I'm sure we have all had the experience of one random jerk leeching off of the prowess of a well rounded team, only to be rewarded with a completed mission (while he takes a nap

It could run much like the /Namepet, but instead you would type for example: /Eject Person's Name. Nothing would take effect until the entire party types the command (sort of a way of voting people off) much like /resign. This way, you can deal with a leech, or someone attempting to scam or otherwise dis-service their party.
A simple counter to some jerk trying to steal your drops by ejecting you can easily be done as well. Say you and person X are in Pre-searing, you kill some lvl1 skeleton and he drops a Black Dye

This is just an idea, I'm sure there can be a lot of ways to argue for or against it. But please, let me know what you think