Skill Pins (Arenanets Getaway?)
Skill pins, the cheap little item arenanet subsitutes for prizes for their contests. I mean people want in-game prizes such as items, titles, capes or even out of game prizes such as keyboards and Posters. Instead though Arenanet gives you the most abnormal and queerish item they could think of! Little skill pins... Sure you know Arenanet doesnt even have to give prizes or contests but if you do, make contests give something that is rewarding and not some dinky little pin.
Terra Xin
um... you do realise that if you were a winner of that competition, your fame is engraved in a cape that thousands of people will use. I prefer real fame over game fame any day.
Olfin Bedwere
I didn`t enter the contest to win a prize. If I want that I`ll go on Price Is Right. I enter to have a chance at getting something I design in a game. The rest is just frosting.
Originally Posted by Olfin Bedwere
I didn`t enter the contest to win a prize. If I want that I`ll go on Price Is Right. I enter to have a chance at getting something I design in a game. The rest is just frosting.
Terra Xin
"another waste of a buck collectable fad"
wait... wait that's not what I meant!@!
well... would you have prefered nothing at all, and just the recognition, you agree that fame is by far more important... nothing else really matters
wait... wait that's not what I meant!@!
well... would you have prefered nothing at all, and just the recognition, you agree that fame is by far more important... nothing else really matters
Originally Posted by samifly
I like the pins. Its about time we get some real merchandise. Pins are small. They are easy to produce and people collect them.
Why are you complaining? How can something like this possibly warrant a worthless thread?
Why are you complaining? How can something like this possibly warrant a worthless thread?
Originally Posted by lyra_song
I like the pins. Its about time we get some real merchandise. Pins are small. They are easy to produce and people collect them.
Why are you complaining? How can something like this possibly warrant a worthless thread? |

Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
Anet is pretty good at creating ideas for their games and merchandise but what the hell are you suppose to do with a skill pin I mean I got enough in game
![]() |
Pins sell very well. If you went to a rock concert, and you had a choice between a $30 shirt, or a $5 pin, Which would you get?
Olfin Bedwere
Originally Posted by lyra_song
You put it with the rest of your pins .-.
Pins sell very well. If you went to a rock concert, and you had a choice between a $30 shirt, or a $5 pin, Which would you get? |
maybe you forgot how awesome some skill icons look? i wouldnt care if i got a skill pin or not for a prize but i sure as heck wouldnt decline it. i said it awhile ago, i want a rigor mortis skill pin!!!!
Collectable thingies are always cool

I heard that the Oscar statuettes are worth around $100. What did you expect for winning in some silly computer game "tournament" ?
Arkyn sei
I thin they are quite cool, also stops players boasting about their "special" cape they won in a competition.
Young Hero
SO "pins" are actually pins,something you needle on a piece of clothing?
I though they were a pin number that you can add to your accout for something cool.Wow that is lame.
I though they were a pin number that you can add to your accout for something cool.Wow that is lame.
Originally Posted by Young Hero
SO "pins" are actually pins,something you needle on a piece of clothing?
I though they were a pin number that you can add to your accout for something cool.Wow that is lame. |
Yes its a PIN. A thing you wear. Like these.
They need a Mending Pin. :0 I would so buy one if they did.
those are cool.
So does it come in Spiteful Spirit? And Illusionary Weapon?
Cuz all I ever see are the AotL and CS pins
Cuz all I ever see are the AotL and CS pins
They are not widely available, and their rarity gives them value. Besides that, ANet never promised any prize beyond the entries making it ingame IIRC.
I'm saying they could actually do something here just besides giving you a little pin that you put on your shirt. Perhaps it has a code on the back and you enter it in and you get that skill without having to cap it from a boss?
Young Hero
Originally Posted by Sanji
They need a Mending Pin. :0 I would so buy one if they did.

Don Zardeone
They should at least given a basket or something like that.
A box with a plushe little charr in it, some devourer shaped cakes and little Jalis Iron hammer cookies.
And a bottle of Dwarven Ale.
Oo, oo, and a poster with Gaile Gray on it while she's wearing a cape with your logo!!
A box with a plushe little charr in it, some devourer shaped cakes and little Jalis Iron hammer cookies.
And a bottle of Dwarven Ale.
Oo, oo, and a poster with Gaile Gray on it while she's wearing a cape with your logo!!
I want an Area of Displacement skill pin. It would be great while I try to steal everything. Shadow step in, grab item, shadow step out. Brilliant.
If I'd have a mending pin I would stick it to my t-shirt and start running around downtown with lightsaber.
Originally Posted by ShazBo
So does it come in Spiteful Spirit? And Illusionary Weapon?
Cuz all I ever see are the AotL and CS pins |
Lord Dark Genie
Did you ever see AotL in a tournament O_o
Doesn't mean they used it.. They picked it as their favorite skill.
You just busted your own point.
Stigmata Arta
Are they badges? The things you 'pin' to your clothes? Do Americans just call them pins?!
Sir Skullcrasher
I like these pins, it like a collector items that you can get for winning these contests that a-net have. Althought, i won't mind if we get different prizes such as in-game items or even custom titles for you character.
Young Hero
Originally Posted by Stigmata Arta
Are they badges? The things you 'pin' to your clothes? Do Americans just call them pins?!
Wierd |
Phoenix Avenger
has anyone ever worn these pins outside in public? i swear to god people will either look at you in the strangest way or just flat out laugh at you. if I ever got a skill pin it would go in my closet for a VERY long time... or i'd give it to a homeless guy for a short laugh....
either way, I agree with the OP
either way, I agree with the OP
Heh, just check out your nearest punk, I'm sure he's got lots of pins from his/her favorite bands, and if he/she happens to also like guildwars, maybe one or two of those. Dare you to laugh

Phoenix Avenger
I would definetly laugh if I saw a punk wear a guild wars pin. I mean come on... Wearing a pin showing that you are a fan of a band is a far cry from wearing a pin showing that you are a nerd.
Sounds like we got a self-hating nerd on our hands. :P
Seriously, though, Phoenix, while wearing a Skill Pin is pretty dorky, it's not like posting on a video game fansite forum is that far away in terms of geekery.
Seriously, though, Phoenix, while wearing a Skill Pin is pretty dorky, it's not like posting on a video game fansite forum is that far away in terms of geekery.
Phoenix Avenger
My only question to you then, is this: would YOU wear a skill pin in public?
PS: I dont hate nerds. Otherwise I would hate myself
PS: I dont hate nerds. Otherwise I would hate myself

I would stick it on a lanyard or something like that.
So who actually wears any type of pin in real life?
And... in order for someone to recognise you're wearing a mending pin, wouldn't they have to play gw too? and wouldn't that mean they don't hate you for it?
I like the idea of skill pins as collectors items
And... in order for someone to recognise you're wearing a mending pin, wouldn't they have to play gw too? and wouldn't that mean they don't hate you for it?
I like the idea of skill pins as collectors items