Massive Self Heal?

Garka Dark

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


After seeing [SoH]'s 6K+ heal with Infuse, I had the idea of having a massive self heal, which wouldn't top 6000, but it might come close.

Contemplation Of Purity
Lose all "Enchantments", for each one lost gain 6-65 health, lose one "Hex" and lose one "Condition."

One monk carries this, the rest of the bar would be enchantments and maybe a blessed signet.

Then, you gather as many Guildies or people that you can trust to take a full bar of enchantments. Realisticly, you'd probably only get 5 or 6 people but in theory you could have double that.

IF each person was carrying 8 enchantments, and you had 6, wait until ALL of them are on you at once, then hit CoP, you would be in for around 3K healing. Thats with 5 people, imagine if it were 10..

Forgive me if someone else has used this method as it was only an idea

Arx Baron

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Maestus Nex


Add to this combo Aura of Faith and Life Attunement. With those, you boost by +55% the amount of healing which is quite much. I dunno if it can work with the Contemplation though...