30 minutes and going...does this happen often?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


I just started playing about a week or so ago and this is the 3rd time this has happened. I'm laying dead on the ground while for the last 30 minutes (plus) as the NPC fighter and healer have been fighting Auri the Skull Wand. The healer keeps running back and forth over my body healing the fighter every so often. There is no way they will win and very little chance he will. If it wasn't for the items on the ground I would have logged. This is extremely stupid. This in theory could go on forever. Especially since NPCs cannot run out of Energy. The healer could res me, but that would make too much sense. I've even had in the past a NPC healer res the other NPC over me several times.

I've had the MOBs target out the NPC healer when they couldn't win. Why couldn't the party NPCs at least fight with a little intelligence or barring that have them heal/res the player above any other action? A game that plays itself is not fun. Also how about a little chance of running out of Energy?

45...minutes and still going. I wish I one of those programs that could record this. Very lame.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


I'm pretty sure they can run out of energy (I know enemies do run out), but I've had the same thing happen to me once. I think I had a healer and ranger henchman vs 2 monk (or maybe monk and rit) enemies. After about 10 minutes I just mapped away. Not enough damage was done by anyone to make monks run out of energy

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


You are in te midst of a classic henchie moment, get used to it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by RobotMULE
I'm pretty sure they can run out of energy (I know enemies do run out), but I've had the same thing happen to me once. I think I had a healer and ranger henchman vs 2 monk (or maybe monk and rit) enemies. After about 10 minutes I just mapped away. Not enough damage was done by anyone to make monks run out of energy
55 minutes of non-stop casting from Auri makes me think at least not all do.

Originally Posted by Chilly Ress
You are in te midst of a classic henchie moment, get used to it.
That is lovely to hear.

Maybe a /command to go ahead and force my self to res at a res point (or whatever they are called)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


It happens occasionally. I had it happen to me earlier today, but it was the lone Fighter hench with a dead party and no enemies left. I was about to test out that shiny new /resign command when she broke out of her stupor and res'd one of the healers.

I guess that it needs to be said. Henchies will never and can never be as smart as players. They're basically really smart Macro programs. All the Healer henchies are programed to res an ally only if there is no threat, and they are programed to res other healers as a first priority. If you had 2 Monk henchmen, a Ritualist henchman, and you were a Monk primary, and you and 2 of the others were down, you'd probably be 3rd in the res chain.

Also, you say that this happens to you quite often. It sounds more like you're charging in a bit too fast. Be a bit more selective in the mobs you choose to attack, and be prepared to fall back repeatedly, especially with henchies. You're the only free-thinker in the lot of them, so be a good brain for them.

There's a "How to use the henchmen" guide on this site, and I highly recommend it. Not trying to sound rude, but it does sound like you could use a bit of help with this.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


I'm down (Mo/R) and the Ele. what does /resign do? I knew there was a 50/50 chance I could kill all of the other MOBs with him and then work on him. Even if the death loss was worse I still would have went for it, but I shouldn't have to lay dead for (1 hour now). I've seen a lot better party AIs so because they do not thing isn't an excuse now days. If nothing else they should go by the idea that the PLAYER should play the game not the NPCs.

No I don't take it as rude. I'll check out the henchmen guide it could be helpful. Didn't notice it. Thanks.

Edit: Finally res'd me!!!



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Had it happen about a week ago. Me .... sucking dirt. Ele hench wanding, Ranger hench spamming needling shot and Monk hench keeping Ele hench healed (he was taking all the hits from monk boss baddy). Took a shower, got something to eat, returned to computer to enjoy my meal. Twenty minutes later the bad guy finally died. Still ROFL about that.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

i guess thats how they fixed alisa thaht was resurecting ALL the time, even when no monk in the right mind would




Join Date: May 2005

Go find a suggestion thread about hench AI and /sign it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Science Faction


I also get a similar problem with hench if the team starts to die and I try and run away (hoping they will follow). Usually by the time all the hench have decided they want to follow, the assasin hench have done that funny thing where they seem to magically wander/teleport to the next set of enemies and lure them aswell (just incase it wasn't a certainty that we was going to die) and eventually the team will be wiped out.

I don't have a problem with the above scenario (as I get resed and can try again), but when ONE hench survives and the other 7 party members are dead and spread out (due to them ignoring the running away plan I thought up right until the last moment, when they suddenly have a change of heart and think hmmmm ok yeah good idea lets ru*dies*) that lone surviving hench will run back and forwards between the dead party members tauntingly as if it is going to res somebody... but doesn't. 10 minutes of watching this and I'm kind of fed up. In fact the only way that this could be more annoying would be if the surviving hench started to res, moved (interupting the cast) and did the laugh emote...

Normally I wouldn't really care so much but this just happened with one place left to go in Amberstone for the Charting The Forrests quest *not impressed*

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Jabilo: Yeah, that happens. Usually it is because the primary rez target is too close to an enemy mob, or too far from your corpse (the hench try to stay close to you, then runs to rez, but before rezzing goes back to you, the runs to rez...), but sometimes henches just seem to suffer some kind of nervous breakdown.

There's also been a change to the AI. As has been stated the monk henches would earlier start rezzing immediately someone died (often Dunham), in the middle of the battle, meaning the team was without healing for 8 seconds, leading to a "death chain reaction". Now they've added some sort of timer, so now henches wont start to rez until about 30 seconds after the battle has ended. This is better, but as missions now run on time, still annoying...

To be fair I think the hench AI is among the best I've ever seen in a game - they ALMOST play as well as human players, but that only means that you notice it more when the AI glitches...

Laura Whitefox

Laura Whitefox

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Army of Kryta [AOK]


Yes it happened to me too yesterday, but i realised they will never win and so does the boss.. ..i just went back to the outpost after 5 minutes and did it again. Hehe. I agree with Numa tho that henchies rnt too bad. Hell lots of times the monks kept us alive in some very dodgy situations, where lots of human players just couldnt keep up. I can only laugh on those ppl who join a group and start shouting "KICK THE HENCHIES!!". I dont even count the times when i gone into a coop with human players and we got wiped. After that i went back, henched it and guess what? not even 1 hench died and i made it. For example i henched arborstone with a friend (2 of us and rest are hench) back when every1 was crying its undoable. We did it on 1st go ^^.
They do have ai problems sometime but i think they are fair enough. Oh and they dont leave, they follow calls and vasburg is the best d**n distractor in the world Lol saw him distracting assassin attack skills and in a row as well as fast cast monk heals even when their skill progress bar was right at the start. Show me a human that can do it with the same percentage as he does ^^.

Hey and if they could act like a human player (aka know when to res when to retreat etc) noone would go with real players anyway. hehe joke ^^


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
To be fair I think the hench AI is among the best I've ever seen in a game - they ALMOST play as well as human players, but that only means that you notice it more when the AI glitches...
Wow.. that's generous. Anyway, the henchies to me seem most effective when I'm dead. They somehow manage to finish off the enemy, despite attacking 2 or 3 different mobs at the same time. Other than that, I'd say it looks like the AI engine is way too simple. They really need to put more work into it, adding more advanced rules so that the henchmen will respond logically to more subtle condition changes. If not that, then add a simple control system so we can tell them directly when to attack/retreat/resurrect.

Effendi Westland

Effendi Westland

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Isle of the dead



The best henchie/allie is undeniably Oink! that 55hp pig can solo anything :P

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


I like it when I use my only rez sig to resurrect the healer hench, who imediately commits siucide trying to rez a hench way out of our own aggro circle




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Books are good for waiting.

Laura Whitefox

Laura Whitefox

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Army of Kryta [AOK]


Originally Posted by Effendi Westland
The best henchie/allie is undeniably Oink! that 55hp pig can solo anything :P
Lol indeed!! Forgot about him

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Since when are people smarter than hench?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Summoners of Forgotten Gods


I've been playing for 1,700 hours now, and the longest I've ever been dead before the henchies either ressed me or died was about 5 minutes, and it doesn't happen often. Sounds like you had a nasty loop there. I've noticed since Factions was released, that sometimes after you've been dead for a couple minutes you'll get ressed at the nearest shrine. Sometimes the new feature doesn't seem to trigger though.

In my experience, henchies work great for most things (if you learn how to control them which isn't easy), but the one thing I can never get over is how stupid they are when it comes to ressing.

Jeebus 07

Jeebus 07

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


Doing It For The [LULZ]


LOL great read, brought tears to my eyes from laughing so hard, I have experienced this as well never res'ing even when I do the ctrl click thing thats supposed to give them orders. But as that guy said if the hench were as good as players no-one would bother looking for a team and that would defeat the purpose of an MMORPG.

Anyway I think maybe they should fix it so that you can ctrl click your Health bar if you actually want to be res'ed during battle or something along those lines



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


Guildless & Looking

Originally Posted by Sorwen
Maybe a /command to go ahead and force my self to res at a res point (or whatever they are called)
or a /kill vote or something to take out all the henchman in your party and force the party to respawn.