So I dropped a unid gold celestial shield not too long ago, and am now struggling with wether or not I should I.D. it. Do unid things sell for any good price?
I ask because I'm scared to go through with it. I always get the crappiest mods on items which could potentially be worth something.
Would I even be able to sell it unid?
To Identify, Or Not To Identify, That Is The Question...
Whether or not you ID something is more of a moral question than a financial one, I should think. Most of the prolific un-IDed sellers already know that their items are total crap (and yes you can find out without IDing it) and are simply ripping off the unsuspecting. If Anet removed the ability to find out an item's stats without identifying it, those people would simply go away, much to everyone's benefit. They'd be too scared NOT to identify every gold item they got.
If it's a crap shield, then selling it unidentified will get you a little more than the merchant price. If it's an awesome shield, then identifying it first will make you a TON more than selling it un-IDed. That's the gamble you take if you're an honest seller of unidentified items.
If it's a crap shield, then selling it unidentified will get you a little more than the merchant price. If it's an awesome shield, then identifying it first will make you a TON more than selling it un-IDed. That's the gamble you take if you're an honest seller of unidentified items.
Have you tried testing it? Shield mods have fairly simple conditions(stanced,hexed, enchanted, etc.), and the damage reduction on shields reduces everything, so stand next to a Symbol of Wrath(Shiverpeak Griffons) or a Balthazar's Aura(Scuttlefish, Jade Sea). I can't stand selling, myself, good luck with that.
can you elaborate on that finding out?
Im not trying to scam I swear... I'd like to know however.
Im not trying to scam I swear... I'd like to know however.
For myself I would never buy anything unid'd, I want to know what I am paying for. But there are those poeple out there that will buy them for the unlocks.
Equip it even if unidentified you can see if it has an fortitude mod or not.
Cool, bad programing, but cool nonetheless. Thanks.
I decided to be fair and ID it, it has +27 health! I think its worth the 3k I paid for it.
How much do you think I can get for it?
How much do you think I can get for it?
Retribution X
Really depends on the req. Go to the P/C forum for a P/C.
I traded it, Xuenko's daggers, a non-max +30 hp (lenghtens bleeding) plaugeborn rescuver, and a superior fast-cast for 5 amber. I figure I did well. Maybe not gp per gp equal, but to me it is since I need amber.