Im having this weird error which is not letting me play GW its called Code=058 who else is having this error or had it?
ecto bomb
Im also getting this code/error! Your not alone.
i was also getting it earlier today, i just checked back and i'm able to get on. i'm not really sure what happened(or if i did anything), but i spent about 2 hours combing support sites. unfortunately, nothing i found really helped me. i guess it just worked itself out.
and..its not working any more
ecto bomb
Okay the code=058 Problem went away, but now i'm getting Code=005 problem. What's going on!?
same here dude i reinstalled my guild wars and can now login but i cant get into any cities cause of error 5.
I'm having the identical problem. At about 9 o'clock (am) ET I was booted by error 058. Then, at 3:27 pm I was allowed to log back on. ALmost immediately the charcter locked, unable to move forward in any direction (but still able to pivot and all other commands worked perfectly). ABout ten seconds later, I was booted with error code 5 and now cannot log back on. If anyone can help -- even if that just means informing me that A-nets servers are having problems -- I would be marvelously happy. Plus my little brother's driving me crazy begging to play.
the same thing happened to me, i got back on, then i got that wierd lag where you can open menus and turn around but you can't move. i just got back on though, see how long it lasts this time
Sai Rith
Me to. Sometimes I DID get in,but when I go to observer mode,it boots meo ut and syas Code=058.
ecto bomb
Alright it stopped for me, if you still have some problems..All i can say is wait it out.