TMI, Jamei
Kai Ying appears to be jealous.
I hope Cynn will never hear that...
Mr D J
lol ^^ so it's over now... no wounder she doesn't want to heal him anymore
Francis Demeules
TMI indeed.
Originally Posted by Aurora Vicious
I hope Cynn will never hear that...
Shit, IF she heard that, Jamei will be all but Ashes
....maybe good for Ritualist after all
[Being Wild was Jamei]
Shit, IF she heard that, Jamei will be all but Ashes
....maybe good for Ritualist after all
[Being Wild was Jamei]
The Son Of Morgoth
O la la. It sure is a jungle out there isnt it
wow... I'm gonna go tell Cynn just for giggles.
Cynn drops an Ashes of Wild Jamei
Chicken Ftw
Originally Posted by Asplode
Cynn drops an Ashes of Wild Jamei
I lol'd. Asp ftw.
I want a ritualist item spell that exploits corpses and makes ashes depending on the class of the character's corpse >_>
I'm still looking for a Farmer was Kago urn..
"Farmer was ----" would have to be the most awesome ritualist spells ever. like all 55 effects instantly.
Ventius Hozza
I wish ANet spent more time making them good monks than building a silly background innuendo around them... -_-
Blind Rage
i have used these and names, and i think they'd make awesome skills
"Retarded Was Alesia"
effect: all Party members in the area suffer from hernia's and brain anneurism's .Go back to ascalon, do not save tyria, do not bother repeating mission.
"Pwned Was Rurik"
effect: Induces special cutscene with rurik trapped in snow, the words "FINISH HIM!" appear on screen, then Dagnar executes his move and the words "FATALITY!" appear on screen. cutscene ends, all party members in the area burst out in laughter and cheers of joy. Tyria is made a better place.
well thats mine, please dont steal my names, i use them for pvp chars.
thanks :P
"Retarded Was Alesia"
effect: all Party members in the area suffer from hernia's and brain anneurism's .Go back to ascalon, do not save tyria, do not bother repeating mission.
"Pwned Was Rurik"
effect: Induces special cutscene with rurik trapped in snow, the words "FINISH HIM!" appear on screen, then Dagnar executes his move and the words "FATALITY!" appear on screen. cutscene ends, all party members in the area burst out in laughter and cheers of joy. Tyria is made a better place.
well thats mine, please dont steal my names, i use them for pvp chars.
thanks :P
Guardian of the Light
Well the Earth Henchie once said "a firestorm can only make your face look pretty" so...
"Nerfed was Advantages"
Hold Nerfing Ashes for up to (10...55) seconds. When you drop the ashes, all party members skill bars are replaced with Pacifism, and all drops become white Grawl Gears.
Hold Nerfing Ashes for up to (10...55) seconds. When you drop the ashes, all party members skill bars are replaced with Pacifism, and all drops become white Grawl Gears.
rofl @_@
Originally Posted by Blind Rage
"Pwned Was Rurik"
effect: Induces special cutscene with rurik trapped in snow, the words "FINISH HIM!" appear on screen, then Dagnar executes his move and the words "FATALITY!" appear on screen. cutscene ends, all party members in the area burst out in laughter and cheers of joy. Tyria is made a better place. That one made me laugh.
Ahh, Mortal Kombat... those were the days. I miss my aching thumbs.
effect: Induces special cutscene with rurik trapped in snow, the words "FINISH HIM!" appear on screen, then Dagnar executes his move and the words "FATALITY!" appear on screen. cutscene ends, all party members in the area burst out in laughter and cheers of joy. Tyria is made a better place. That one made me laugh.
Ahh, Mortal Kombat... those were the days. I miss my aching thumbs.