Noob Questions..
What do i do with charr carvings?how do i craft weapons?And finally,how do i get to post searing? Will there be more worlds to explore in post searing? hope someone can enlighten me..
Sell the carvings or trade them to collectors that need em. There really arent many great weapons to craft in the beginning, but go to the [Weapon] person to craft weapons. You get to post searing after you get your 2ndry profession, then you talk to the guy at the gate (forget his name), he'll ask you are you sure u wanna leave and you do a quick PvP match. There are a ton more places to explore.
kakashi84 is impossible to return to pre searing after i have moved on to post searing right?
Canadian Bacon
The pre-searing area is about a tenth of the total Tyrian land mass.