Are Keys worth it?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

I was wondering, it is good to purchase keys and use them for treasure chests? So far, I have used keys (about 10 times) and so far got only purple items, and one gold item that was pretty nice. However, I was wondering if it was just a rare event that I got a nice item or that it is worth it to use keys on for chests. For example, is it good to buy 100 keys (it the last areas of the game) and then go to treasure chests and will get good enough items to cover the cost for the keys?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


There's another topic on this on theese fourms, use the search button.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Middle of Space, Corner of No and Where



though some skins can only come from chest's iirc, so pray to the RNG god

i myself have gotten enough nice items to justify getting more keys



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


that is a really good question and a big can of worms.
It all depends on what you have in mind for 'worth'....if you want to find a nice item on your own, if you want to sell gold/purple items for the gold, if you want to get the mods from them, ....
If you are just planning on selling the items to the merchant, then no is your answer; planning on selling them to another player...maybe (depends on mod and item), salvaging, again depends on mod/item etc.
For the most part, in my opinion, no keys are not worth it if you are selling the items to the merchant (the key is usually more expensive than the item you get from the chest)....the others are your discretion.......( I never buy keys, but will use them if they drop---unless you are talking ascalon then the key is worth more than any item from a chest---so I sell those keys back to the merchants)



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

The items you get will rarely be worth the cost of the key. It's like playing the lottery, most of the time you'll lose. That being said it is useful to use keys if you want to unlock mods for PvP.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


In Tyria I always said no.

In Cantha though...From the Faction Area keys, I often atleast break even on a set of keys bought. (like if I spent 6k on 10 keys, I'd atleast make over 6k profit off them).

And theres no harm breaking even - as you are getting the chance at rare stuff, and improving a title ranking.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Last Sacrens


Well ask the perfect low req chaos axe droppers and the constant purple droppers. It really depends dont go to tyria, tyria=wasteland


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Last Sacrens


Well ask the perfect low req chaos axe droppers and the constant purple droppers. It really depends dont go to tyria, tyria=wasteland



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Zui
There's another topic on this on theese fourms, use the search button.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Last Sacrens


Lol lateralus one more thing sorry for the double post its just these forums lag like hell and i get impatient, for i am a man that never gets lag :/



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
Lol lateralus one more thing sorry for the double post its just these forums lag like hell and i get impatient, for i am a man that never gets lag :/
Yeah, whats with all the lag and double posting, Im even seeing double threads...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Fourm search may be disabled, but try replacing the "your-search-text-here" with what you want to search for... Works just the same.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Fourm search may be disabled, but try replacing the "your-search-text-here" with what you want to search for... Works just the same.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

If you're low on cash, then go for it.

The thing with chests is... If it's gold for one person, it's gold for EVERYONE. So just wait for someone else to open the chest. If they get a gold item, then so will you. If they get a purple item, avoid the chest completely.

I made 500k in an hour a week or two back by doing this. Got some nice 15^50 and 15%-5 items, they sold quick.



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

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As most have said, it's not worth it in a purely financial sense.

On the other hand, opening high-end chests does contribute to the Treasure Hunter title (high end meaning Kurzick/Luxon keys or better in Cantha; Shiverpeaks or better in Tyria)

Personally, I love chests. Sure, more often than not they're not worth the key money, but it's like a lucky dip - you just never know what you're gonna get next!

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Dahl
If you're low on cash, then go for it.

The thing with chests is... If it's gold for one person, it's gold for EVERYONE. So just wait for someone else to open the chest. If they get a gold item, then so will you. If they get a purple item, avoid the chest completely.

I made 500k in an hour a week or two back by doing this. Got some nice 15^50 and 15%-5 items, they sold quick.
OK, could you please confirm this. And, I feel somewhat silly for not realizing this. I always thought only one person could open a chest and get the item. You mean, everyone can use a key on a chest and get their own item ?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
OK, could you please confirm this. And, I feel somewhat silly for not realizing this. I always thought only one person could open a chest and get the item. You mean, everyone can use a key on a chest and get their own item ?

regular "locked" chests can be used from anyone once. everyone gets an item provided they use a key on the chest. the quality of the items is determined by quality of the first item dropped -> if the first item is rare/gold, all the rest will be too

hope this helps


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

Where are the chests though "should" yield "great" items. For example, it is obvious that at lower level areas, chests shouldn't put out good items. And that chests at high level areas should (because keys cost more depending on location). Also, are chests in cantha better then they are in tyria?

Young Hero

Young Hero

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005



When you have the means to generate gold, then yes they are worth it.Keys are cheap and can gererate a big sale or perfect mods for your fav skin weapon.
95% of my chest drops get sold to the merch.5% go into my tiny storage/pack mule characters.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

Warriors of Honor and Glory[WHG]

I have to admit I've gotten some good stuff outta chest, but usually I get:

fire staff of x
req.10 water
hrt 20% healing



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

I think you make more money selling the keys that drop for you back to the merchant. Buying a key and opening a chest with it usually yields a loss of money. But if you open enough you might just get lucky, but you need the money to start with. Don't use chests to make money, they are primarily a money sink. But the question was are chests worth it, that's a matter of opinion. If you are looking for a rare skin or mod, chests are a good way of finding it.

The Fallen One

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Vandal Hearts [VH]


Here's my opinion on chests, The only places I usually buy keys for is places like FoW or the Elite missions, if I end up taking time to do them(I'm a primary PvPer so this may be biased by the fact that most of the time I have no more than 20k in my vault). The thing about keys, like someone earlier in the thread says, they're pretty much money sinks, 4 out of 5 chances you're not going to get something good enough to make back the money for that individual key, but if you happen to "win the lottery" with chests, especially those with rare skins, it could easily pay back what you've paid for all of the chests you bought that didn't yield a good result. There's also the part that I enjoy buying keys for chests because for one if you don't have the key you feel you missed an oppertunity that you might have got a great item like a 15^50 req. 8 Zodiac bow or some other great item. That statement is of course in my opinion. It all depends on how much money you have and if you're looking for elite items, how much you can pour in to it before it pays out, and how you're going to use the elite item you're getting later.
I'll give an example although of where it did pay out for me, I had bought some of the obsidion keys for Fissure of Woe and after my whole group had to leave me and the only other guy left went running for chests before we died, when I had picked up my item and ided it, low and behold it was a max dmg req.8 15^50 Shadow Bow, I sold it later for 65k making a profit on those keys of, well I can't remember exactly how many I bought but it did make a profit of at least 40k. This is a case where it can turn out bad, every time I attempt the Urgoz's Warren mission, I never seem to get any of his bows and I haven't yet sold anything but one item to another player, for 20k, I know that I've lost money on this transaction.
So all in all it's really just your choice and your funds that depend on whether or not you want to mess with keys+chests or not.
(Please forgive the essay length of the post, I just try to give everything in one go so that I don't have to mess with it later).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


I always said no but I now have a way of chest-running without really losing gold:

I go outside Zos Shivros Channel with only 3 henchmen (2 monks and the guardian, I am a warrior myself as well), I take a long way around the jade sea, killing all the Rot Wallows/Island Guardians I see. I usually get alot of drops, after killing all the Wallows/Guardians, I roughly have 1,5K.

After that I go to the Merchant standing near the res shrine to buy 2 keys, and go the same way I went to kill Wallows/Guardians again, to open the chests. Most of the time it's crap, so I sell the chest drops again and get another 500/600 gold = enough for a third key (if there isn't a third chest, maybe there is during your next run)

Since I don't really lose gold, it's only a matter of time before I find a nice req 8 15>50 weapon, that I can sell for some quick cash ^^


Join Date: Dec 2005




If you're lucky, yes!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Giggity Giggity Goo

I've been chest running pretty solidly for the last month or so and i find it to be one of the most fun things you can do in gw once you've finished the missions. I don't recommend it unless you have plenty of cash that u can afford to lose. However with so many people buying unids for their title it's hard to lose a lot of money. They key is to always do chest runs in groups. This vastly improves the economics for you since the majority of chests you open will have been tested by another player first to see if it's gold or not. If it's a gold chest, open it, if purple move on. If you open a gold chest and the drop was terrible (ie a caster item), don't id it. Sell it for 600-1k unid and you've broke even or made a profit on that key. If it's a weapon you have a chance of either getting a desirable inherent mod or a mod you can salvage and sell.



Join Date: Dec 2005



out of 1200 Keys 600 Gold Chests i Have Found Nothing I Wanted To Sell


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



In the short run keys are gerernaly not worth it, unless your VERY lucky. But in the long run they ARE. One good drop can get you up to 100k or MUCH more. Plus High end chests count towards a title and so does iding the golds. I have found 3 itmes worth 100k and a couple more worth 50k and several worth 20 to 30k.