Adrenaline Problem


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


I am a Warrior and heavily depend on adrenaline skills for my Axe attacks. I use Cleave (elite), Executioner Strike, and Penetrating Blow frequently while maintaining Balthazar's Spirit to quickly regain my adrenaline. I have had problems in some areas where my adrenaline skills stop charging completely. They don't even begin to charge anymore for some reason. At this time, I usually become a battering ram.

Has anyone else had this problem?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Often, the skills still charge as normal, you simply can't see that they're charged. A glitch.

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Do you have any hexes on you that prevent you from gaining adrenaline ???



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Like Kakumei said, sometimes the display on the skills doesn't show them as charging up but if you use them you will see they still function. It is hard to know when they are ready when this happens, but you can still get by, especially with those skills you mentioned.

I've only seen this a few times myself, but I play a variety of characters so warrior is very part time for me.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


The skills do not appear to be working either. Hexes are not involved unless they last for a multitude of minutes (and they don't...). I click on the skills to use them even though they are not properly lighting. When using Balthazar's Spirit, Cleave activates pretty quick (requires only 4 adrenaline), and I don't seem to get response for the skill. Anyways, its just a pain sometimes. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hitting something crazy like Ctrl-A that was disabling Adrenaline without knowing it....


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


eh.. for balthazars spirit you first need to get hit before gaining adrenaline, maybe that's the problem

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


It could either be that you are prevented from gaining adren in some way or that it is not displaying. If it is the latter, use your skills anyways.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

You may be facing an opponent that has Sympathetic Visage on them. If so, you're losing your adrenaline every time you hit them. Easy way to tell is if you're losing 3 energy every time you (or another ally close by) hit your opponent.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006


Thanks for the info guys. I'm a tank in the middle of everything hitting and taking damage. I tend to lean heavily on the adrenaline skills to speed the battle and that is difficult when you don't get the light indicators.
I couldn't say for sure about the Sympathetic Visage comment. That may appear sparatically, but the times I'm talking about, the adrenaline stops accumulating and never reappears in a particular missio or outing. Once I return to town and then start a new mission or outing, the adrenaline skills seem to work fine again.
It's not very often, but I wanted to see if this was happening to anyone else.
Hoping mostly that I wasn't incidentally disabling adrenaline somehow....


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


I have had this happen in Prophecies a few times, but not in Factions yet,
seemed like it always happened when I was in FOW, I think certain areas
of the game are more buggy then others, like ToPK, lots of glitching
toons under bridges annd stuff, espcially when running in the middle of
the minnion herd.