Let us choose
I wondered if this needed to be posted, and sorry if the subject has been discussed a million times already, but i am very angry atm, and i need to express this in without killing one of my neighboors.
Since faction release, i lost a lot of gold. Reason ? Salvage. Damn salvage. ****** salvage.
As far as i remember. I NEVER got the mod i wanted. Either wooden planks or +5 against elemental damage (yay 25 gp at merchant ^^).
I was like flooding my guild chan with bad words. I lost more than 250k worth of mods ONLY due to salvage.
One hour ago, i found my first sword with +30 hp mod on it in 1.362 hours of playing guild wars. Even with my bad luck going around, decided to salvage and got the cold dmg mod.
I could have killed the first person entering my room. Seriously.
Here is my request :
Let us choose the mod we want to salvage. PLEASE (and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please and till i die !)
I don't want to put the list of mods i lost this way recently, but what i can say is that it was a 100% failure of salvage, and for a long period of time. This rate i don't call a probability, i call it a bug.
Do you seriously think mods aren't rare enough ? Do we really need to suffer from this ? Moreover, with more prefect/excellent mods going around, players with less money could buy them too, which, imho, would be great for the GW community.
And one last time PLEASE,for now this is the only thing which could keep me playing GW a long time.
I wrote this because i fell this is one of the huggest source of dissapointment in this tremendous game. I want to have a good time playing a video game. And this is a pain in the ***.
Also, sorry for my english if i made some mistakes, i'm french and under the influence of anger. Sad i have to say this because of a video game.
Cya all, i'm going t take a break away from keyboard....
Since faction release, i lost a lot of gold. Reason ? Salvage. Damn salvage. ****** salvage.
As far as i remember. I NEVER got the mod i wanted. Either wooden planks or +5 against elemental damage (yay 25 gp at merchant ^^).
I was like flooding my guild chan with bad words. I lost more than 250k worth of mods ONLY due to salvage.
One hour ago, i found my first sword with +30 hp mod on it in 1.362 hours of playing guild wars. Even with my bad luck going around, decided to salvage and got the cold dmg mod.
I could have killed the first person entering my room. Seriously.
Here is my request :
Let us choose the mod we want to salvage. PLEASE (and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please, and please and till i die !)
I don't want to put the list of mods i lost this way recently, but what i can say is that it was a 100% failure of salvage, and for a long period of time. This rate i don't call a probability, i call it a bug.
Do you seriously think mods aren't rare enough ? Do we really need to suffer from this ? Moreover, with more prefect/excellent mods going around, players with less money could buy them too, which, imho, would be great for the GW community.
And one last time PLEASE,for now this is the only thing which could keep me playing GW a long time.
I wrote this because i fell this is one of the huggest source of dissapointment in this tremendous game. I want to have a good time playing a video game. And this is a pain in the ***.
Also, sorry for my english if i made some mistakes, i'm french and under the influence of anger. Sad i have to say this because of a video game.
Cya all, i'm going t take a break away from keyboard....
It is kind of a problem when there's both a prefix and a suffix on the same drop and you want one but couldn't care less about the other.
In this particular case i have no problem of crying for one mod, since i ALWAYS get wood or iron.
No, haven't you learned by now that you're not allowed to think? Let alone choose!?
But seriously, it would be a nice thing to have, kind of like the cap signet where you can choose which skill you got(I got all my elites back when it was where you had to use a signet after they used it, and I think it should be that way, because it IS more difficult to pull off, but n00bs cry and things change I guess). Not saying this is a n00b idea, because it's happened to me. No one wants to salvage a shock mod when the other mod rawks their world.
Problem comes when they would need to create a system that would check to see whether you get crappy items(wood, iron, etc) or a mod, and if the game chooses mod for you, then the option thing shows up. Otherwise, you just lose and the game displays "Go sit in tha corner ya b00n and stop salvaging, you'll never win" and gives you 2 planks of wood from an item you found in SF.
But seriously, it would be a nice thing to have, kind of like the cap signet where you can choose which skill you got(I got all my elites back when it was where you had to use a signet after they used it, and I think it should be that way, because it IS more difficult to pull off, but n00bs cry and things change I guess). Not saying this is a n00b idea, because it's happened to me. No one wants to salvage a shock mod when the other mod rawks their world.
Problem comes when they would need to create a system that would check to see whether you get crappy items(wood, iron, etc) or a mod, and if the game chooses mod for you, then the option thing shows up. Otherwise, you just lose and the game displays "Go sit in tha corner ya b00n and stop salvaging, you'll never win" and gives you 2 planks of wood from an item you found in SF.
Verlas Ho'Esta
I'll give you one worse. I tried to salvage a piece of dropped armor, with a rune of superior vigor on it. What do I get? Twelve bolts of cloth. It's a good thing I have an anger management outlet in the back yard. At least I used to (Whenever I get really mad, I go out back and beat a 3 foot tall tree stump with a sledge hammer. After last week? It's not there anymore).
Yeah, totally /signed on the "choose our salvage" option. Don't get me wrong, depending on the quality of our kit and our level, there should be a slight chance of error, but at least give us the option.
Yeah, totally /signed on the "choose our salvage" option. Don't get me wrong, depending on the quality of our kit and our level, there should be a slight chance of error, but at least give us the option.
sounds like a good idea, but maybe they could institute another type of salvage kit that is fairly expensive but allows this. maybe a master salvage kit? i mean if you are going to pry mods off of a staff and one is on the head and one is wrapped around the staff, i don't think there is much chance of your hand slipping off the wrapping and yanking the staff head off.
/signed. At first it didnt really get me mad, but Ive just noticed what ive missed out on so far. As far as I can remember about 2 +30 sword mods, zealous dagger, 3:1 vamp dagger, and more.
You can ask lucky guildmate, if he can salvage it.
I still have a bow that has a +30 hp mod on it, but I'm too scared to salvage it, I already have 4 stacks of wood, don't need anymore. It's a composite bow, and has a 19% while hexed, and a fiery bow string. Some things are just too scary to salvage for me, because I usually lose a good mod.
I still have a bow that has a +30 hp mod on it, but I'm too scared to salvage it, I already have 4 stacks of wood, don't need anymore. It's a composite bow, and has a 19% while hexed, and a fiery bow string. Some things are just too scary to salvage for me, because I usually lose a good mod.
Fitz Rinley
I get irritated that the program seems, well programmed, to destroy anything that has equivalent mods. Rather than give one or the other, it destroys them both. If you want the +30 hale wrap and it also has a +12 hale head, you will always get the hale head. The only way I know of to get a decent mod is to find a weapon with only one option on it.
I would like a choice as well.
I get irritated that the program seems, well programmed, to destroy anything that has equivalent mods. Rather than give one or the other, it destroys them both. If you want the +30 hale wrap and it also has a +12 hale head, you will always get the hale head. The only way I know of to get a decent mod is to find a weapon with only one option on it.
I would like a choice as well.
Originally Posted by Verlas Ho'Esta
I'll give you one worse. I tried to salvage a piece of dropped armor, with a rune of superior vigor on it. What do I get? Twelve bolts of cloth. It's a good thing I have an anger management outlet in the back yard. At least I used to (Whenever I get really mad, I go out back and beat a 3 foot tall tree stump with a sledge hammer. After last week? It's not there anymore).
Originally Posted by Kakumei
This doesn't happen. Runes have a 100% chance of salvaging out of monster-dropped armor.
why not? Every item I've ever PC'ed got many responses to salvage..everytime I try to though, =wood planks.
why not? Every item I've ever PC'ed got many responses to salvage..everytime I try to though, =wood planks.
Raiin Maker
i totaly agree, any good mods i have got (ever) i have never been able to salvage
Originally Posted by Stockholm
Wrong. it does happen, very seldome but it does.
Originally Posted by Update: Wednesday, June 15
* Improved expert salvage kits so that they always successfully salvage a rune from monster-dropped armor that contains a rune. There is still a chance of destroying a rune when using a salvage kit to try to retrieve it from your own armor.
I actually just lost out from this today. Just a few hours ago I got an amazing staff with +5 Armor, +5 Energy, and an inherent 10% chance of recharge on any spell. The downside was it was not a max staff (only +8 energy inherent). Still I was tempted to actually use it and bugger those extra 2 points.
But then I decided I really should try for that Insightful staff head. Even if I got the Shelter wrapping that'd be cool. But no... 2 planks spiritwood. It's not as bad as the time I salvaged cloth from my Droks armor with Superior Vigor on it, but still it stings.
With the random drops, ANet generates excitement and, just as easily, great disappointment.
But then I decided I really should try for that Insightful staff head. Even if I got the Shelter wrapping that'd be cool. But no... 2 planks spiritwood. It's not as bad as the time I salvaged cloth from my Droks armor with Superior Vigor on it, but still it stings.
With the random drops, ANet generates excitement and, just as easily, great disappointment.
Hynoru Azinisor
I lost a +30 health mod the other day salvaging a shadow bow I got from FoW. I can't even remember what I got from it because I was really mad about the +30 mod being wasted. It was my first time getting any max mod to anything...I was really excited...until the realization sat in...
/not signed.. come on guys sorry but this stuff gets to me. Play the game or change. If we are gonna CHOSE what mod to be salvaged, think about the economy A LITTLE. Seriously get a grip.. this is just funny to hear that all who have signed dont think of what would happen to the economy. And all players would have the most perfect mods and there wouldnt be anymore "What can I get now
?"Instead there would be boring and no taking chances anymore... "Ah great, I chose this mod" :S
Doesnt that sound rather.. not gw style?
Sorry but I just like this game to much for it to be changed in a radical way like this.
Take some risks.. or at least try to. Already sent recomendation to the team to not change this since it would ruin the economy. Its like buying superior monk runes for 10g each and go make a monk to farm out gw into its last wooden plank.
Thats all for me.

Doesnt that sound rather.. not gw style?
Sorry but I just like this game to much for it to be changed in a radical way like this.
Take some risks.. or at least try to. Already sent recomendation to the team to not change this since it would ruin the economy. Its like buying superior monk runes for 10g each and go make a monk to farm out gw into its last wooden plank.
Thats all for me.
Originally Posted by Nanii
/not signed.. come on guys sorry but this stuff gets to me. Play the game or change. If we are gonna CHOSE what mod to be salvaged, think about the economy A LITTLE. Seriously get a grip.. this is just funny to hear that all who have signed dont think of what would happen to the economy. And all players would have the most perfect mods and there wouldnt be anymore "What can I get now
![]() Doesnt that sound rather.. not gw style? Sorry but I just like this game to much for it to be changed in a radical way like this. Take some risks.. or at least try to. Already sent recomendation to the team to not change this since it would ruin the economy. Its like buying superior monk runes for 10g each and go make a monk to farm out gw into its last wooden plank. Thats all for me. |


you havent lost anything except the 16 gold of an expert salvage.
the rest of the loss is only in your greedy dreams

and yes i have had (before the update) had the only superior vigor turn into the nicestpile of crafting materials
It's your decision to salvage the item for the mod, there should be "some" risk involved in doing so. No one said you had to, you chose to because you wanted to get greedy and sell the mod for 30k, instead of selling the entire weapon for maybe 15k. So you now have 13 wood planks, get over it, move on. One thing i hate about this game is the people who want everything to change because they get a swing of bad luck. Hell, you know how many times ive gotten perfect modded weapons, tried to salvage and end up with 34 iron ingots!!! more than a few. So dont try to appeal to Anet saying "Oh nos.. my 20/20 sundering is gone, help anet" Salvaging is a part of the game. Much like identifying, how would it be if you could pick what you wanted after you identified.. oo now that would be something. If they make this change, i wont be mad, distressed, or even pissed off. Ill live with it, much like how ive lived with losing excellent mods because i wanted to make some extra coin.
It's your decision to salvage the item for the mod, there should be "some" risk involved in doing so. No one said you had to, you chose to because you wanted to get greedy and sell the mod for 30k, instead of selling the entire weapon for maybe 15k. So you now have 13 wood planks, get over it, move on. One thing i hate about this game is the people who want everything to change because they get a swing of bad luck. Hell, you know how many times ive gotten perfect modded weapons, tried to salvage and end up with 34 iron ingots!!! more than a few. So dont try to appeal to Anet saying "Oh nos.. my 20/20 sundering is gone, help anet" Salvaging is a part of the game. Much like identifying, how would it be if you could pick what you wanted after you identified.. oo now that would be something. If they make this change, i wont be mad, distressed, or even pissed off. Ill live with it, much like how ive lived with losing excellent mods because i wanted to make some extra coin.
Some risk = 100 % ? Not for me (30hp sword, 30 hp bow, +5 energy x 2 staff head, 20/20 faxe haft and so on....) I know what i 'lost'.
I think about the economy. What's the problem ? Anet's point of view is obsviously to allow anyone to have perfect equipment.
They did it with runes (almost 100% salvage, and higher ratio drops ex: sup abso). I paid like 55 k for my sup abso. Now it's worth 4k. I don't complain, i feel rather happy for players who could'nt afford it before. Imho, this would be rather benefic for the economy. Cheaper prices = less greedy people spamming WTS for outrageous prices, democratic access to perfect mods and less scam. And who cares about corean/bot farmers to sell their perfect fortitude mod 20k instead of 80 ? Not me.
I think about the economy. What's the problem ? Anet's point of view is obsviously to allow anyone to have perfect equipment.
They did it with runes (almost 100% salvage, and higher ratio drops ex: sup abso). I paid like 55 k for my sup abso. Now it's worth 4k. I don't complain, i feel rather happy for players who could'nt afford it before. Imho, this would be rather benefic for the economy. Cheaper prices = less greedy people spamming WTS for outrageous prices, democratic access to perfect mods and less scam. And who cares about corean/bot farmers to sell their perfect fortitude mod 20k instead of 80 ? Not me.
Originally Posted by hodjeur
Also, sorry for my english if i made some mistakes, i'm french and under the influence of anger. Sad i have to say this because of a video game.
Cya all, i'm going t take a break away from keyboard.... |