dragon Claw Dragon's Aura and Dragon Scales.
Dragon Burst: |C = 0 | R = 5 | E = 5 |
Flameburst Dragon Skill, send out a Wave of Fire that deals 30-50 damage to all nearby foes aswell as setting adjacent foes on fire.
Dragon Claw: |C = 0 | R = 3 | E = |
Flameburst Dragon Attack, Strike target foe with claws for 30-65 fire damage and interupt target foes current action.
Dragon's Aura: |C = 1 | R = 2 | E = 5 |
Flameburst Dragon spell, Heal yourself and all adjacent allies for 50-100 health, if more than 1 ally was healed you loose an additional 5 energy.
Dragon Scales: |C = 3 | R = 5 | E = 10 |
Flameburst Dragon spell, Sacrafice 10% Health and for 10-20 secondstarget other ally recieves +10-20 armor Vs physical and fire damage.

Frost Fiend Wolf[still working on name :P ]
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into a Frost Fiend Wolf of frost for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+20 armor, +10 energy Ice damage is reduced by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with a Melee attack that hits a single target for 10-25 Cold damage. Your skill bar is also replaced with: Frost Bite, Chilling Howl, Ice Sheild and Ice-Sickle.
Frost Bite: | C = 0 | R = 2 | E = 5 |
Frost Fiend Wolf Skill: |Target touched foe is hit for 30-60 cold damage and you are healed for 30-60 health.
Chilling Howl: |C = 2 | R = 5 | E = 10 |
Frost Fiend Wolf Skill: Target Foe is struck for 10-40 cold damage and suffers from weakness for 10-15 seconds.
Ice Sheild: |C = 3 | R = 15 | E = 10 |
Frost Fiend Wolf Skill: cover your self in ice for 8-12 seconds while encased in ice you have 75% chance to block melee and arrow attacks but attack 25% slower
Ice Sickle: |C = 2 | R = 4 | E = 10 |
Frost Fiend Wolf Skill:Fire an Ice sickle at targe toe strikind that target and all adjacent targets for 20-50 cold damage.

Thunder Clap Gargoyle [ Thanks to Trylo for the gargoyle idea ]
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into Thunder Clap Gargoyle for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+20 armor, +10 energy Lightning damage is reduced by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with a Bolt of lightning that hits a single target for 10-25 lightning damage. Your skill bar is also replaced with, Thunder Clap, Gargoyle Gaze, Cloudy Veil and Gargoyle Stance.
Thunder Clap: |C = 2 | R = 3 | E = 10 |
Thunder Clap Gargoyle skill, Send a Thunder Sound wave at target Foe. that target is struck for 30-60 Lightning Damage and becomes dazed for 5-12 seconds
Gargoyles Gaze: |C = 1 | R = 5 | E = 5 |
Thunder Clap Gargoyle skill, Strike target foe for 10-50 Lightning damage and steal that amount of Health.
Cloudy Veil: |C = 3 | R = 5 | E = 10 |
Thunder Clap Gargoyle skill, Target ally is shrouded in a cloudy veil, this ally gains +2-4 health regeneration and cannot be knocked down or interupted.
Gargoyle Stance: | C = 3 | R = 25 | E = 10 |
Thunder Clap Gargoyle Stance, for 10-15 seconds you stay in this stance. While in this stance you suffer -3-2 health degeneration but gain +15-20 armor and cannot be the target of an enemy spell.

Ground Shaker Golem
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into Ground Shaker Golem for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+20 armor, +10 energy Earth damage is reduced by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with a strike from a thrown rock that hits a single target for 10-25 earth damage. Your skill bar is also replaced with, Golems Rage, Sand Blast, Nuturing Earth, and Earth Rave.
Golems Rage: | C = 3 | R = 20 | E = 10 |
Ground Shaker Golem skill, for 10-15 second whilst under the effect of this spell you gain +10-20 armor and deal +5-15 damage with your attacks, this spell disables all your other skills untill it ends.
Sand Blast: | C = 2 | R = 3 | E = 5 |
Ground Shaker Golem skill, send out a wave of sand that hits all nearby foes for 30-50 damage and causes blindness for 5-10 seconds
Nuturing Tree: | C = 3 | R = 25 | E = 10 |
Ground Shaker Golem area spell, you become rooted for 5-14 seconds, while rooted you cannot move from the spot this skill was used, but you gain +4-6 health regeneration and all allies in the area gain + 3
Earth Rave: | C = 3 | R = 25 | E = 10 |
Ground Shaker Golem, stomp on the ground and all enemies in the area are struck for 40-70 earth damage and are knocked down for 1-2 seconds, allies in the area are also knocked down for 1 second but are healed by 60-100 health instead.

Dwayna's Nymph
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into Dwaynas nymph for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+10 armor, +15 energy Holy damage is reduced by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with an enrgy ball fired from a small staff that hits a single target for 10-25 holy damage. Your skill bar is also replaced with, Soothing Wind, Kiss Of Life, Dwaynas Sheild and Power Of Light
Soothing Wind | C = 2 | R = 4 | E = 5 |
Dwayna's Nymph spell, target ally is healed for 30-100 health and if suffering from a conditions, those conditions are removed and you lose 2 energy for each condition removed
Kiss of Life | C = 8 | R = 10 | E = 10 |
Dwayna's Nymph spell, revive fallen ally with 20-50% health and is given +2-4 health regeneration for 4-8 seconds.
Dwayna's Shield | C = 0 | R = 15 | E = 10 |
Dwayna's Nymph spell, Target other ally becomes protected by dwayna's sheild. whilst being protected target ally cannot suffer from more than 3-2 conditions or hexes
Power of Light | C = 3 | R = 10 | E = 5 |
Dwayna's Nymph spell, target allies weapon becomes infused with light, and they deal an additional 5-15 holy damage per hit and steals that extra damage.

Shadow: IDEA POSTED BY: Nevin
C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into a shadow of your target foe for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+10 armor, +5 energy and shadow damage is reduced by 5-30%. Your basic attack is replaced with the basic attack of the target foe you casted on. Your skill bar is also replaced with, Misconduct, Thieved Identity, Shadow's Remorse and Power of deception
Misconduct | C = 2 | R = 30 | E = 5 |
Shadow spell, interrupt target foe replacing misconduct with what ever skill your target was using for 5....25 seconds.
Thieved Identity | C = 3 | R = 45 | E = 10 |
Shadow Stance, gain target foe's armor stats and base energy stats for 5....18 seconds.
Shadow's Remorse | C = 2 | R = 30 | E = 10 |
Shadow spell, For 2...8 seconds any "ally aiding" spells casted on target foe by his or her ally are redirected to you.
Power of deception | C = 3 | R = 30 | E = 25 |
Shadow spell, target foe's skill bar is blocked out and he or she is forced to attack one of his or her allies unable to unengage for 2......17 seconds.

Speed Cheetah[ idea posted by anubis_master ]
Transform into a cheetah for 10-14 seconds, whilst in cheetah form you run 33% faster but all your other skills are disabled.

Black Bear [ idea also posted by anubis master ]
Transform into a Black bear for 10-14 seconds, whilst in this form you have +20 armor and this skill is replaced with Brutal Mauling.

Mountain Lion
Transform into a Mountain Lion for 10-14 seconds, whilst in this form you have +10 armor and this skill is replaced with Lions Roar.
-Lions Roar: Target foe is hit for 10-50 gamage and becomes dazed foe 3-4 seconds

More coming soon :P


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

[Here] | CKOD


25 second casting time *thinks about casting 3 charm animals*

its pretty balanced IMO, mainly because you cant use any skills which leads me to another point...

GW is based on skill, dont clicking a target. If all you can do it click a target and do 25 damage, thats taking everything away from the game that makes it unique. Whats the point of lvling shapeshifting if ill be doing 15 more damage but at 15% less...? These shifting forms are way underpowered (for once) and need to have unique skills or more damage in the first place.

ALSO instead of giant it should be gargoyle, as they are the original air caster in GW, and most giants are necros


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

playing GW

mabey a god idea would be instead of turning into the animal untill energy runs out just have a quick cast and be animal for just seconds. so u would turn into a bear attack then turn back. or turn to a cheeta and run fast for a while then change back.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




i see your points il have another think about the skills

the cheetah idea is really good

tranform into a cheetah for 8-12 seconds. whilst in cheetah form you run 33% faster. :P



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into a dumb henchman for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you suffer :-10 armor, -15 energy all damage is increased by 5-30%. your basic attack is replaced with a ball of energy fired from a small staff that hits a single target for 5-10 damage. Your skill bar is also replaced with a full skill set of nothing but rebirth for you to spam during battle.

Heheh but seriously...

C = 15 seconds
R = 60 seconds
E = 25
D = -1
Transform into a shadow of your target foe for 60 seconds or untill energy is depleted. Whilst in this form you gain :+10 armor, +5 energy and shadow damage is reduced by 5-30%. Your basic attack is replaced with the basic attack of the target foe you casted on. Your skill bar is also replaced with, Misconduct, Thieved Identity, Shadow's Remorse and Power of deception
Misconduct | C = 2 | R = 30 | E = 5 |
Shadow spell, interrupt target foe replacing misconduct with what ever skill your target was using for 5....25 seconds.
Thieved Identity | C = 3 | R = 45 | E = 10 |
Shadow Stance, gain target foe's armor stats and base energy stats for 5....18 seconds.
Shadow's Remorse | C = 2 | R = 30 | E = 10 |
Shadow spell, For 2...8 seconds any "ally aiding" spells casted on target foe by his or her ally are redirected to you.
Power of deception | C = 3 | R = 30 | E = 25 |
Shadow spell, target foe's skill bar is blocked out and he or she is forced to attack one of his or her allies unable to unengage for 2......17 seconds.

The armor to reflect a shadow (Just like how there is a dragon armor to reflect the dragon etc etc..) should probably be a simple hooded cloak with studded body armor with (+30 armor vs Shadow damage). The shadow itself would just be a black transparent copy of the target foe you casted it on.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




hey thats cool ill add it :P



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Shape-Shifters FTW

I'm all in favor of fast shape shifting. I think it would be best if as a Shape Shifter we had attributes that coorisponded with an animal, and each time a certain skill of that attribute was used you'd change into that animal for a certain ammount of time. If you are already in the form of that animal when you use a skill, then nothing would happen. (ie. as a warrion say axe skills were linked to a wolf... You run in and start attacking with your axe, and all the sudden your a wolf. this lasts for 30 and after you use your last axe skill. So as long as you are attacking with a skill in that attribute, you'll stay a wolf). I dunno! Maybe that's harder that is sounded in my head.. but it sounded cool at the first. :P



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Sounds like a very interesting profession Im getting bored of only being able to be human