1. if i do not disable my soundcard when i load up gw, gw will eventually freeze and a high pitched sound will come from the speakers (sort of like a television test signal). i tried uninstalling my soundblaster x-fi, reinstalling the drivers, downgrading to a 5.1 live card, etc....no dice. interestingly enough, the comp has frozen in the same manner when i watch movies on my computer, although the incidence is MUCH less. basically, if i leave the audio card enabled, gw is a guaranteed crash, while watching movies, i might crash every 2 weeks or so maybe.
2. sometimes, connection to gw will get cut. when i minimize to desktop and peek at my wireless info, it says it has a very good connection, connected to internet, etc...but even if i try to access a webpage, the internet will essentially be "frozen." this problem goes away in like 30 seconds, but whenever it happens while i'm playing gw, it's a guaranteed boot to the login screen, which really sucks when i'm pvping or when i'm in some place like HoH or SF.
3. sometimes, my card will disconnect and have to reconnect to the router and internet...this is a deadly problem in pvp, but not as bad in pve, since this is probably the only problem i have that is recoverable. i just wait like 15 seconds and then i'm good to go again. i use a netgear rangemax WPN824 (has all these blinky blue lights) and a rangemax WPN311 adapter which supposedly are made for each other, but this stuff happens a lot.
4. lastly, i often get these long periods of incredible lag where it takes sometimes 5 or more seconds for a skill i pressed to even resolve on the screen. also during this period, i warp around on the map, kind of like rubberbanding around objects.
if anyone can help shed some light on the issue, i'd be really grateful. it's extra annoying, since before factions, i played GW perfectly on this very computer (albeit with a cable connection to my router, not wireless). now, if i'm not lagging out, i'm getting a freeze crash.