Should I give up?
Im one of the unfortunate few still left who are still running on 56k *GASP* Its simply because broadband is not avaliable in my area. Anyway I have been having so much lag with guildwars lately that I cannot even connect to the server anymore
Before factions I could connect easily and I never had any lag or problems. Should I put the game away untill I do move or is there anything I could do to help the situation?

Hmm, I'm not really sure if there's anything you can really do about that. There might be some registry tweaks that could improve the performance of your dial up connection. I think you're still going to have a lot of lag however if connected. I haven't used dial-up in a long time, maybe somebody else has an idea.
Factions increased the community size a good bit, and even those if us with broadband have undergone a lot of network lag in the past month. And it affects both games, since the worlds are connected. If you can bide the time by playing an offline game of some sorts until you get hi-speed, I'd suggest it. Dial-up is hell. I visited my friends in the boonies this past weekend and just loading webpages was driving me insane. I remember when that was all I had. I would DIE before going back.
I have no problem playing with dial-up, just get the occassional lag spike. As long as you have a decent graphics card it shouldn't be too bad. Not sure why your having trouble connecting.
I see satellite broadband in your future,you dont even need a phone line for it,check with your local providers or directly with hughes.
I would help you more,but i Live in Mexico, and I dont know much about dealers in america.
Also you can search direcway on Ebay
I would help you more,but i Live in Mexico, and I dont know much about dealers in america.
Also you can search direcway on Ebay
Takeko Nakano
I wouldn't bother wasting your time if you have dialup. If you're living by yourself you could always move. Otherwise pressure the company that deals with extending broadband to extend it to your area. Write to your local politican, etc.
I think its a server issue, I have a cable modem and have been playing since the beta days, since Factions was released I get more lag now than ever, and in the last 2-3 days, I can't even connect sometimes and some maps won't load, it just hangs and freezes up.
Oh well I suppose ill have to go find a good one player game to play untill I can get a better connection. Mabye if there was an option that I could select that would log my characters in to a district with less or no people in id be fine (It runs well if I go to a district where there are no people) since I dont play with randoms anyway. Hmm I might go post this on the ideas section.
That Warrior Guyy
well if ya give up can i have your money =P j/k
not sure what you can do... all i can think up is a good graphics card
not sure what you can do... all i can think up is a good graphics card
Mister Overhill
I don't have dial-up, but used to get around lag by jumping to an international zone where there were few people. Worth a try maybe.
just wait or move
Yeah probably your best bet is to get into internation channels asap, and Im on DSL, however ive still had troubles connecting since Factions was realeased. Maybe wait a week or so, and try again to see?
so much lag with guildwars lately that I cannot even connect to the server anymore
To all of you saying he needs a new Graphics Card, no...if he can't even 'connect' to the server anymore, it's a network issue on ArenaNet or his ISP's side. Probably ANet as the majority of people are complaining about lag here.
But since the Factions release, the community has vastly grown. Therefore using up more bandwidth, resources etc.
To all of you saying he needs a new Graphics Card, no...if he can't even 'connect' to the server anymore, it's a network issue on ArenaNet or his ISP's side. Probably ANet as the majority of people are complaining about lag here.
But since the Factions release, the community has vastly grown. Therefore using up more bandwidth, resources etc.
Bandwidth != latency. 56k modem should be fine, but sounds like your ISP has other issues.
The 56k connection by itself wouldn't cause such a bit problem with connecting to GW's servers, especially if it used to work.
I remember once, before Factions came out, I was having horrible latancy issues with the server similar to what you describe (I just couldn't connect...and I'm using a cable modem) and it ended up being an issue with Windows. I wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Windows and the problem completely vanished. If you have a way to back up all of your important data (i.e. an external/secondary hard drive) I highly recommend reformatting and reinstalling Windows.
I remember once, before Factions came out, I was having horrible latancy issues with the server similar to what you describe (I just couldn't connect...and I'm using a cable modem) and it ended up being an issue with Windows. I wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Windows and the problem completely vanished. If you have a way to back up all of your important data (i.e. an external/secondary hard drive) I highly recommend reformatting and reinstalling Windows.
Originally Posted by Ubernoob
Should I put the game away untill I do move or is there anything I could do to help the situation?
i want to say no don't give up. but yes your going to have more of a headach then fun.
Can't believe noone said it: contact support. They might be able to help you.
I tried the international district which actually worked because I managed to connect at 1 in the morning so everyone must have been off. BUT after I log out again it puts me back to American districts... and the problem starts all over again and i dont really want to play at 1 in the morning since I cant play with my friends. Oh and I have a PCI-E 6800gt so i dont think its my graphics card. Its also not my Windows because I actually tried reformatting it and nothing changed. Also I live in New Zealand and our wireless connections are somewhat... Outdated...
Cassie McKnight
I'm having similar problems on 56k.
Do you get disconnected from the net and have to redail in costing you money? I do it's costing me a fortune.
I do get in tho sometimes.
They don't care tho, we are just too small of a percentage.
Do you get disconnected from the net and have to redail in costing you money? I do it's costing me a fortune.
I do get in tho sometimes.
They don't care tho, we are just too small of a percentage.