The Martyr is essentially a combination of the necromancer and the monk. It has the necromancer’s concept of health sacrifice, and the monk’s concept of helping its allies. Put together, the Martyr is a fragile but powerful spirit caster that can keep many allies alive … at a terrible cost to itself.
Primary Attribute: Hardiness
For each point in Hardiness, you sacrifice 1% less health using your skills, and you gain 2% more base health points.
My Gift To You {E}: Spells cast by target other ally cost 50% less energy (rounded down). Whenever target ally casts a spell, you lose energy equal to half its energy cost (rounded up). My Gift To You ends if your health is below 50%.
Maintained Enchantment
10 energy. 1 second cast time. 10 second recharge. -1 energy regeneration.
Blood to Blood: For 10 seconds, if target other ally suffers from health degeneration, that ally gains that much health regeneration, and you suffer twice the degeneration that ally would have suffered.
5 energy. ¼ second cast time. 2 second recharge.
Ultimate Sacrifice {E}: Lose all enchantments. You lose all your hitpoints. Each other dead ally is resurrected to 100% hitpoints and 0% energy. the actual range of this spell is the same as that of IWAY
10 energy. 6 second cast time. 30 second recharge.
Inner Light: For every point of health degeneration you have, you gain 2 hp and for every point of energy degeneration you have, you gain 1 energy.
5 energy. 1 second cast time. 5 second recharge.
Attribute: Spirit
Soul to Soul: For 10 seconds, if target other ally suffers from energy degeneration, that ally gains that much energy regeneration, and you suffer twice the degeneration that ally would have suffered.
5 energy. ¼ second cast time. 2 second recharge.
Soul Barrier: Whenever target other ally would lose energy due to an enemy skill, that ally does not lose energy, and you lose energy equal to the amount that ally would have lost.
Maintained Enchantment
5 energy. 1 second cast time. 5 second recharge.
Sorrow’s Companion {E}: For each ally in your area that is suffering from a hex or condition, you lose 4 health and 2 energy, and each ally in your area is cured of a random hex and condition.
5 energy, ½ second cast time, 12 second recharge.
Attribute: Body
Hearts Entwined: For 5…20…24 seconds, if target other ally would take damage greater than 10% of their maximum health, they take damage equal to 10% of their maximum health, and you take damage equal to the excess.
10 energy, ¼ second cast time. 5 second recharge.
Blood Brothers: For 1…5…7 seconds, if target other ally would sacrifice health, that ally sacrifices half that health and you sacrifice health equal to the amount of health that ally didn’t sacrifice.
15 energy, 1 second cast time, 2 second recharge.
Heart to the Soul: Heal target other ally for 35…151…190 health. You lose 35…151…190 health.
5 energy, ¼ second cast time, 5 second recharge.
Share the Pain {E}: Sacrifice 10% health. For 1…5…7 seconds, whenever you would sacrifice health, target foe sacrifices half that health for you.
Hex Spell
10 energy, 2 second cast time, 5 second recharge.
Attribute: Mind
Borrowed Discipline: For 5…10…15 seconds, all your skills are easily interrupted, and target ally can’t be interrupted.
5 energy, 2 second cast time, 5 second recharge.
Borrowed Stability: For 5…10…15 seconds, whenever you are struck by an attack, you are knocked down, and target ally cannot be knocked down.
5 energy, 2 second cast time, 5 second recharge.
Flagbearer {E}: For 5…15…18 seconds, all spells that target allies in the area target you instead. This is an elite skill.
15 energy, 1 second cast time, 45 second recharge.
Yes. I am aware that Flagbearer is very comboable with Spellbreaker. I designed it that way. Nyah.
Ease the Pain: Transfer all hexes from target ally to yourself. You lose 55…31 health for each mesmer hex transferred.
10 energy, 2 second cast time, 10 second recharge.
Concept Class - The Martyr
Lord Ertihan
I like it....Its would be a fun class to play. However, alot of theese skills would unbalence Alot. such as blood to blood ---> inner light combo. It would be good energy management for any class. I would like to see this put in, but it wouldn't. Maybe though, no idea is a bad idea
Ventius Hozza
I think its great, doesnt seem too overpowered atm and lives up to it's name, unlike other concept classes. I certainly think that ANet should consider something similar to this and I can really see some nice synergy with other classes, i.e - bonder + soul to soul ether prod ele. Flagbearer looks a little on the overpowered side however, i mean a global SB? wow.
good work though, Im loving the idea
good work though, Im loving the idea
Very nice. Much more well written than many other concept class out there, and seem unique enough. Might try to give it an attack line of skill as well so it round out more. Kudos
i rly like this concept. could be very fun to play and it it well thought out.
Warrior Lisa
Yea, i like it Nice idea.
A combination of Necromancer and Monk is Ritualist.
Serves grenth, summons spirits of the dead primarily for defensive purposes, has sacrificing heals, and overall revovles around support though he is very simular to Necromancer in alignment.
However good the idea is, it needs a new identidy.
Serves grenth, summons spirits of the dead primarily for defensive purposes, has sacrificing heals, and overall revovles around support though he is very simular to Necromancer in alignment.
However good the idea is, it needs a new identidy.