Celestial skill glitch or just bad luck?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

i am doing the raisu palace mission right now and i have noticed something strange about the celestial skill for the assassin. the skill says that for 10 secs every time you or someone near you hits a target, that a "celestial being" is supposed to spawn to help kill your enemies. ive used this skill sseveral times, as i have not completed mission yet, and every time i get 1 and if im lucky 2 "celestial beings". i dont know how this is possible since its my sin +2 or 3 tanks nailing the enemy and i should be getting all 6 "celestial beings". is this a glitch that nayone else has noticed or am i just really unlucky???



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


Same thing with me. Ive only ever got 1 and no one else on my team has got any at all!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

globally warmed england

the discarnate

it might work on physical damage only, I don't know, my barrage ranger enjoyed the many golems even if they were desperately shortlived.

The necro celestial summon does seem bugged though, sometimes summoning a new one kills the old one (and I wasn't at my 10 minion limit), sometimes it doesn't, most I've had was 3 at one time but they stood idle away from the fight


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

i dont think its physical damage because the skill says "hits an opponnent". so that means hitting the opponnent no matter what the dmg type, but either way my damage was physical.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


i only get oneor 2, the first time i used it i also had a minion control of 1 for the rest of the mission, which was odd as an A/Mo to be controlling a minion, lol.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


I dont remember very well, but it says that for 10 seconds every time your party hits an opponent, a minion will raise, but with a max of 6 minions... so if a warrior hit somethin 2 times, an assassin others 2 times, and a ranger other 2 times, each will have 2 minions...


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by sotodefonk
I dont remember very well, but it says that for 10 seconds every time your party hits an opponent, a minion will raise, but with a max of 6 minions... so if a warrior hit somethin 2 times, an assassin others 2 times, and a ranger other 2 times, each will have 2 minions...
That's correct and the answer to the OP's question. Within those 10 seconds you can get a max of 6 minions for your whole party.