Lots to reply to here. The general reaction wasn't quite as negative as I'd expected. I won't respond to each and every point, but rather to those that seem like legitimate points to consider, regardless of tone.
To Fitz Rinley
What prevents me from giving everyone a negative rating just because I want to mess up the system?
Nothing. But consider, if you go around givng negative ratings to everyone, that will very slightly lower the overall ratings and not really affect the system. It's a bit like saying, "what if I went on all these presidential polling sites and said I had strong negative feelings about all candidates." The answer is not much would happen because you are just one vote of many. Some people will rate harsher and some less harsh. It's not perfect, but it is far less subject to abuse than you imply.
This would violate privacy I believe. While public embarassment has been used successfully in some cultures as a means of behavioral management, it is not generally promoted where I live under fear of being sued for *emotional distress.* All it takes is for one parent to sue...
I'll leave aside the irony of your arguing to protect people from emotional distress by doing nothing to curtail in-game verbal abuse.
If privacy is really a concern, and I'm not convinced of that, people can be given a toggle to choose to display or not display their "reputation." People forming groups can take a person's unwillingness to make that public into consideration.
You really like sine and cosign dont you? The number of bell curves in your calculation are mounting. They may need a Cray to keep up with it.
Actually not. There is a mathematical concept called
exponential smoothing that makes the computations trivial.
Logical, if and only if no one shares an account.
I think you make a good point here. Probably both ratings should apply to characters rather than accounts. This would allow players to be Jekyll and Hyde if they chose, too. (I don't rule out the fact that some players will want to cultivate bad-boy personas.) It would also allow a player to make a fresh start on a new character. (I apologize in advance for the cultural reference, Jekyll and Hyde, above. Confused multiculturalists are invited to use Google.)
Or we can just add in vote kick.
There is a logical fallacy called the
false choice which you engage in here. ANet may choose to implement my system, add the ability to kick, or both or neither. One doesn't preclude the other.
On the subject of the kicking, I believe that is subject to far more abuse than my proposal. I've not read the forums on this idea, but I can imagine an unscrupulous group of friends, vote-kicking all the "suckers" they invited when they get to the point in a mission where all the greens drop.
To Verlas Ho'Esta
Thank you for your support.
To Thom
See previous comments on kicking.
To felinette
And what's to stop the jerk from rating you and everyone else low, even if you didn't do anything?
Nothing. But let's expand your scenario a bit. Suppose a group of 8 has one angry-at-the-world old woman heaping abuse on one poor player and 6 people trying to calm the situation down so they can all complete the mission with some degree of fun. A few of the other players suggest she calm down only to bring on the fury of this unhinged player. She's mad at the rest of the group and says she's going to poor-rate everyone. Well, if you're one of the other 7 and you know or suspect that this will happen, all 7 of you are going to poor-rate her and will likely high-rate each other in defense. You overestimate the ability of the out-of-control person to hurt other players. I don't think this is a serious concern.
As far as henchies go, if you hench, it shouldn't affect your rating at all. How can someone be rated when they essentially soloed the mission or quest?
The point of this part of the proposal was to give a poorly rated player a chance to improve his or her score in some constructive fashion. Think of it as community service. As I said, this can only get you out of the gutter and won't bring you down if you have a positive score.
Can't see this working--you're relying on the guys you'd rate low to act maturely. What are the chances?
Actually, I only
hope that people straighten up after some damage to their reputation. I would never rely on it. Any person's self-improvement is ultimately up to them alone. What this system gives me (or new players who haven't gotten into a strong guild yet) is a way to avoid these players in the first place.
And how would you rate skill? Monks would probably be rated low if there were a number of deaths, even if it wasn't their fault, and vice versa--rated high if not many deaths, even though it was the skill of the individual players that achieved that. And do you honestly think most peeps could rate how much the mesmer on their team contributed? Most don't even know what skills a mesmer has, let alone if they're using them intelligently. And I can't count the number of times I've been in a PUG when someone else is thanked for something another player did. An MM can contribute a lot to a mission and because of that, would probably be rated highly, but how much skill is actually involved?
I've done the Tomb of Primeval Kings many, many times. Regardless of my personal skill, sometimes my groups rock and sometimes they wipe/disband. Quite often my nec is singled out for compliments. Usually my Ranger is ignored, unless I'm pulling, in which case I get compliments or grief (not the greatest puller). I'm sure my nec would be better thought of in general than my ranger skillwise. I'm new to monking and I shudder to think what people might say about my abilities there.
My point is that you will sometimes get unfair ratings, or some character types may have inherent advantages over others. Pity poor assassins. I maintain that's all good. People are intelligent. They will know Assassins are going to as a class come up short against Nec's, but if you're looking for an Assassin, you'll take that bias into consideration. Maybe a Nec will have to have a 4.5 to be really considered strong, but a 2.5 'Sin will be sought after. These things have a way or working out over time.
Finally, remember that I said you'd need to be in a group with people for 20 minutes (or have completed a mission) before the ability to rate someone even became possible. For, quickly disintegrating teams, no harm no foul. Most of your ratings would come from successful runs.
To Overnite
What did you play before ?
I played WOW on the PVE servers. There was a totally different vibe there which I prefer (the vibe, not the game), and I may return to. Good riddance, I'm sure some would say. However, there's a lot in Guildwars I really admire, and I'm impressed overall with what ANet is trying to do, so I'm sure I'll be haunting Tyria and Cantha for some time. Also, fundamentally I'm a cheap person,

To fiery
I stopped readying after the 13 year old remark, playing Guild Wars for a LONG time I have seen these "annoying players" range from 11-56, and yes older men can be complete asses.
That's unfortunate. I never meant to imply that only young people are immature and only older people are mature.
To shardfenix
Will there be 2 different attitudes for pvp?
I want one title for how iway thinks of me, and another title for how good players think of me.
I'm really more of a PVE player than a PVP, so I can't be sure. I think in PVP, it's rather more acceptable to abuse your opponents and such. I'm open to input from others, but in general I intended this to apply to PVE.