THIS is what I paid my 50$ for...
That's the second time I've been in a battle won by one point. Oh what a feeling...
Well kudos.
Cool beans
Of the few Ab's I've done, they've all been wipes. When I was Luxon we never had a chance it seemed, and on Kurzick its a rollover typically.
Of the few Ab's I've done, they've all been wipes. When I was Luxon we never had a chance it seemed, and on Kurzick its a rollover typically.
wow, I have never been in a game that close!
both kurzick and luxon side had 499 poitns, but the luxons had like 5 points captured.
I don't get it...are you angry, sad, or happy with your $50 purchase?
Originally Posted by Shiznie
I don't get it...are you angry, sad, or happy with your $50 purchase?
He's obviously very happy about the fact he had such a close match....
Everybody loves close competition.
Everybody loves close competition.
Raiin Maker
i've got a picture somewhere of both teams with 504 (well over 500 with the same ammount of points) and we won, dont ask me how, but we did... bug maybe?
No bug. The game is programmed to give points based on your captures every few seconds. I believe it's 1 point per 7 seconds, but may be wrong, Therefore, there's a lull after you win, and if you still control points, you'll generally end up with more than 500 points.
Originally Posted by Kaospryx
No bug. The game is programmed to give points based on your captures every few seconds. I believe it's 1 point per 7 seconds, but may be wrong, Therefore, there's a lull after you win, and if you still control points, you'll generally end up with more than 500 points.
Don't forget that you still can get points for killing people after the timer ends and a winner is determined. The losing team doesn't automatically die.
I remember one time I won as kurzicks 504 - 509. We got the tie breaker a split second before luxons did I guess. No pics though =(
Vermilion Okeanos
Got to be a tough one, with alot of sweats.