Easier minion targeting, and maintained enchantment fix.
beleg curudin
Since we can now have a limit of 10 minions, can there be a set of bars show up that shows thier stats? I find it always hard playing with minions and death nova, because when they run into large mobs Its almost impossible to sort them out, since they do not show up when you hold ALT, and you have to skim through the crowd to find them, half the time when you do find them and go to cast death nova they are dead mid cast. This of course is under consideration that it happens in huge mobs and you have just animated a few more horrors and are triyng to target them before you lose site of them.
Also, why can you increase the size of all the HuD display things except maintained enchanments. This is espcially annoying with skills like holy viel, and Aura of displacement, since the things are so small it can often be a pain to turn them of exactly when you wish.
Also, why can you increase the size of all the HuD display things except maintained enchanments. This is espcially annoying with skills like holy viel, and Aura of displacement, since the things are so small it can often be a pain to turn them of exactly when you wish.
I agree that its a pain in the back side that you can't look after your babies as much as you'd like and it would be a good enhancement to be able to view minion health bars. It *might* cushion the blow that was the MM nerf a few weeks back.
The HuD display can be increased via the options menu. (F11 i think)
The HuD display can be increased via the options menu. (F11 i think)
beleg curudin
Originally Posted by makosi
The HuD display can be increased via the options menu. (F11 i think)
i hate double clicking the tiny box too, i usually put it right about my enchantments which are right above my hp and its easy to see.
I like the minion idea, but id also suggest it for pets
+ A EXP BAR!!!
I like the minion idea, but id also suggest it for pets

Terra Xin
lol... get a bigger screen. Nah j/k
eh, I dont care, having 10 minion boxes in your screen will be a bit of clutter. but if that's what you want.
eh, I dont care, having 10 minion boxes in your screen will be a bit of clutter. but if that's what you want.
I don't have a problem clicking on the small icon, a couple of years of counterstrike make me a fast targeter, but often times I'm clicking on the enchantment up to 3 times and it doesn't end immediately, that does bother me.
As for the minion targeting, that is a serious difficulty for me, I hate MM builds, but minion bombing..... it's the Bomb! And it is very difficult to track your minions so you can put death nova on them. One thing I do like though is that since we have limited minions, I can force death on them by summoning new minions, causing them both to give me energy back, and explode right as they engage an enemy.
I noticed that they made a small icon for minions and the number of minions you have, it would be nice if they somehow enhanced that icon to allow you to select your minion.
Another good way for them to improve this is to make tiny minion icons along the top of the left side of the Health monitor, simular to the tiny icons for maintained enchantments. If they made tiny minion icons which have tiny portraits and have a up carrot signifying enchantments as well as a down carrot signifying hexes, it would allow you to select and arm your minions quickly for explosion and healing.
Perhaps Anet could make a 6X2 or 5X3 grid of tiny icons for each minion above the HP bar, opposite of the maintained enchantments. Screw their health, I don't need to know all that, If I click on the minion and he's not going to make it, then I will just click the next one.
As for the minion targeting, that is a serious difficulty for me, I hate MM builds, but minion bombing..... it's the Bomb! And it is very difficult to track your minions so you can put death nova on them. One thing I do like though is that since we have limited minions, I can force death on them by summoning new minions, causing them both to give me energy back, and explode right as they engage an enemy.
I noticed that they made a small icon for minions and the number of minions you have, it would be nice if they somehow enhanced that icon to allow you to select your minion.
Another good way for them to improve this is to make tiny minion icons along the top of the left side of the Health monitor, simular to the tiny icons for maintained enchantments. If they made tiny minion icons which have tiny portraits and have a up carrot signifying enchantments as well as a down carrot signifying hexes, it would allow you to select and arm your minions quickly for explosion and healing.
Perhaps Anet could make a 6X2 or 5X3 grid of tiny icons for each minion above the HP bar, opposite of the maintained enchantments. Screw their health, I don't need to know all that, If I click on the minion and he's not going to make it, then I will just click the next one.
/signed for holding alt and seeing minions. I play as minion bomber, and its very hard attempting to find my minions.
get cha
/signed for AT LEAST being able to see them when u hold down alt.
Now if that little box with the number of minions you're controlling could somehow also target your *farthest* minion when you click on it, I'd be very happy! I say the farthest because when u run mixed minions, the closer ones are the fiends, and u probably dont want to death nova bomb them NEARLY as much as you want to death nova bomb your frontline minions/horrors.
Now if that little box with the number of minions you're controlling could somehow also target your *farthest* minion when you click on it, I'd be very happy! I say the farthest because when u run mixed minions, the closer ones are the fiends, and u probably dont want to death nova bomb them NEARLY as much as you want to death nova bomb your frontline minions/horrors.
Rituals get it why not us MM's?
ditto and stuff
I'd like a button to target the minion with the most degen so I can nova/taste of death it. I would just like to be able to see my minons when I hold alt because as previously stated skimming the crowd for your little friends is annoying.
Criminally Sane
signed... can see where it'd be useful. Plus Rose signed, and Rose is ftw. ;p