Where 55's are born and trained...
Rex the Unloving
there you go, the birth, and the... process training? whatever lol.
bringer di morte
Obey Conform Work
That realy is quite freaky. All identical...
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by makosi
That realy is quite freaky. All identical...
Bots do everything, even create character. That's why they are identical. lol
Bots? Sure not just ppl without imagination?
Thats what they want you to think, im not falling for it.
yeah, I've seen that when I would run people to drok's. About a month ago that would be like every other group, and the 'leader' would pay for all of them. It was kind of creepy, because the rest of the time they would just sit there, I was a noob and thought they were all just stoned and were pretending to be nazis in guild wars or something
Rex the Unloving
Originally Posted by germy
yeah, I've seen that when I would run people to drok's. About a month ago that would be like every other group, and the 'leader' would pay for all of them. It was kind of creepy, because the rest of the time they would just sit there, I was a noob and thought they were all just stoned and were pretending to be nazis in guild wars or something
never thought about it like that....... whatever lol
LiQuId StEeL
I remember seeing complete rings at every spawn in Copperhammer int1... all bots waiting to get to to Granite to cap SoJ
Scared the shit outa me
Scared the shit outa me
teh bots =.=
That IS freaky...makes you think of all those Sci-Fi movies involving Aliens...
Riken Chrono
nothign now search aroud kid 50 billion threads on this exact same thing. go figure k?
Across The Battle
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
Threads: 179,640, Posts: 1,418,686, Members: 78,875
Now shh.
Rex the Unloving
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
nothign now search aroud kid 50 billion threads on this exact same thing. go figure k?
well you can find the threads about it, but i brought you guys the screenshot chillout man...
Blind Rage
they are trying to solve the bergen hotsprings murder mystery.
Cyan The Archer
One of the monks dont have a head tatoo! Must be the rookie >_<
Claire Wolf
-insert creepy background music-
Riken Chrono
umm there are screenshots dude you go search a bit more k??
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
umm there are screenshots dude you go search a bit more k??
Wow your bein a real ass...its a big hit so just let it go.
Btw, LOL this is good stuff but it does remind me of alien...there head shape i guess lol. |