Concept Class: Absorber


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fun Loving Gamers


Class name: ???

Armor: Caster

Primary atribute: Absorption: For every point in absorption, you have 3% chance to absorb enemy Hex's and Conditions. When a hex or condition is absorbed, you gain 1 absorption counter.

Deflection: Skills that are amplified by the ammount of Absorption Counters you have, Target: Enemies, Damage (no hexes or conditions)

???: Skills that using absorption counters, these are used as self heals, heals, and enchnatments in general for your party.

Concentration: Skills that are run on Energy, Give positive conditions to allys and negative ones to enemies. Easily interuptable

???: Skills that run on energy also, AoE spells that affect all creatures in there range. these AoE spells can be other things then damage. They will affect enemies and allies



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Heightened state of mind.


This class has 2 secondary attributes which only work if your gaining fuel from absorbed hexes and conditions? and that can only be done with the primary?

Seems like 3 attributes which can only be used when this class is primary, which is obviously unbalanced for use as a secondary choice. Please explain.

I had an idea for a melee class that used adrenaline skills to absorb damage in the area around him, serving as an Area Defense unit, different kind of "absorber", but mildly simular. There is alot to this idea that realy isn't detailed, and a caster based hex/condition defender seems a bit narrow, need a diversity of skills rather than an overly dependant narrow build.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006



Anets not going to make a class thats completely divoted to taking damage and living.

The tank already does this.

Where are the attacks? All this does is heal its self?


Brother Gilburt


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fun Loving Gamers


twas just an idea... Hmm yea it wouldnt work at all as a secondary..

Oh well, I think ill have better luck next time XD



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Don't be discourage, Pillz.
I think its a good idea, very inspirational. Might not work well as a class, but would certainly be a good line or attribute of skills for another. (which I might steal for my Mimic) Be sure to give it more detail next time.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006



yeah, its a good idea just wouldn't work in guild wars. Warriors already kinda serve this purpose. Maybe if you had only 2 attributes devoted to healing and keeping yourself alive it would work. It just needs attacks. It just wouldn't work for soloing.

Keep posting your ideas!

Brother Gilburt