Party leader text should have a unique blue color...
Party leader text should have a unique blue color in team chat...
It's about making it easy to see leader commands in battle...
Also would be helpful to allow the leader to rearrange the party list directly within the party list...
It's about making it easy to see leader commands in battle...
Also would be helpful to allow the leader to rearrange the party list directly within the party list...
Works for me
Chicken Ftw
Simple, yet ftw.
Pretty sad if you cant move your eyes a couple of centimeters to look who's leader.
Pretty sad if you cant move your eyes a couple of centimeters to look who's leader.
See above post for reasons.
See above post for reasons.
It's about making it easy to see leader commands in battle...
If you say /notsigned thats pretty lame... It couldn't hurt so why not?
Originally Posted by Nevin
If you say /notsigned thats pretty lame... It couldn't hurt so why not?

Uh, if you have some jerk drawing circles all over the map, it kinda writes over the important stuff the party leader is drawing. If the party leader were a designated color, other than everyone drawing in white, you'd still be able to see the party leader's drawings through the jerk's interference. Handy for when you decide not to rez the wandering whammo and he decides to ruin the map for the rest of the mission to try and make you start over.
/signed to make party leader's map drawings a unique color
/signed to make party leader's map drawings a unique color
Party leader and leader or not always synonomous. The party leader my be good at getting the group together, ended up being leader by chance, or whatever, but there may be a party member who does the calling.
Ok, the stated suggestion was for text color in team chat. The OP did not mention, nor even elude to doing anything with the minimap.
It may be lame, which was part of my /notsigned. It is also not needed. If the group you're in needs to have the party leader's text be a different color so they can do it, odds are they're not going to do what he's saying anyway. It's really not that hard to figure out who the party leader is.
In addition, this would give all those 12-year old kids who make PUGs a gigantic ego boost, they could then claim how "1337" they are because they have special text, and this would likely give them insentive to spam in team chat...
It may be lame, which was part of my /notsigned. It is also not needed. If the group you're in needs to have the party leader's text be a different color so they can do it, odds are they're not going to do what he's saying anyway. It's really not that hard to figure out who the party leader is.
In addition, this would give all those 12-year old kids who make PUGs a gigantic ego boost, they could then claim how "1337" they are because they have special text, and this would likely give them insentive to spam in team chat...
It truely is not needed. If the groups dont pay attention now, why would they just because the "leader" has a different color text.
It would be nice if we all got our own color to draw on the map with though. We can assign a numerical value to each person based on where there are on the list(makes healing easier). It should be pretty simple for anet to make each numerical value have a certain color when drawing on the minimap. It isn't really needed, but it would be very nice to be able to tell just who is drawing on the map.
EDIT: The values are already there in PvP. There is a number next to everyones name based on their position in the group, 1-8.
It would be nice if we all got our own color to draw on the map with though. We can assign a numerical value to each person based on where there are on the list(makes healing easier). It should be pretty simple for anet to make each numerical value have a certain color when drawing on the minimap. It isn't really needed, but it would be very nice to be able to tell just who is drawing on the map.
EDIT: The values are already there in PvP. There is a number next to everyones name based on their position in the group, 1-8.
Terra Xin
For everyone who did the /notsigned, I agree with you all. (yes i did read!!)
For everyone who did the /notsigned, I agree with you all. (yes i did read!!)
Dougal Kronik
Just use the other channels based on what your role is.
Leader on Team
Healers on Trade
Caller on All
Or whatever you want.
Leader on Team
Healers on Trade
Caller on All
Or whatever you want.
Making it easier to recognize the leaders communications is a good thing. It'll make the good leaders better. Hopefully it'll make the bad leaders more evident, too.
Making it easier to recognize the leaders communications is a good thing. It'll make the good leaders better. Hopefully it'll make the bad leaders more evident, too.
A party leader is necessarily the most qualified to run the mission, and even then, its about working together, not taking commands just because he invited sumbody first.
A party leader is necessarily the most qualified to run the mission, and even then, its about working together, not taking commands just because he invited sumbody first.
its about making leader text easier to locate in battle...
Kool Pajamas
Many times in my groups the one that put the team together isnt the one that is actually leading the group.
Many times in my groups the one that put the team together isnt the one that is actually leading the group.
Originally Posted by TsunamiZ
its about making leader text easier to locate in battle...
Anyway, /signed. It's a simple thing, stupid to some, but I think it would be a good addition. I say along with that addition, have it possible to 'relieve' your leader role to another teammate at any time. Also, this blue text needs to not be visible in towns/outposts. Would get annoying.
This and the other thing I mention would actually make the leader role more important and mean something other than just getting together a team. Makes sense to me in a team-oriented game.
Also would be helpful to allow the leader to rearrange the party list directly within the party list...
i dont wanna be in a team with a leader, who think that he is the king of the world, just becouse he's text is darken than our
i dont wanna be in a team with a leader, who think that he is the king of the world, just becouse he's text is darken than our
...And what if the leader is a total n00b, so say the second person takes over and starts issuing commands? looks a bit silly then doesn't it?
/not signed.
/not signed.
I applaud your efforts, but do you really think people will listen anyway?
There should never be one "leader" in a group. The guy who made the group does not neccessarily know everything. If a group of 4 guilides join a PUG, I'm not going to listen to the PUG leader like he is god, but instead ask one of my more experienced guildies (like a guy I know with 14 characters) or my guild leader who has over 3 million exp on his monk for tips.
I think the very concept is flawed. Groups work best when there is a contribution of ideas and strategies for completing the objectives, especially in PvP.
There should never be one "leader" in a group. The guy who made the group does not neccessarily know everything. If a group of 4 guilides join a PUG, I'm not going to listen to the PUG leader like he is god, but instead ask one of my more experienced guildies (like a guy I know with 14 characters) or my guild leader who has over 3 million exp on his monk for tips.
I think the very concept is flawed. Groups work best when there is a contribution of ideas and strategies for completing the objectives, especially in PvP.