Hi all info needed please :)
my time on wow is now over. And it didnt end in the friendly way it should have.. So im now looking for a new game. After some research ( 4 hrs at wrk lol) it seems Guild Wars might be my next purchase. I learnt the hard way with wow so any info on GW's good or bad would be very much appriciated.
One thing i want to ask is, I see there is a Guilds War and then Guilds War Factions. Do i need both games to play it or can i just buy Guilds War Factions ?
Again thanks in advance for any info i get.. :0)
One thing i want to ask is, I see there is a Guilds War and then Guilds War Factions. Do i need both games to play it or can i just buy Guilds War Factions ?
Again thanks in advance for any info i get.. :0)
Fred Kiwi
i think most people are going to say get the original because there's more content, but there aren't many people there to do quests with (as a rule i'd say only do missions and important quests with people) but I can't see the population rising later
Well all the info you need you can find here
click here
and on this site to
You don't need both games, GuildWars factions is a standalone, but if you want to be very competitive in the PvP aspect of the game, its better offcourse to be able to have all the skills in the game but its not necessary
If you come from WoW, you will find the PvE aspect of the game very fast but imo the mixture between PvE and PvP is in this game just the best I've ever seen.
I hope this helped a bit
click here
and on this site to
You don't need both games, GuildWars factions is a standalone, but if you want to be very competitive in the PvP aspect of the game, its better offcourse to be able to have all the skills in the game but its not necessary
If you come from WoW, you will find the PvE aspect of the game very fast but imo the mixture between PvE and PvP is in this game just the best I've ever seen.
I hope this helped a bit

Originally Posted by Fred Kiwi
i think most people are going to say get the original because there's more content, but there aren't many people there to do quests with (as a rule i'd say only do missions and important quests with people) but I can't see the population rising later
Yes, the original game had more area BUT imo cantha is 500 times cooler, its alot more dense and the story is waaay better.
Terra Xin
I for one would like to say
"Welcome to Guild Wars. Thank you for your defection^^"
Yeah. Anet says that you dont gain a 'real' advantage but just a wider range of skills.... We say, any advantage is an advantage full stop. Enjoy the game^^
Incorrect. Cantha has more content. People just enjoy rushing the game just like they did prophecies
I for one would like to say
"Welcome to Guild Wars. Thank you for your defection^^"
Yeah. Anet says that you dont gain a 'real' advantage but just a wider range of skills.... We say, any advantage is an advantage full stop. Enjoy the game^^
Incorrect. Cantha has more content. People just enjoy rushing the game just like they did prophecies
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
I for one would like to say "Welcome to Guild Wars. Thank you for your defection^^" Yeah. Anet says that you dont gain a 'real' advantage but just a wider range of skills.... We say, any advantage is an advantage full stop. Enjoy the game^^ Incorrect. Cantha has more content. People just enjoy rushing the game just like they did prophecies |
Don't buy Factions, buy Chapter 1 if you really have to.
No it doesn't, it has more fedex quests per square kilometer but fedex quests aren't content, they are the filler that keeps you from finishing the storyline in 2 days (perfectly attainable).
Incorrect. Cantha has more content. People just enjoy rushing the game just like they did prophecies |
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by Overnite
No it doesn't, it has more fedex quests per square kilometer but fedex quests aren't content, they are the filler that keeps you from finishing the storyline in 2 days (perfectly attainable).
Not 100% sure whats been said here what with fedex quests hehe .. ill just buy them both that way ive got it all.. thanks for all the replies..
Originally Posted by Overnite
they are the filler that keeps you from finishing the storyline in 2 days (perfectly attainable).
Originally Posted by Rathcail
Hmm, 2 days. Sounds just about the same duration it took me to complete Prophecies by doing only primary quests and missions.
Don Zardeone
imo there's more content in factions.
Imo, all the old ascalon and kryta stuff is too low level. THe only thing that is replayable in Prophecies are fow, uw, maybe fire isles, sf and eh, maybe, just maybe: s shivs.
In factions it's fow, uw, luxon side, kurzick side, canthan side.
IMO The shing jea island for factions is the same as everything up to THK for prophecies.
Imo, all the old ascalon and kryta stuff is too low level. THe only thing that is replayable in Prophecies are fow, uw, maybe fire isles, sf and eh, maybe, just maybe: s shivs.
In factions it's fow, uw, luxon side, kurzick side, canthan side.
IMO The shing jea island for factions is the same as everything up to THK for prophecies.
The Real Roy Keane
Originally Posted by jummeth
QFT, I think I have about 60 unfinished quests so far /swt
Hey Shark... I played WoW for like 4 weeks and basicaly i thought it sucked compared to GW...
If you enjoyed pvp for WoW wait to be blown away with GW pvp
If you enjoyed pvp for WoW wait to be blown away with GW pvp
Well for one GW doesnt have a monthly fee ^^
You can have both Guild Wars and Guild Wars: Factions, but if your only purchasing one atm get Guild Wars. It has more of a tutorial place, and its not as hard as factions.
You can have both Guild Wars and Guild Wars: Factions, but if your only purchasing one atm get Guild Wars. It has more of a tutorial place, and its not as hard as factions.
Count to Potato
Advice for u, dont be mad that at beginning everything is too expensive, be glad, its was much more expensive before factions came out
Originally Posted by Don Zardeone
imo there's more content in factions.
Imo, all the old ascalon and kryta stuff is too low level. THe only thing that is replayable in Prophecies are fow, uw, maybe fire isles, sf and eh, maybe, just maybe: s shivs. In factions it's fow, uw, luxon side, kurzick side, canthan side. IMO The shing jea island for factions is the same as everything up to THK for prophecies. |
I personally am disappointed from Factions, the plot is even worse than Prophecies, and sorry, but if the quests suck, no matter how many there are, the whole thing isnt that exciting..
get both chapters if you could

Well I played WoW for around 10 months 2 months after release. And after getting to the end-game, after a while it was such a bore I couldn't stand it, and I got GW a bit after I quite.
I'll try to give you a comparison type thing.
First off, GW isn't a one world type game, everything is instanced. Exept for towns and outposts.
The Good:
No competing for spawns, no ganking, no harassing by other players, etc.
The Bad:
Not near as much player interaction, you can't just walk by and see people farming or questing and such. Or people can't come and give you a hand mid-way though a zone, you would have to leave pick them up and restart.
In GW is quite different that WoW, like most things in GW it's based on your skills, and the skills your character has. Also, you can only have 8 skills on your bar at once, where in WoW you could have anything and everything on your bar at once.
The Good:
Like I said before, it's much more skill based, so a lot of the time it's not as much how high a level you are, or what armor you have, it's how well you can play. Personally this is what I like about GW the most. Also, classes have singular roles in WoW, in GW your class can do whatever you want, within reason of corse. Here is a good example. http://guildwars.gameamp.com/guide/viewGuides just take a look though all the guides, and you can see for your self. Some are good some are bad and some just suck, but the thing is you can make....going out on a limb here and saying millions of builds, with hundreds (thousands even?) of skills.
Also there is no huge raids or anything of the sort, I happen to really like that, as raids in WoW where just bore-you-to-death grinds. The biggest group you will be in for PvE is 8 and I believe elite mission is factions is 12? Also the end-game type zones, Underworld and Fissure of Woe, are a challenge for the most part. I happen to like to 2 man, but to explain that I would have to type a lot, and I believe there is a good explanation n this site about "55"ing
The Bad:
You never get the "I am a god" kinda feeling you got on WoW when you have a full raid geared character, but I don't miss it that much. It's easier, not that, that is such a bad thing, but I've always like things a bit difficult, for a challenge ya know. Where in GW it's kinda easy, at least for the first part of the game. Factions is a bit harder, but not by a lot.
A lot of the same thing applies here as with the PvE, much more skill bases etc. As well as it's all instanced, in factions you can fight for control of certain areas with if you win enough. There is a lot more on that on the GW main site I'm sure.
The Good:
Like before, skill based! No level 60 "Uber" tier 14 raid equipped guy gona come up and ass-rape you while you are farming/questing, or in battlegrounds. Kinda odd coming from someone who was one of them for a time, haha. Even though I was never one to gank lower levels unless they made me. Anyway, it all revolves around your abilities and how you use them.
The Bad:
No world PvP of any sort, as the entire game is instanced. But I suppose you could look at it, as it ALL is world PvP as the world is instanced. :P But then from what I have heard (from friends) world PvP doesn't happen much in WoW either even though it has been some time since BGs where released.
I hope that helps, if you have any more questions just ask, I may or my not see them though. :P
I'll try to give you a comparison type thing.
First off, GW isn't a one world type game, everything is instanced. Exept for towns and outposts.
The Good:
No competing for spawns, no ganking, no harassing by other players, etc.
The Bad:
Not near as much player interaction, you can't just walk by and see people farming or questing and such. Or people can't come and give you a hand mid-way though a zone, you would have to leave pick them up and restart.
In GW is quite different that WoW, like most things in GW it's based on your skills, and the skills your character has. Also, you can only have 8 skills on your bar at once, where in WoW you could have anything and everything on your bar at once.
The Good:
Like I said before, it's much more skill based, so a lot of the time it's not as much how high a level you are, or what armor you have, it's how well you can play. Personally this is what I like about GW the most. Also, classes have singular roles in WoW, in GW your class can do whatever you want, within reason of corse. Here is a good example. http://guildwars.gameamp.com/guide/viewGuides just take a look though all the guides, and you can see for your self. Some are good some are bad and some just suck, but the thing is you can make....going out on a limb here and saying millions of builds, with hundreds (thousands even?) of skills.
Also there is no huge raids or anything of the sort, I happen to really like that, as raids in WoW where just bore-you-to-death grinds. The biggest group you will be in for PvE is 8 and I believe elite mission is factions is 12? Also the end-game type zones, Underworld and Fissure of Woe, are a challenge for the most part. I happen to like to 2 man, but to explain that I would have to type a lot, and I believe there is a good explanation n this site about "55"ing
The Bad:
You never get the "I am a god" kinda feeling you got on WoW when you have a full raid geared character, but I don't miss it that much. It's easier, not that, that is such a bad thing, but I've always like things a bit difficult, for a challenge ya know. Where in GW it's kinda easy, at least for the first part of the game. Factions is a bit harder, but not by a lot.
A lot of the same thing applies here as with the PvE, much more skill bases etc. As well as it's all instanced, in factions you can fight for control of certain areas with if you win enough. There is a lot more on that on the GW main site I'm sure.
The Good:
Like before, skill based! No level 60 "Uber" tier 14 raid equipped guy gona come up and ass-rape you while you are farming/questing, or in battlegrounds. Kinda odd coming from someone who was one of them for a time, haha. Even though I was never one to gank lower levels unless they made me. Anyway, it all revolves around your abilities and how you use them.
The Bad:
No world PvP of any sort, as the entire game is instanced. But I suppose you could look at it, as it ALL is world PvP as the world is instanced. :P But then from what I have heard (from friends) world PvP doesn't happen much in WoW either even though it has been some time since BGs where released.
I hope that helps, if you have any more questions just ask, I may or my not see them though. :P
A really short summary of this comparison I overheard in town the other day.
GW - "3D" Diablo
WoW - A real MMO
'nuff said
GW - "3D" Diablo
WoW - A real MMO
'nuff said
Zaxan Razor
Prophecies has more low level content and may be a better way to get introduced into the style of play. Even some very experienced guildies found Factions quite challenging at the start.
Factions has alot more high level content, but both are great games
Factions has alot more high level content, but both are great games

Originally Posted by generik
A really short summary of this comparison I overheard in town the other day.
GW - "3D" Diablo WoW - A real MMO 'nuff said |
Rakeris gave u a good outline of the game but i feel like adding more details.
i've played gw for more than 1 year and i've got both prohecies and factions. personally i would reccomend you to get both to experience the game properly.
prophecies is good both as pvp and as pve but if u don't combine it with factions u'll be missing out on many character skills which may bother u a lot in the long run. if u ever decide to pvp, having access to all skills is a must.
the guild wars world is instanced, except in towns. once u go out, you only have your party members or henchmen. max lvl is 20 and it's easy to reach. you also have a lot of flexibility with ur skills and all characters can chose any secondary profession. there is NO pk in pve, ppl can't attack eachother. i will explain pvp later in my post.
armors and items
this is really different from other games. gw promotes personnal skill, not farming!! the only thing that makes an item or an armor expensive it the skin, NOT the stats. basically u pay more if u want ur character to look better (that's also subjective, based of ur opinion of looks). so an armor that costs 1.5k, will have the exact same stats as the armor which costs 15k.
Quests and missions
in pve you can chose to quest with other ppl or you can take the henchmen available. it's reccomended to quest with ppl because humans are supposed to be smarter. gw is designed to be a TEAM game. it's almose impossible to do something alone. i don't like this aspect of the game but i got used to it.
some ppl are real assholes, sometimes it's difficult to make a team because if sum1 does not do their job, the mission fails most of the time.
there is no better profession in gw. each character has its place so u'll never be the 'god' of something. most of the times when i quest i try to just take the henchmen because i'm lazy to look for goo, patient ppl.
in gw, you can pvp only in the pvp areas. the pvp areas are organised arenas were u can chose to just go in and get partied with 3 other random ppl or you can go in different arenas were you can chose the ppl in your team. the maximum team allowed at the moment is 8 ppl and you will be faced with another team of 8 ppl.
you can go pvp with your pve character but it's reccomended to just create a pvp character that's automatically lvl 20 and has access to all items.
the real deal about pvp
except the random arena, it's very organised. since the game is out for a long time, old pvp players have an elitist attitude and for good reason most of the time.
if u can get way with a poorly organised party in pve, in pvp u can't. the teamplay makes the different between victory and defeat. it is reccomended to use a voice program (vent or teamspeak). it's very frustrating to start to pvp, u'll get the impression that nobody wants u in their party coz ur're not ranked. it's recomended to start pvp with your guildmates or friends and not with random ppl.
from my experience, once u get to meet nice ppl in pvp, it's becomes fun! it's rewarding to win a game based on your personal skill combined with the whole teamwork.
in gw, u can join a guild or create your own. basically a guild is a group of ppl that play together more. it's meant to prvide a place were u can always meet the same ppl. in factions u can also have allaience with other guilds.
u can also do gvg. it's a type of pvp combat were 8 of your guild mates will fight 8 ppl from another guild. winning gets u a better guild rank.
i've played gw for more than 1 year and i've got both prohecies and factions. personally i would reccomend you to get both to experience the game properly.
prophecies is good both as pvp and as pve but if u don't combine it with factions u'll be missing out on many character skills which may bother u a lot in the long run. if u ever decide to pvp, having access to all skills is a must.
the guild wars world is instanced, except in towns. once u go out, you only have your party members or henchmen. max lvl is 20 and it's easy to reach. you also have a lot of flexibility with ur skills and all characters can chose any secondary profession. there is NO pk in pve, ppl can't attack eachother. i will explain pvp later in my post.
armors and items
this is really different from other games. gw promotes personnal skill, not farming!! the only thing that makes an item or an armor expensive it the skin, NOT the stats. basically u pay more if u want ur character to look better (that's also subjective, based of ur opinion of looks). so an armor that costs 1.5k, will have the exact same stats as the armor which costs 15k.
Quests and missions
in pve you can chose to quest with other ppl or you can take the henchmen available. it's reccomended to quest with ppl because humans are supposed to be smarter. gw is designed to be a TEAM game. it's almose impossible to do something alone. i don't like this aspect of the game but i got used to it.
some ppl are real assholes, sometimes it's difficult to make a team because if sum1 does not do their job, the mission fails most of the time.
there is no better profession in gw. each character has its place so u'll never be the 'god' of something. most of the times when i quest i try to just take the henchmen because i'm lazy to look for goo, patient ppl.
in gw, you can pvp only in the pvp areas. the pvp areas are organised arenas were u can chose to just go in and get partied with 3 other random ppl or you can go in different arenas were you can chose the ppl in your team. the maximum team allowed at the moment is 8 ppl and you will be faced with another team of 8 ppl.
you can go pvp with your pve character but it's reccomended to just create a pvp character that's automatically lvl 20 and has access to all items.
the real deal about pvp
except the random arena, it's very organised. since the game is out for a long time, old pvp players have an elitist attitude and for good reason most of the time.
if u can get way with a poorly organised party in pve, in pvp u can't. the teamplay makes the different between victory and defeat. it is reccomended to use a voice program (vent or teamspeak). it's very frustrating to start to pvp, u'll get the impression that nobody wants u in their party coz ur're not ranked. it's recomended to start pvp with your guildmates or friends and not with random ppl.
from my experience, once u get to meet nice ppl in pvp, it's becomes fun! it's rewarding to win a game based on your personal skill combined with the whole teamwork.
in gw, u can join a guild or create your own. basically a guild is a group of ppl that play together more. it's meant to prvide a place were u can always meet the same ppl. in factions u can also have allaience with other guilds.
u can also do gvg. it's a type of pvp combat were 8 of your guild mates will fight 8 ppl from another guild. winning gets u a better guild rank.