(This image has not been changed in any way)
Anyone think they can get more? If so place a screenshot of your candles here. You get the candles from a quest in the Pre-Searing.
Brother Gilburt
Candle Challenge
Mr D J
There was a screenie somewhere of guild hall full of these candles like 750 of them... probably near last page ^^
You got boared and did this to? Its stupid but amusing...
They had a pic of a necro with tons of candles dropped on the ground of a guild hall(not "your" hall, but the one canthan ambassadors take you to. Looked like a ritual of some sort.
It's a quest item for a pre searing quest in the catacombs. You get the quest from the Female Necro whos standing inside the little cathedral. Just get the quest, drop the candles and talk to her again, just repeat until you have as many candles as you want.
Funk Master Snuggs
You guys must have never seen what happened when i got bored...
I took more pictures, but I found this one to be the best.
I took more pictures, but I found this one to be the best.
Originally Posted by Funk Master Snuggs
You guys must have never seen what happened when i got bored...
I took more pictures, but I found this one to be the best. The only good use for starter items.
I took more pictures, but I found this one to be the best. The only good use for starter items.
Brother Gilburt
Brother Gilburt