I'm not really posing an arguement with this thread, just simply giving my opinion on how some in game armors in the game could be improved.
I'll start off with Knights Armor for Warriors. I liked the over all appearance, but it didn't seem very uniform for a knight, and the metal plates over his thighs just looked silly. So I did a quick edit to show how it could be improved. Thigh plates definitly needed to be smaller and less sticking out, and that leather strap was replaced.
http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/5...tsarmor3ca.jpg <--- Knight's Armor (Warrior) adjusted
Okay next I saw lots of potential in the 15k Luxon Armor... But it looked like Batman stuck his batwings all over it. And whats up with the chin pick? The whole one shoulder pad Idea is starting to tick me off... Its not practical and its ugly.
http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/7...titled6vb1.png <--- 15k Luxon (Assassin) adjusted.
Armor Suggestion
The littlest things make the biggest difference I guess. You edited 2 things, and it already looks btter. I totally agree, that leather strap always made me wonder.
how about creating ZODIAC ARMOUR
And how about straightening out that gold thing over his belly? It's always bothered me that it isn't parallel to the ground, but it goes up from left to right. Now that's annoying...
I like the different shoulder pads on the knight's armor. If everything was the symmetrical, the game would start feeling cheap.
Originally Posted by TheMadKingGeorge
how about creating ZODIAC ARMOUR
Originally Posted by k3nn3tH123
I like the different shoulder pads on the knight's armor. If everything was the symmetrical, the game would start feeling cheap.
Shadow Dragon
that's the exact reason i recently axed my knight's armor.
bought obsidian instead. (lotta hours lost on farming where i could rather have been helping guildies. sob) broke but happy
bought obsidian instead. (lotta hours lost on farming where i could rather have been helping guildies. sob) broke but happy
Added a pic for 15k Luxon
I agree on the shoulder pads but you musn't destroy the old one. Rather make another set of knight's armor with same stats, price and materials but different skin and add it to the other options. Of course this is true to all armor sets.
Theres a reason the knights armor is asymetrical.
Typical knights wore their shield on the left side, so their left side requires less armor than their unshielded sword arm.
I like the adjustment to the skirt armor, but i dont like the change to the shoulder.
The Luxon sin armor, im kinda indifferent. I LIKE asymmetry, but the chin spike is weird.
/unsigned overall
Typical knights wore their shield on the left side, so their left side requires less armor than their unshielded sword arm.
I like the adjustment to the skirt armor, but i dont like the change to the shoulder.
The Luxon sin armor, im kinda indifferent. I LIKE asymmetry, but the chin spike is weird.
/unsigned overall