Concept Class: Fortune Teller

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Concept Class: Fortune Teller

The fortune teller professes in the ability to read physical items and predict certain outcomes.

New Mechanics:

1) Weapons

-New weapon class - Crystals

Direct relation to the Attribute Class - Crystallomancy

Concept: Crystals are required to use "crystal" specific skills. Such skills will have the prefix "Must have a crystal equipped". Crystals are the only weapons that can be placed in either the weapon slot, or the offhand slot. If it is in the offhand slot however, it will do no damage.

-> Orb (two handed weapon)

An orb is the equivalent to a two handed staff that causes 'Chaos' damage at range.

-> Mirrors & Enchanted Stones (offhands)

2) Readings

Readings have two special mechanics:

1. A reading has a normal activation time, that time will be noted in its skill description. It's duration however, will only be active when you are standing still. If you are moving or attacking or activating a skill with an activation time, the reading's effect will be reset, and it's duration will continue when you stand still again.

2. A single person cannot use more than one reading at the same time, and readings cannot be removed by another player.

NOTE: Aftercast counts as part of the reading's duration.

3) Tarot Cards & Zodiac Symbols

Tarot Formations and Zodiac Symbols are considered as enchantment spells that, when cast, replace your offhand for the duration. Further explanation at no. 4

4) Formation Spells

In the attribute classes of Divination, Astromancy and Cartomancy, you can use "formations" to aid your skills. These formations MUST require the temporary sacrifice of your offhand to use, and you need an offhanded weapon to use these skills. With regards to focus switching, if you switch focii, or switch to a two-handed weapon, you dispel your formation.

Attribute Classes

Key Energy - E, Casting - C, Recharge - R, Readings - >C<

Divination - Primary Attribute

Concept: Fortune Tellers are linked closely to Divination, in such they harness powers from other properties that is chanelled into seeing telepathically, give premonitions and precognitions.

Explanation: For each rank in Divination, you gain +1 to armor for each recharging skill you have. You also gain 1 energy at rank 3, 2 energy at rank 9, and 3 energy at rank 15 whenever your skills are interrupted. All fortune teller skills, especially those related to telepathy, and giving premonitions, become more effective with higher Divination.


::Kura's Intuition:: 10E, 1C, 30R
Reading. Perform Kura's Intuition for 10...45 seconds. While this reading is active, if you have 5...1 skills that are currently recharging, those skills recharge 10...25% faster. This reading ends when there are no skills to recharge.

::Test of Fire:: 5E, 1C, 3R
Spell. You are struck for 5...70 fire damage. If your health is still above 50%, you are healed for 100...250% of that damage taken.

::Traveller's Persistance::

Astromancy - Inherent attribute

Concept: Fortune Tellers often refer to the stars and constellations to predict or determine events. This is directly related to the concept of Astrology and Astronomy. Astromancy will mainly deal with damage and countermeasures.

Explanation: No Inherent effect. May Fortune Teller skills, such as star gazing, alignment and star movement, become more effective with higher Astromancy.


::Symbol of Pegasus:: 5E, 1C, 25R
Formation Enchantment Spell. Wield the Symbol of Pegasus in your offhand. For 10...22 seconds, this symbol will increase the maximum energy and armour of your current offhand by 30...120%. When this formation ends, you lose 40...20% of your current energy.

::Contradicting Prophecy:: 10E, 1C, 20R

::Study the Planets:: 15E, 2C, >C<, 60R
Reading. Perform a Study the Planets reading. For 60 seconds, every second, one nearby foe is struck for 1..6 lightning damage. The damage done increases by 5...30% with every hit (max damage 60). This reading ends if there are no targets to strike.

::Shooting Star:: 10E, 2C, 25R
Enchantment Spell. For 5 seconds, if target other ally successfully activates a skill, all other party members will have 1 random skill recharged for them.

Note: The properties will follow arcane thievery/larency, as it will recharge a skill that is already recharged.

::Constellation Reading:: 15E, 3C, >C<, 60R
Reading. Perform a Constellation Reading. For 10 seconds, whenever you or any adjacent ally take damage from a spell, one nearby foe is also struck by that spell at a 80...20% reduction in effect. If that nearby foe was the original caster, this reading ends.

::Signet of True Sight:: 0E, 1C, 15R
Signet. For 5 seconds, the next attack you perform cannot miss. (50% chance of failure with Astromancy at rank 6 or less)

::Radiance:: 10E, 1C, 20R
Spell. All adjacent foes are struck for 20...120 fire damage. Summoned creatures take an additional 10...60 holy damage.

:ark Nova:: 15E, 2C, 25R
Spell. Target foe and all nearby foes suffer 10...60 damage and become blinded for 3...12 seconds.

::The Orion Constellation:: 10E, 2C, 60R {elite}
Formation Enchantment Spell. You wield an imitation of the Orion Constellation. For 20 seconds, the next spell you cast has a 20...60% chance of striking another foe in the area simultaneously, but that spell takes 100...50% longer to cast.

::Jeweled Telescope:: 5E, 1C, 60R
Formation Enchantment Spell. Wield the Jeweled Telescope in your offhand. For 20 seconds, this formation will give you a 10...22% armour penetration on your next 1...4 Astromancy spells.

Cartomancy - Inherent attribute

Concept: Fortune Tellers are renound for Tarot Reading. Pulling cards from a shuffled deck and reading them to predict fortunes/misfortunes for another person. This attribute class will mainly deal with enchantments and hexes.

Explanation: No inherent effect. Many Fortune Teller skills, such as arcane prediction and predictive readings, become more effective with higher Cartomancy


::The Great Cross Formation:: 10E, 2C, 30R
Formation Enchantment Spell. Wield Tarot Cards in the Great Cross Formation. Your Cartomancy attributes are boosted by 2 for the next 1...4 skills you use.

::The Romany Draw:: 5E, 1C, 45R {elite}
Formation Enchantment Spell. Wield Tarot Cards in the Romany Draw Formation. For 10 seconds, the next Cartomancy skill you use will have a 20...50% chance at activating 'one' of the following: Gain 2 energy for each recharging Cartomancy skill you have; that skill will cost no energy; that skill will recharge 20...50% faster. If the Romany Draw fails to activate, it recharges immediately.

::The Five Card Draw:: 10E, 1C, 60R
Formation Enchantment Spell. Weild Tarot Cards in the Five Card Draw Formation. For 20 Seconds, the next time you cast an enchantment or hex, this formation ends. When that hex or enchantment ends, that skill is recharged immediately.

::The Fool:: 10E, 1C, 30R
Enchantment Spell. For 20 seconds, whenever target ally successfully performs a spell, you take 15 damage. When this hex ends, that ally is healed for 90...250% of the damage caused by this spell.

::The Magician:: 15E, 1C, 30R
Enchantment Spell. For 20 Seconds, all of your attributes are lowered by 2 and Target other ally's attributes are raised by 2. This enchantment ends when that ally successfully uses a skill.

::Wheel of Fortune:: 10E, 2C, 20R {Elite}
Spell. Transfer one hex and it's remaining duration from yourself to target foe. (50% chance of failure with Cartomancy at rank 8 or less)

::Temperance:: 5E, 3/4C, 2R
Spell. If you and target other ally are suffering from the same condition, you both lose that condition. Any remaining conditions on both of you will expire 20...70% faster.

::Justice:: 10E, 2C, 20R
Hex Spell. Remove one enchantment from target foe, and that foe becomes hexed with justice. For 3...9 seconds, if that foe uses that same enchantment again, that spell fails and target foe is knocked down.

::The Star:: 10E, 2C, 25R
Enchantment Spell. If your health is below 30...60% when you cast this spell, all adjacent foes are knocked down, and you run 33% faster for 3...15 seconds.

::The Hermit:: 10E, 30R
Stance. For 10...20 seconds, all physical damage you recieve is reduced by 10...45%. This stance ends if you move.

::The World:: 5E, 1C, 25R {Elite}
Hex Spell. For 6...12 seconds, all physical damage dealt by target foe also is negated and heals for an equal amount instead. But this spell also heals the attacker by an equal amount.

::The Devil:: 5E, 1/4C, 20R
Hex Spell. Interrupt target foe's skill and return 100...20% of the energy cost of that skill back to that foe. For 4...10 seconds, if that foe uses that skill again, it is interrupted.

::Judgement:: 10E, 1C, 30R
Enchantment Spell. For 10...20 seconds, the next time target other ally uses a skill that becomes interrupted, that skill recharges immediately and that ally gains 40...100% of the energy cost of that skill.

::The Tower:: 10E, 1C, 15R
Enchantment Spell. For 10...20 seconds, target ally is enchanted with The Tower. The next time that ally becomes hexed, this enchantment ends. When that hex ends, target ally is healed of any damage caused by that hex.

Note: this wont cure conditions from hexes, nor will it recover any lost energy caused by the hex.

::Beladi's Prediction:: 5E, 3/4C, 15R
Hex Spell. For 8...20 Seconds, when that target foe dies, that corpse becomes exploited, and all adjacent allies are cured of 1...4 conditions.

Crystallomancy - Weapon focused attribute

Concept: The ability to read crystals to predict events, and to harness the power that crystals bring, in the efforts to give fortune or misfortune to others.

Explanation: Crystallomancy. Crystallomancy improves the effectiveness of your crystals. All Fortune Teller Skills, such as crystal-reading to predict instances, or to tap auspicious powers, becomes more powerful with higher Crystallomancy.


EDIT: ^^ New skills.

Flames are welcome, Critisisms I favour, but suggestions would be nice, especially for the proper definitions of the attributes^^ as well as the notes I've made. (Psst: I don't know much about Fortune Tellers.)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Do they have ability to make wammos and assmos mad and attack their own team?

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


erm... no, but a Mesmer can just make them go psyco and attack themselves.

::Updated and added in new skills.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Heightened state of mind.


Psychic sounds like a better title, but that would be too remiss of Mesmer.

This seems alot like a folk class rather than a natural combat class, I like some of the ideas elements, but I realy hope for something better.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



I have mix feeling about off-hand enhancement skills. I love them, but on personal reason, just don't like them. Why? Just because I was also working on a similar class with skill to enhance the off hand item too.... (thought I must also admit that wasn't very original as well, since it was inspired from another post) Now I will never get my Cojuror out...

Other than that, I must also said I only read it briefly. Somehow just seem too much Mesmer to me. Lots hex and enchantment.

Can you maybe describe how they would/could be played? Like thier uniquness in a battle, their functions, and how it is differnt from other.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard



There's no "Predict" in this game...did anyone "predict" Wi could beat EvIL?

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
Psychic sounds like a better title, but that would be too remiss of Mesmer.

This seems alot like a folk class rather than a natural combat class, I like some of the ideas elements, but I realy hope for something better.
Psychics do not study Astrology, Cartomancy or Crystallomancy (well, I suppose they could, but then they would more 'accurately' be a fortune teller). The only thing relevant to a pshycic is Clairvoyance, which is broad in itself. Also, Mesmers are hardy considered to be pshycic... in definition. They have pshycic powers, but their relation to a phycic in general is rather unrelated and is not the real focus of a Mesmer. A Mesmer has no 'supernatural' powers... rather... it's all tricks, deceptions, perceptions, and magic hats.

Thanks for the reply, and yes, fortune tellers 'may' be considered a folk class, but I think I missed the point about combat class. Oh well.

Originally Posted by actionjack
Other than that, I must also said I only read it briefly. Somehow just seem too much Mesmer to me. Lots hex and enchantment.

Can you maybe describe how they would/could be played? Like thier uniquness in a battle, their functions, and how it is differnt from other.
I'm not really aiming on making the offhands more effective, there is only one formation skill that directly enhances the offhand. That would be the skill: "Symbol of Pegasus". Though I'm happy that there are others who have come up with offhand-related skills, I think it's a good idea to consider in future campaigns.

At the moment, i've only listed 'one' hex in this profession. Though I do plan on using more... I'm still thinking about how to construct this to make it mroe interesting. Otherise, most of the enchantments are formations. You are right, you did read it briefly. :P

As for your question, I'd be happy to^^. Just give me a few hours to write up some more skills... I promise I'll get back to you on that.

Originally Posted by lightblade

There's no "Predict" in this game...did anyone "predict" Wi could beat EvIL?
lol, yeah I don't think many people predicted that would happen.

Let's take this into example:

The reason why I cast backfire on a spellcaster is because I am "predicting" that the person will use a spell. Otherwise I would have never casted it. This profession relies on skills and actions that "predict" the action of another person. If you think about it, 'prediction' is a learned skill in this game and runs across all professions. But I'm trying to convey a profession here, not make it totally irrelevant :P.

This also goes for an assassin with a general anti-monk build. That assassin is expected to kill the monk, so everyone predicts that the assassin will succeed. Next minute the monk shadow steps to the sinner and smites him to death... oh well.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

Perhaps Gypsy would be a good class name.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


New skills. But im still trying to come up with a way to deal with Crystallomancy. (huff)

OK, in answer to a question above, um... I'd like to, but you'd have to read my post. If I gave you any examples that show the uniqueness of this build, then it would be explained in the first post. I wish I could give you a sample build.... as soon as I get the skills sorted... this is harder than i thought^^

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


-Path of Meditation should read "when an ally would be interrupted." The current wording contradicts itself.

I stopped reading after the first few skills. You need to forget the nerf bat and use a nerf hammer for some of the skills. The Formations deserving the most attention.

I also have a real problem that's even harder to interrupt then normal casters. Especially if it can spread that strength to other party members.

The concept is great, much thought into it, and I'm gonna link it. But it needs a lot of balencing.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Might wanna clear up the top half.. I'm sitll uncertain on what their attributes are and what they do.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


-Path of Meditation should read "when an ally would be interrupted." The current wording contradicts itself.

I stopped reading after the first few skills. You need to forget the nerf bat and use a nerf hammer for some of the skills. The Formations deserving the most attention.

I also have a real problem that's even harder to interrupt then normal casters. Especially if it can spread that strength to other party members.

The concept is great, much thought into it, and I'm gonna link it. But it needs a lot of balencing.
I'll take another look at the formations and see what I can do. I've also edited the "Path to Meditation" skill to reflect its definition more, and by doing so, making it more balanced.

Might wanna clear up the top half.. I'm sitll uncertain on what their attributes are and what they do.
Im not sure what you mean. If you're referring to the attribute classes, Divination is the primary attribute, the following two are inherent attributes, and Crystallomancy is a crystal-weapon attribute.... which im still trying to develop (actually harder to develop a 'unique' line of weapons class)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

I like this one too, but study the planets seems a tad bit overpowered.