Ok, what i am asking is what bows have highest accuracy lowest range just basic information on every type of bow the bows i know of are:
Horn Bow(armor penetration?)
Flat Bow
Long Bow
Short Bow
Composite Bow
Recurve Bow
Eternal Bow
Storm Bow
Shadow Bow
The Stats For Every Kind Of Bow?
Hmmm I posted an article about this a while back....
hit search my post you should find it..
also here is a good guildwiki page on it:
in general higher arcs mean slower arrow speed and lower accuracy....but less obstruction....
Flatbows fire the fastest refire rate but have the highest arc and lowest accuracy, thus slowest arrow speed to target.
Shortbows are as fast as flatbows but have much better accuracy though the lowest range.
Longbows have equal range to a flatbow but better accuracy and slower refire rate.
Recurve bows have a lower arc and fastest arrowspeed but not quite the rage of a longbow or flatbow.
Hornbows have an inherent 10 percent armor penatration, but have the slowest refire rate of all.
all in all it boils down to your preferance:
I carry three types of bows on my weapons bar and switch as needed.
hit search my post you should find it..
also here is a good guildwiki page on it:
in general higher arcs mean slower arrow speed and lower accuracy....but less obstruction....
Flatbows fire the fastest refire rate but have the highest arc and lowest accuracy, thus slowest arrow speed to target.
Shortbows are as fast as flatbows but have much better accuracy though the lowest range.
Longbows have equal range to a flatbow but better accuracy and slower refire rate.
Recurve bows have a lower arc and fastest arrowspeed but not quite the rage of a longbow or flatbow.
Hornbows have an inherent 10 percent armor penatration, but have the slowest refire rate of all.
all in all it boils down to your preferance:
I carry three types of bows on my weapons bar and switch as needed.
I carry a horn-, recurve- and flatbow, want to fill my last spot with either a shortbow for close range combat or a longbow for luring (but it has the same range as a flatbow). Suggestions?
Ok, thanks for your help in my opinion flatbow seems to be the best of them all. I got a dragos vamp bow, but people say graygores is the best vamp bow for barrage is this true? i hope it is cause im buying one in auction
For my barrage/pet/interrupt build I use a Recurve bow (In Factions you can get a 15^50 recurve for 5 pulsating growths in Maatu Keep), Flatbows aren't that good for interupting (I use them only when I can avoid obstruction with it).
Flatbow gets used when I want range and I have RtW or FW on my bar. I use my recurve bow the most though. Half moon when I know I won't get hit by warriors or elementist spells and I ain't too far away from a monk.