Ok so im in elona reach, home of the bots, and i just get a nice gold longsword req. 8. Some guy says hes interested and he takes a look. After a long time he says lemme get storage so you can Identify it. Well i say no thnx im sellin it unid...."
(pic killed)
Oh and I Identified the sword because of no sale. Its in auction if your interested. Pretty nice if i do say so myself ^_~
Hey! If your sellin an item Unid your a scammer! T__T
Not bad
Originally Posted by captainccc
Ok so im in elona reach, home of the bots, and i just get a nice gold longsword req. 8. Some guy says hes interested and he takes a look. After a long time he says lemme get storage so you can Identify it. Well i say no thnx im sellin it unid...."
(pic killed)
Oh and I Identified the sword because of no sale. Its in auction if your interested. Pretty nice if i do say so myself ^_~
wow ill buy unid weapons from you anyday
(pic killed)
Oh and I Identified the sword because of no sale. Its in auction if your interested. Pretty nice if i do say so myself ^_~
wow ill buy unid weapons from you anyday
Mr D J
You forgot to blank out his name in PM box lol
Oh, heh. I didn't notice that the first time I looked at the post. A name like that would belong to a douche bag now wouldn't it?
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Oh, heh. I didn't notice that the first time I looked at the post. A name like that would belong to a douche bag now wouldn't it?
Lmao ya, @Dj, sorry but o well everyone already seen it
@MMS, tanks ^_^ and ill sell you unid items anyday xD
@MMS, tanks ^_^ and ill sell you unid items anyday xD
Vahn Roi
I always ID my drops, moreso for the sake of my own curiousity than anything else :]
He probably called you a scammer because most people who sell unid have a good idea of what the mods on the weapon are (hence the low prices). You can tell what the mods on an item are before ID'ing it by equipping it and trying it out.
Originally Posted by clarianaeneas
He probably called you a scammer because most people who sell unid have a good idea of what the mods on the weapon are (hence the low prices). You can tell what the mods on an item are before ID'ing it by equipping it and trying it out.
For some reason i HIGHLY dought that. He wanted me to travel to amoon oasis with him because he need to get something out of storage. I was like wtf theres a storage in every outpost mission and town. He just didnt know why ppl buy unids which is to unlock mods.