Ok people have an idea need input, ok they installed the chat filter to get people out of the all chat who was trading. And for what so they can find ways around it lol, well Im thinking maybe they should put in a town called traders haven or what ever they want to call it. And fix it so you can maybe open stores or something couse for one thing the filter does nothing people will allways find a way around it. There are lots of people I see try to use all chat for other things as have I and all you see is WTS WTB hehehe. Now its W~T~S W~T~B OR W-T-S OR W-T-B it will never end hehe so put some input let here what everyone has to say good or bad. Have a Good day and if my grammer is bad sorry about that.
I know it has been said dozens of times but.
My eyes are slowing dying from reading the sell spam in Lions Arch, Droks, etc.
My eyes are slowing dying from reading the sell spam in Lions Arch, Droks, etc.
LOL tell me about it, it would be nice to have a town devoted to trader's what would make it even better is that, in that town you could open up your own store and add prices to your items. Alot less of killing the eye balls hehehehe.
I laughed so damn hard when a GM came into LA1 where people were spamming WTB and WTS before the patch forced everyone into the Trade Channel. The GM kept saying to use Trade instead of All. I just said to the GM, "We wouldn't have this problem if the Auction House was added already." But alas, as usual no reply. :P
Originally Posted by Tarun
I laughed so damn hard when a GM came into LA1 where people were spamming WTB and WTS before the patch forced everyone into the Trade Channel. The GM kept saying to use Trade instead of All. I just said to the GM, "We wouldn't have this problem if the Auction House was added already." But alas, as usual no reply. :P
Yeah did the same no reply here either, if there was a town that everyone could use That they could open there own store's and add there own prices to the items in the store I think people would use it. Then make sure that the stores can only open in that town. Then there would be no need for the trade channel any thingto do with the word sale in every way would then be filtered out every where but that town. Then just maybe all chat can finaly be used for what it was ment for like chating with lots of frinds at once.