Show Off Your Fabulous Cape Or ... Not.
Originally Posted by lambda the great
I wonder if it's the same person?
it is, silent's pve warrior is Electron Theory, the different colors are just caused by the fact that in the first picture he's grouped (cape turns blue), while in the second it has the original pink color
Originally Posted by E l k
I've seen great capes out there! But then again, other people need /serious/ fashion help. I'd rather shove onions in my eyes then look at my screen! It's terrible. x_x So, I'm just having a bit of fun with screenies today. Here's mine!
My weapon's sorts poking through there, but it's Ghostly, it shouldn't be a problem. And sorry if it's too dark. I just ran outside the Wilds and snapped a shot. Now go on, your turn. Capes can't hurt, eh?
How do you get the pattern around the edge of your cape? Ive looked through the Cape maker guy, but cant find that dragon trype border thats around your cape!
My weapon's sorts poking through there, but it's Ghostly, it shouldn't be a problem. And sorry if it's too dark. I just ran outside the Wilds and snapped a shot. Now go on, your turn. Capes can't hurt, eh?
How do you get the pattern around the edge of your cape? Ive looked through the Cape maker guy, but cant find that dragon trype border thats around your cape!
Originally Posted by pegase
not mine but xD
I want one of these! :'( Top ranked guilds, start inviting me!
I want one of these! :'( Top ranked guilds, start inviting me!
Originally Posted by Markrids
How do you get the pattern around the edge of your cape? Ive looked through the Cape maker guy, but cant find that dragon trype border thats around your cape!
Its the bonus trim for guilds ranked 2-16 (or something along those lines) at the end of a season or tournament (or something along THOSE lines).
The first place gets a gold trim (like the picture in the post before mine)
The first place gets a gold trim (like the picture in the post before mine)
Originally Posted by lambda the great
I wonder if it's the same person? Looks liek my SS is when they had pink as their backgroudn color.. or maybe it's just from Being in HA
allways in inter-1 ^^
allways in inter-1 ^^
The Jade Sea Cape
Darth Marth
Here's the one from my current guild, Angel-Sharks:
Yeah, I prefer my old guild's cape.
Yeah, I prefer my old guild's cape.