I was in keinang City and was going out the south portal to to the quest "welcome to cantha" when i stepped into the portal i DCed and got a Error 007. When i relogged everything was fine however i noticed my bow was flashing when i looked closer it was changing skins. It happened slow then fast and just got 2 screenshots. I have searched for bows and havent found one like this my dragos randomly changed skin it has stopped now. If there is an easy explanation then im sorry but anyway here it is:
Error Bow Skin (odd o.0?)
Damien Maxwell
That is the skin your bow changes to, when you have weapon of warding on.
Originally Posted by shadowfell
That is the skin your bow changes to, when you have weapon of warding on.
Doesn't all of the weapon spells have same skin? I haven't really paid that much attention to it.
Wrath Of Dragons
ya, all weapon spells have same skin.
BANNED! For not knowing what a weapon spell does to your weapon!
Just kidding...
But I wish I could have my bow look like that all the time, its pretty cool actually...but the axe...ugh...the axe is just...ugh...don't cast weapon spells on me if I'm using an axe...
Just kidding...
But I wish I could have my bow look like that all the time, its pretty cool actually...but the axe...ugh...the axe is just...ugh...don't cast weapon spells on me if I'm using an axe...
i like hammers when they are skinned with weapon spells
Nice, I didn't know that. I was always surprised when my axe or my sword changed to flashing. I thought my video card is too hot or that is a graphic glitch