Loot auto pickup hotkey?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Is there a way to make your character automatically pick up all the loot in the area? I find this process tedious sometimes. Dungeon Siege had the "Z" key do this. Is there a comparable function in GW?

Also, why doesn't gold get automatically divided between players? What's the point of making someone pick it up?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Cheshire, UK

No, AFAIK there's no key to auto pick up everything. You can auto-pickup individual items with ; space. ; selects the nearest item and space performs default action, which for an item is pick up. Trouble is ; also targets things like signposts

As for the gold thing, don't know, maybe they just like the idea of everything having to be picked up.

Fyre Brand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadowlight Order [SoR]

Well you could ask why would gold just pick itself up and automatically divide itself between people? But really there some times when the battle gets nasty and you aren't able to pick up your items or gold. So that kind of explains a possible reasoning by the Dev Team. If you can't clear the field or don't have time to stop and pick it up (maybe you're in a timed event) then you don't get to keep it. There are definitely times it's not worth it to stop and pick up 90g to divide between 5 to 8 people.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

It makes more sense to me to jaust have everything auto shunt into your inventory as it did in FFxi. When your inventory was full it all went into an overflow for you....when you left the area it prompted you to clear out your overflow or lose items....you could then sorty through what items you wanted to keep.

This would also clear up Lag issues (less things to load and kweep refreshing)

And my biggest pet peeve "Targetting issues" . No I really don't want to shoot arrows at the pile of glittereing dust that my perfered target is standing right on top of, but thanks ^^

Not to mention the times players go aggro a Firestorm of bad a$$ mobs to pick up a plague idol and get us all klled.

Or the pickup spam in the chat window that could be dropped as well. (along with the HoH spam yeah I really don;t need that every 4 seconds. Add a friggin /favor command and then I can see who won last THANKS^^)