Play as a Tengu
i looked through the fourms real quick and i didn't notice anything like this so here it is. After playing through Cantha with talon silverwing as my basic npc i think it would be cool to be able to make a tengu character. Instead of the basic options like Male Female you could have a Tengu character instead. They fight cooler and run cooler than the normal warrior. Things you could do to customize them would be change Eye Color and for skin tones change the color of the feathers. Also imagine what kind of cool armour one could make for a tengu player.
konohamaru heaven
AN mention there would be new races both playable and not, however, they havent implimented any of it yet. This was back before chapter 1 release.
Playing as other races has been suggested many, many, MANY times.
for some reason i really wanna play as these since they hold a spot of fear in my mind ever i hear that oh so familiar call off em i look around with a sweat to see tons of em comming to me aaah
Originally Posted by Bloody Death
Playing as other races has been suggested many, many, MANY times.
Races? You mean 'species' right?
Originally Posted by makosi
Races? You mean 'species' right?
Ira Blinks
I wanna play dredge
Factions dredges easily beat prophecies tengu for the title of the most annoying mob ever. Dredge ftw!
Factions dredges easily beat prophecies tengu for the title of the most annoying mob ever. Dredge ftw!
Originally Posted by Ira Blinks
I wanna play dredge
Factions dredges easily beat prophecies tengu for the title of the most annoying mob ever. Dredge ftw! |
Ira Blinks
you do know they can be soloed, right?
Tegnu, skales, and naga are my picks for races to play.
common now you all know you wanna be 1 of those stone summit dwarfs sitting on top of a huge doyak healing everyone.
Dougal Kronik
A while ago I actually came up with a story line on how we could incorporate playing as a Tengu into the Prophecies Campaign.
A while ago I actually came up with a story line on how we could incorporate playing as a Tengu into the Prophecies Campaign.
i wanna be a Glob of Ectoplasm
since i really like the tengu there fighting style and all. If arena net were to do something with the race they could introduce a "summer update" where you can play as a tengu who starts off in a battle with the stone summit or something and eventually works his/her way into helping the people of ascalon because they too are fighting 1 mutal enemy that would be the tyria way to approach it. Or sometime Chapter 3 . Cantha on the other hand has tons of tengu and last time i counted about 2 or more tengu camps 1 around senji's outskirts and of course aeire where talon comes from. Some things would take time like animating a hammer tengu warrior since none exist and making armours for them but i still think its just awsome and arena net claims they planned on doing it sometime. The sooner the better right?
Originally Posted by Ira Blinks
you do know they can be soloed, right?
Someones trying to get off their Quiet Traveler title.
Originally Posted by daraaksii
i wanna be a Glob of Ectoplasm
Wyvern King
they'll probably implement it soon anyway, but yeah...
Let's face it - who doesn't want to run around as any kind of imp and annoy the f*** out of people?
they'll probably implement it soon anyway, but yeah...
Let's face it - who doesn't want to run around as any kind of imp and annoy the f*** out of people?
Tien ak
Well i heard a long time ago that Arena net were going to add a dwarf race into the game
but I dought it get put in way to much for them to do...perhaps with chapter 3 then maybe who knows
but if you really wanna be a giant half bird half man then go for it lol
but I dought it get put in way to much for them to do...perhaps with chapter 3 then maybe who knows
but if you really wanna be a giant half bird half man then go for it lol
Originally Posted by fiery
Someones trying to get off their Quiet Traveler title.
Hey maybe arena net can't come up with names of armor and such for them thats why its taken soo long basic starting armour on a tengu could be callled nestling's (piece of armor), move on to fledgling's, hawkeyed,bird of prey's. okay i'm running outta names lol
Originally Posted by Tien ak
but if you really wanna be a giant half bird half man then go for it lol
my picks in order are:
I would LOVE to play a Charr, but I don't see how you could jam that into the story and make any sense of it. The Naga could simply be an old faction of the peaceful ones that were separated in the Jade wind... Maybe they survived in under-jade caverns and finaly mined thier way out years after the hostile ones formed a clan.
my picks in order are:
I would LOVE to play a Charr, but I don't see how you could jam that into the story and make any sense of it. The Naga could simply be an old faction of the peaceful ones that were separated in the Jade wind... Maybe they survived in under-jade caverns and finaly mined thier way out years after the hostile ones formed a clan.
i like that idea of being a Charr but than again the tengu are evil in ascalon too but some are peaceful in cantha thus we could prolly find some charr somewhere that are peaceful too.
Playable species... Again... It's still an okay idea. I don't particularly care, but I can't see any reason why it would be a bad thing. Well, racially-oriented bonuses would suck serious ass. But if it's cosmetic, then go for it.
The Charr, the Dwarves, and the Tengu are the best candidates, in that they're actually somewhat developed as a culture. They've got all the same skills and gear and such as the in-game humans do. Angchu Tengu or Deldrimor Dwarves could be shoved in as playable pretty easily, but the Charr might be a little harder to work in.
The Charr, the Dwarves, and the Tengu are the best candidates, in that they're actually somewhat developed as a culture. They've got all the same skills and gear and such as the in-game humans do. Angchu Tengu or Deldrimor Dwarves could be shoved in as playable pretty easily, but the Charr might be a little harder to work in.
Kura Touzoku
I had thought exactly the same thing about wanting a Tengu character ever since i saw talon silverwing on the factions preview weekend.
I had thought exactly the same thing about wanting a Tengu character ever since i saw talon silverwing on the factions preview weekend.
I'd rather play as a Naga, though Tengu would rock as well Nice suggestion, at first I didn't mind playing humans only, but after a year now, a new race, or even several new races, would rock!
But since this is a huge thing to ask, it won't be added untill chapter 3, and probably even in chapter 3, it won't be added. All we can do is hope.
EDIT: Charr would indeed own as well ^^
But since this is a huge thing to ask, it won't be added untill chapter 3, and probably even in chapter 3, it won't be added. All we can do is hope.
EDIT: Charr would indeed own as well ^^
Mr D J
That would rock, signed
Yea man, I love Talon Silverwing, he is so cool wtih saying things like:"You've ruffled my feathers" He is so awesum.
You are aware that there are both male and female tengu, right?
I'd like to play a Devourer, and annoy everyone to death by spawning in random places and getting killed that easily that it wasn't even worth it to spawn. And don't get to me about the annoying clicking.