Concept Class: Cuckoo.
Baldrick Turnip
Have the ability to disable and take the place of a member of the opposing team for a limited time period with main spell and cast spells to the determent of that team. Not thought out the finer points yet but I guess this could work well.
I can imagine exactly how it would work. You take control of an enemy infuser, infuse someone with full health and let your team kill you. Or just take a Monk and sit there.
Considering it'd be useless in PvE also..
wouldn't be very useful in PvE and would be way over powered in PvP. People have made suggestions loike this where you can force enemies to do certain things or take control of them all together. This wouldn't be fair or fun if done in PvP. It would unbalence the game and make certain parts to easy.
Brother Gilburt
Brother Gilburt