Anyway I havent thoyght of any particular skills and so on and I dont have any pictures of it.
But I have never seen any mmorpg have any class like an alchemist, so I thought it was a good idea.
The numbers are completly random and I have not placed to much thought in that section, they are mostely there to give you a little more understanding of the profession
Anyway this is what I had in mind:
The Alchemist uses potions to do dammage and is a ranger/caster type profession..
My thought was to maybe have skills that resembeled to preparations.
ie. Explosive potion preparation:
Cast 15 sec. Hold 120-240 sec. Recharge 20.
While maintaining the explosive preparation you cast explosive potions 100% faster and they are instantly prepared.
Note: The thought about this is that the "skills" are potions that take long time to cast and with the Explosive potion preparation (Not necessary a preparation) all the "skills" that is not a preparation/potion skill but rather a skill in it self wont take as long to cast and wont have long recharge.. But instead of 0 energy cost (as in prepared potion wich cost 25-30 energy for the preparation) they have a normal energy cost as any other skill (like 5/10/15)
And also have an attribute for only the alchemist with a resemblance to expertise/fast casting..
Something like:
Alchemy: Inherit effect, for each point you place in Alchemy your preparation hold time is lengthened by 10% and you cast them 5% faster.
This way the preparations wont take so long and you wont have to reaply the preparation as often. As the alchemy uses potions for attack and so on it will have a low attack power and deffence.
Anyway here are what I have thought of so far.
Alchemy(White potions?)
Explosive preparations(red potions?)
Healing preparations(Blue potions?)
Danger preparations(Green potions?)
Inherit effect. For each point you place in Alchemy your preparation hold time is lengthened by 20 sec, you cast them 5% faster and get +1 potion hold*.
Explosive preparations
No inherit effect. Many Alchemy skills especially those related to dealing damage, become more effective with higher Explosive preparations
Healing preparations
No inherit effect. Many Alchemy skills especially those related to healing, become more effictive with higher healing preparation.
Danger preparations
For each rank in Danger preparations you have, you gain 1% more chance to couse status changes with skills connected to Danger preparations or Explosive preparations and 1% more effective potions**. Many skills especially those related to status changes become more effective with higher Danger preparations.
*My thought (not necessary) when you use a Alchemy skill (not all) you dont use the skill... Instead you use for example a skill called fire potion preparation and when its finished it becomes fire potions with a number..
ie. 10 in Explosive preparations:
Fire potion preparation:
Cast 10 sec (standard, less with high Alchemy)
Recharge 40 sec
Cost 25-30
Prepare 10 fire potions(20 with 10 Alchemy) that deal 55 fire dmg. This skill is easily interrupted.
After this eather the icon changes or there comes "10" on it (wich goes down to 9 when 1 potion is used and so on.) When it reches 0 it becomes Fire potion preparation again. Or some kind of Recharge clock.. Dont really know..
**(More effective = ie. Explosive potion 100 fire dmg = 101 fire dmg. And as for danger preparations:
Poison potion 100 sec poisoned = 101 (Numbers are just an example for the +1%/rank in Danger preparations))
This is just something I started working on...
Alchemy skills are suposed to be something like:
Master of Alchemy: Enchantment. While maintaining this enchantment your potions recharge 20....50% faster.
Iron Arm: Weapon Spell. Target tuched ally gains +10 armor vs physical damage and does +5....14 damage for 5....12 seconds while using meele weapons, but moves 50% slower. When this spell ends ally suffers from weakness for 1....6 seconds.
Explosive skills are suposed to be something like:
Fire potion preparation:
Cast 10 sec (standard, less with high Alchemy)
Recharge 40 sec
Cost 25-30
Potion preparation. Prepare 10 fire potions(20 with 10 Alchemy) that deal 55(Or less dmg but splash to adjusent foes) fire dmg. This skill is easily interrupted.
(Fire potion (Not the preparation) is instant cast (1/4 or 2/4 or 3/4 or 1 sec) and a 1-2 sec recharge.
Power powder: [E]
Cast 2/4
Recharge 10
Cost 10
Potion skill. Throw a power powder potion at foe that deals 1....20 damage. If the foe was using a skill that foe is interupted and has a 1....20% chance to catch fire for 1....20 sec
(If there is higher danger preparation that would give an +1% effect per rank (ie. 10 danger = 10% = 30% chance to begin burning)
Cast 1
Recharge 8
Cost 10
Potion skill. Throw a Napalm potion at target foes location. When the napalm potion hits foe or ground it shatters and does 50....85 fire damage to adjusent foes and they begin to burn for 1....6 seconds.
Healing skills are suposed to be something like:
Erchinamas water preparation:
Cast: 10
Cast: 1/4 (Potion)
Recharge: 95
Recharge: 3 (Potion)
Cost: 20
Cost: 0 (Potion)
Potion preparation. Prepare 1....12 Erchinamas water potions that heal for 10....60 health each.
Cast: 3
Recharge 40
Cost 15
Circle spell. Sacrifice 20% maxhealth to create a Alchemy circle for 5....20 sec. Allies within the circle experience +1....4 regeneration and resive 4....12 hp every 2 second. This spell is easily interupted.
Homunculous [E]
Cast 8
Recharge 20
Cost 25
Spell. Sacrifice all but 20....35% health. Revives target tuched ally in an almost perfect state. Ally revives with 80....100% health and 70....90% energy.
Potion of Antidote
Cast: 12
Cast: 2/4 (Potion)
Recharge 120
Recharge 2 (Potion)
Cost: 30
Cost: 0 (Potion)
Potion preparation. Prepare 1....6 potions of antidote. Cures taget ally from all conditions. This potion has half the range. This skill is easily interupted.
Blessed potion:
Cast: 1
Recharge 20
Cost: 10
Potion. Throw a Blessed potion at target other ally, if the Blessed potion hits 1 hex is removed. If that hex was a necromancer hex target other ally can't be the target of an hex for 20 seconds.
With higher danger peparations ie. 10 you would get +10% effect on the healing = 33 health healed/potion.
Reconstruction is a trap/well spell but instead of using corpse it would be "placed" directly under the caster as a trap.. But larger area ofc. as it otherwise wouldn't be of any use to the allies.
Antidote potion might have a little to low recharge... Coz with 16 alchemy and 14 healing you will get 23 potions of antidote. Wich is kinda much.. But then again they only cures conditions and dont heal at all. So agains lets say apply poison it would just be a waste of time and energy(For the preparation).
Danger preparations skills are suposed to be something like:
Sticky potion: Potion. Throw a potion containing a stick liquid at taget foe. If the foe was moving while hit by the sticky liquid it gets slowed by 33%.
Glass Vial:
Cast: 1
Recharge 3
Cost: 10
Spell. Create a empty glass vial and throw it at tager foe. If it hits, that foe experience bleeding and becomes weakened for 1....14 sec.
Corroding liquid
Potion. Throw a potion containing a Corroding liquid at target foe. If the Corroding liquid hits target foe that foe experience -60 armor for 2....12 seconds. This potion has half the range and has a 40....25% chance to miss. (note: this might be overpowered.. Thats why I added the % chance to miss.)
Poisonous liquid
Cast 10
Recharge 20
Cost 15
Preparation. Add Poisonous liquid to other explosion potion preparations. When using a prepared explosion potion preparation it ads poison to target hit foe.
As Danger preparation gives effect +1% inherit effect it works somewhat like divine favor for monks... Maybe the +1% effect should be on alchemy and something from alchemy should go to danger preparations for it to be more balanced..
What do you guys think? Any sugestions? Well everything is welcome

Erchinama is just some random name i come up with ^^
Like Jamais gaze and so on

Also excuse me for my bad spelling :P