Won't let me on, no reason.
Fattest Of The Fat
For some reason I can't figure out, the game just will not let me downlaod the new patch and play the game. Its not my spam blockers and stuff, I know that. A picture is attached. My connection is obviously fine becuase I'm on the internet to post this. Any idea of what this might be?
Could check your firewall settings and make sure GW.exe is allowed to access the internet.
I could be way off by this but I was reading about there network maintenance, times were either now or maybe it was earlier. Whether that's contributing though I'm not sure unfortunatly.
Cassie McKnight
I think the Network maintanance is affecting me
, I must be one of the "small percentage", hope it's done soon

I haven't been able to log in today. I get the "connecting..." window which will time out after a while, as if my internet cable isn't attached...
Surfing the web seems to be just fine though. Also guildwars.exe is not blocked by my firewall.
I could log in yesterday and although I lagged out at some point, it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now...also I haven't made any significant changes to the system soft- or hardware since yesterday
I tried several times and only succeeded in getting to the character selection screen just once, but was never able to fully log in.
I hope it's just the maintenance thing and it'll be over tomorrow
Surfing the web seems to be just fine though. Also guildwars.exe is not blocked by my firewall.
I could log in yesterday and although I lagged out at some point, it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now...also I haven't made any significant changes to the system soft- or hardware since yesterday
I tried several times and only succeeded in getting to the character selection screen just once, but was never able to fully log in.
I hope it's just the maintenance thing and it'll be over tomorrow
Yeah, I'm having the same trouble. Playing E-mail tag with GW-Support right now.
I just suddenly errored out of the game, and now no matter what character i try to log into, it just sits at 0%.... very annoying.