More quests like Cash Crops
I LOVE this quest. How much fun is it to run to different fields, type /kneel and then run to another field?
Ok, its actually not fun, but its silly, and thats what makes this quest one of the best ones in Guild Wars. Seriously, who really enjoys doing those quests where you run back and forth talking to various people just to have them tell you to run back to the person you first talked to? I can't say I really enjoy them, I find them quite tedious myself. Wajjun Bazaar is full of these run back and forth quests. I got sick of it so much that I switched to /W and used sprint to finish them up faster.
I'd have so much more fun doing these running around quests if when I got to the person I had to do emotes to them. Or they gave me an object and to place it where needed I had to /kneel or something like that. I would LOVE a rock/paper/scissor quest.
I know this doesn't add anything to the game, and I could care less if they never add more quests like this, or if you guys bash me for liking the Cash Crops doesn't matter. I just want to get it out there, that having silly quests occasionally is cool, and I would like to see more of them.
Thats my suggestion, to ANet and to the community. I know there has to be some people out there, PvEers like me, who enjoy the occasional out of the ordinary side quest or the silly quest rewards.
So, lets see what Nightfall brings otherwise, I'll be 6 month bumping this thread and trying again to let ANet know that silly quests are cool with me.
Ok, its actually not fun, but its silly, and thats what makes this quest one of the best ones in Guild Wars. Seriously, who really enjoys doing those quests where you run back and forth talking to various people just to have them tell you to run back to the person you first talked to? I can't say I really enjoy them, I find them quite tedious myself. Wajjun Bazaar is full of these run back and forth quests. I got sick of it so much that I switched to /W and used sprint to finish them up faster.
I'd have so much more fun doing these running around quests if when I got to the person I had to do emotes to them. Or they gave me an object and to place it where needed I had to /kneel or something like that. I would LOVE a rock/paper/scissor quest.
I know this doesn't add anything to the game, and I could care less if they never add more quests like this, or if you guys bash me for liking the Cash Crops doesn't matter. I just want to get it out there, that having silly quests occasionally is cool, and I would like to see more of them.
Thats my suggestion, to ANet and to the community. I know there has to be some people out there, PvEers like me, who enjoy the occasional out of the ordinary side quest or the silly quest rewards.
So, lets see what Nightfall brings otherwise, I'll be 6 month bumping this thread and trying again to let ANet know that silly quests are cool with me.
Yes, the quests around Kaineng center are mainly boring. And with the recent update, you dont need them for the comendations to exchange for forbidden keys. So the quests are boring to do a second time (first time its good to read them).
/signed for more variety in quests
/signed for more variety in quests
/signed signed signed
I agree, quests with silly requirements (the emoting) would be fun, especially if some of them were repeatable.
I agree, quests with silly requirements (the emoting) would be fun, especially if some of them were repeatable.

storm of daeth
/signed more quests like this would be fun. maybe a quest where you have to play rock paper scissors with an NPC or something
Aarroe of Gilgamesh
lol @ paper rock scissors
they should add a gambling npc to the pavillion explorable area as well^^
they should add a gambling npc to the pavillion explorable area as well^^
some what /signed
forsee runners doing this for mad money. but hey i like the ideal thoe -) some sort of relay or obstical course. like those people who race to war camp -)
forsee runners doing this for mad money. but hey i like the ideal thoe -) some sort of relay or obstical course. like those people who race to war camp -)
I have to add that, Revenge of the Yetis, is a sweet quest too. Because I JUST did this one.
You are walking along, hey theres a named enemy up ahead, high level for the area, must be a lonely boss. But hes not! After defeating him, he gives you a quest, I was like "WOOO!" What a surprise, I was just hoping for a new nooby green. This is the kind of stuff I like.
Who would have known that fighting some seemingly random monster would lead me on a quest of revenge for the yeti.
Cool cool.
You are walking along, hey theres a named enemy up ahead, high level for the area, must be a lonely boss. But hes not! After defeating him, he gives you a quest, I was like "WOOO!" What a surprise, I was just hoping for a new nooby green. This is the kind of stuff I like.
Who would have known that fighting some seemingly random monster would lead me on a quest of revenge for the yeti.
Cool cool.
Not sure of the name of the quest, but "Feeding the poor" is what comes to mind. The one where you hand out *mirrors* to people who are starving. Reminds me of the federal government at work.

shaolin mind trick
The cowbell quest outside of breakers hallow ftw!
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Reminds me of the "The Last Ham" quest from Prophesies.
/signed for more hillarious quests in Guild Wars
/showers this thread with hordes of Ken Dei's Signets of Approvals
/signed for more hillarious quests in Guild Wars
/showers this thread with hordes of Ken Dei's Signets of Approvals
"X is a little sad, cheer him up for me?"
*run over to X and /cheer*
"Mission updated."
*run over to X and /cheer*
"Mission updated."